04/1981 Senior News U �
Fridley Senior News
Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 . 3450
Katherine Evanoff April 1 WED. , APRIL 1 - Sr. Slim, 10:30 a. n.
Sylvester McFarland April 1 THURS. , APRIL 2 - CCC, 1:00. Growing Old
Edna Ask April 3 In America, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Margaret Lindeman April 4
Bennet Sorum April 5 TUES. , APRIL 7 - BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS, 10:30
Bill Adair April 6 SR. MEETING, 7:00 p.m.
Clara Gram April 6 WED. , APRIL 8 - Sr. Slim, 10:30 a.M.
Gen Kielty April 6
Delpha Almy April 7 THURS. , APRIL 9 - CCC, 1:00, Growing Old
Berce Sessing April 7 In America, 7:30-- 99:30 p.m.
Marjorie Bloom April 8 MW , APRIL 13 - Candy Making, 9:33 - 11:30
Agnes Kavchar April 9
Elizabeth Beal April 10 TUES. , APRIL 14 - Tennis Instruction, 1:00
Loren Fuder April 11 WED. , APRIL 15 - Lr. Slim, 10:30
Mabel Laursen April 11
Myrtle Rapp April 12 THURS. , APRIL 16 - CCC, 1 :00. Growing Old
Ellen Harvey April 15 In America, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Advanced
Mable Erickson April 16 Needlepoint, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. BLOOD
Brother Mark LaMont April 16 PRESSURE TESTS, 12:30. TRIP: Chanhassen
Laura Dallman April 20 I Do! I Do!"
Faye Benjamin April 21 MON. , APRIL 20 - Candy Making, 9:30 - 11:30
Bernice Briesemeister April 24 -
Opal Peterson April 25 TUES. , APRIL 21 - Tennis Instruction, 1:00
Ethel Grassini April 27 SR. MEETING, 1:00
Merle Micek April 27 WED. , APRIL 22 - Sr. Slim, 10:30 a.m.
Boyd Armstrong April 28 TRIP: Minneapolis Art Institute, "The
Vi Ellis April 28 Vikings".
Lida Robidoux April 29
Sadie Mensinger April 30 THURS. , APRIL 23 - CCC, 1:00, Growing Old
In America, 7:30 - 9:30 p�m. Advanced
SR. MEETINGS Needlepoint, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
APRIL 7 - The April Business Meeting will TUES. , APRIL 28 - Tennis Instruction,
convene at 7:00 p.m. , at the Fridley United WED. , APRIL 29 - Sr. Slim, 10:30
Methodist Church. The entertainment will
be the Fridley High School Barber Shop Quartct. THURS,, , APRIL 30 - CCC, 1 :00. Growing Old
APP.IL 21 - The April Brithday Celebration In America, 7:30 - 9:30 p�m. AdvancedNeedle .int, 9'30 - 11:30 a�m,
will prove to be quite an event. We will :
feature the annual Men's Cake Bake and a
sing-n-Long for. entertainment U Come Jul
ittn at 1:00 p.m.
• i 7
New members for the Friendly Fridley
Folks are always desired and welcomed `Health jealth Happenings
at all times. We have a great group,
let's share it with others. `�" err
fir`� � '`` tt '� / !�;}�t ,;i�.•'�
Dues are $2.00 per person. If you wish '"'
to join, you can complete the forms at
the meetings or call the Park and FREE MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS
Recreation office at 571-3450, extension
122. Free blood pressure tests will be offered at
Parkview School (CEC) in Rm. #20, 6085 - 7th
FRIDLEY CONGREGATE DINING Street. In April the schedule is as follows:
Hot meals are served Monday through Tuesday, April 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30
Friday at 12:00 noon, in the gymnasium Thursday, April 16, . . . . . . . . . . .12:30
cafeteria at Parkview. Everyone under
the age of 60 is asked to pay $1.85, all Remember, high blood pressure has no symptoms
others are requested to make a donation. to warn of its presence. Regular check-ups are
Menus are published weekly in the Sun necessary for detection.
Newspaper and in the Star and Tribune.
Reservations must be made at least two "GROWING OLDER IN AMERICA - YESTERDAY, TODAY &
working days in advance. To place your TOMORROW"
reservations, please call 571-6085, between
the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. This program was developed with the cooperation of
Monday through Friday. If you have any the Center for Long Term Care Administration of thF-
questions concerning this program call University of Minnesota and will be offered throug'-..
332-2316. District 14 Community Education in Fridley.
TRANSPORTATION Its' purpose is to examine the changes taking plac:
-fhe bus to Congregate Dining runs Monday in the age composition of our society and the im-
through Fridays. To make your bus plications for the future, and how the changes in
reservations to Congregate please: values and attitudes toward aging affect older
people and family relationships. Included will be
approaches to solving problems caused by these
1) In order to have a smooth running changes and conflicts. Ethical issues, such as thF
schedule, anyone wishing to ride the right to health care and the right to die, as well
bus to Congregate Dining must notify as the role of the family and community in providir
Connie, #122, 2 working days in advance. care and services will be discussed. Speakers and
2) Calls should be made to 57.1-3450, #122 panelists will be presenters. Speakers from the
Monday through Friday, between 8:30 and University of Minnesota; one panel with people of
ondaa.mo different ethnic backgrounds; one panel with member
involved in nursing care.
3) A .25� round trip fare will be charged WHEN: Beginning April 2, 1981 for 6 weeks
to cover gas expenses. from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
4) Be sure to call Congregate Dining to WHERE: Community Education Center
make a dinner reservation. 6085 - 7th Street NE
��•-�� .�- No registration is required and it is open to the
public free of charge. The facilities are equippe(
=< < for Nandi capped. Also, bus transportation will be
available for seniors at selected points through-
~" _ out Anoka County.
This program is made possible by a grant from the
=k 'ter`•'_�' "r` Minnesota Humanities Commission, in cooperation
with the National Endowment for the Humanities.
_ h
John Silliman will be working with seniors ADVANCED NEEDLEPOINT
in Fridley on their income tax statements Further your skill in needlepoint while making
thanks to a program sponsored by RSVP and projects such as pillows, handbags, pictures,
AARP. The program will begin Wednesday,
February 4 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and tissue box holders, glass cases, coasters and
continues through the 15th of April every more. Class is limited to 15.
Wednesday morning in the Community Room I WHEN: Thursdays, beginning April 16 for
of the Fridley Civic Center. Participating 8 weeks, 9.30 to 11.30 a.m.
seniors should bring with them a record of '
their 1980 income, their 1979 tax return, a LOCATION• Village Green
summary of deductions, the Renter's. Credit '
Form signed by their landlord and any other supplies,,
material they feel applicable to their tax COST: $8.00 per person (includes
SWIMMING EXERCISES FOR SENIORS Tennis is one of the few sports that individual
Ken Davis, the swimming instructor at can enjoy throughout an entire lifetime. Come
Columbia Heights High School , announces that. along with your friends and learn the basics
the Fridays in Harch, April ,and the first of tennis. Instruction includes- grip, strokes ,
two in May are reserved for a special water serving and scoring. Balls will be furnished
exercise class for senior citizens at 11:00 and a limited number of loaner rackets are
a.m. This will be followed by a low cost available. Class size is limited.
lunch in the school lunch room. Call Ken WHEN: Tuesdays, beginning April 14 for
at 571-9601 for exact details. 6 weeks, 1.00 to 2:00 p.m.
SEPdIOR CHOIR LOCATION: Commons Tennis Courts,
Beginning Sunday, March 1, the Fridley seniors 61st Avenue NE & 7th Street NE
and their friends are invited to join the
Fridley Singin' Seniors. The group will COST: $5.00 per person
meet at 3:00 p.m. , at Village Green Community
Learn the art of candy making in tine for
Senior Choir Questionnaire: `t Easter. Introduction will be made to cordials;
bonbons, peanut butter cups, mints and
Name: chocolate dipping.
What types of songs would you like to perform:, WHEN: Mondays, beginning April 13 for
2 weeks, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Village Green Kitchen
What previous musical experience have you had , COST: $5.00 per person
in the past, although none is required?
If you have any eyeglasses laying around that
What part or parts do you sing? you do not use, -the Fridley Lion's Club would
like them. They will be sending them around
to the needy. There is a box at Congregate
Where would you like to sing in the future as ; Dining where they may be brought. These used
the choir develops? eyeglasses will be much appreciated by the
club and by those in need of them.
Why are you interested in joining this choir?
! 5�
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre presents
4E ED(D"
COST: $14. 00 per person, includes dinner, theatre, and
DEPARTS: Fridley United Methodist at 10 :45 a.m.
RETURNS: Approximately 5 : 15 p.m.
The Minneapolis Institute of Art presents
With a Scandanavian lunch at 'The Link'
COST: $10 .00 per person
DEPARTS: Fridley United Methodist at 10 :45 a.m.
RETURNS: Approximately 3 : 30 p.m.
Come and see rare archaeological treasures, exquisite gold
and silver jewelry, delicately ornamented objects of gilt, bronze
and carvings in stone, wood and ivory, all from the age of the
"I DO! I DO! " "The Vikings"
PLEASE RETURN TO: Fridley Civic Center PLEASE RETURN TO: Fridley Civic Center
c/o Connie c/o Connie
6431 University Ave. 6431 University Ave.
Fridlcy, n'?N. -5-5J32 ka
rr lloy, ^iTJ. 55432
571-3450 571-3450
Wells Clinic
Due to growing procurement of supplemental insurance of seniors and the subsequent lower
usage, the Wells Clinic staff believe that possible adjustments in government grants could
be to their disadvantage. Senior groups throughout Anoka County feel that the clinic's
services are instrumental in keeping many of the seniors in good health. The clinic offers
physical examinations at much lower costs than such service would be in a regular clinic and
this in turn encourages more seniors to keep a better check on their condition. Helen and
Earl Deeg, appointed delegates from the Friendly Fridley Folks to the Wells Clinic, keep
club members informed of related news: They also welcome any questions or comments that
members may have.
Reporting the results of a meeting recently held regarding the possibility of increased
bus facilities in the northeast area, Alex Berberich said that little action can be expected.
14TC stated that they were not financially positioned to add any east-west routes as connective
routes between existing north-south routes because of the unpromising usage. If such routes
are to be established in the near future, it would have to be through local charity organiza-
tions or interested municipalities.
President Tony Lorbeski noted that the dates for the Fridley 491er Days have been announced
and that if the Friendly Fridley Folks had intentions of having representation in the annual
parade, plans should be taking shape soon. Customarily, the president called for a volunteer
committee who will assume the responsibilities for this particular operation. Tony assures
al-1 volunteers that not only will they be much appreciated but will be treated with "Tender
Loving Care".
Card Playing
Starting in February, instead of two separate days, card games are held one day only:
attendance has now reached eight tables. Players can choose or fill in between games of
Party Whist, Five Hundred or Cribbage. The room just off the gym, site of Congregate Dining
has plenty of space for more players so if you enjoy humblizing certain opponents, plan to
meet them at the Community Center on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.
Growing Old in America
In a brief but important message, Julie Doth of the county level Community Education, informed
club members of an enhancing seminar for county residents of all ages concerning the process
of aging in America. The seminar, starting Thursday, April 2 and then running for five more
consecutive weeks, will be held at Fridley's Community Center located at 6085 7th Street N.E.
All guests who attend will have an opportunity to compare their philosophies with three
different speakers from the University of Minnesota who have Doctorates in their respective
fields. A different phase of the selected subject will be presented on successive nights,
each one promising to be especially informative and beneficial. People of all ages are welcome
and encouraged to attend as one of the purposes of the seminar is the attuning of family and
community living. If in your own particular case such ties are harmonious, by attending, you
may be able to assist other people less fortunate than yourself. State and National endowments
along with Fridley Community Education cooperation make these programs possible. If transport-
ation is needed please call 571--1821 or 571-3450, extension 122. Seeing our local Community
Education staff cope with an overflow attendance should prove to be s:oriewhat more than inter-
esting. Let's do it.
April's special trip will be to Chanhassen to see the record running, "I DO! I DO!" The play
is about a married couple's trials as they grow older together: Which is not to be confused
with couples who one week say, "I DO I DO" and a week later say, "ADIEU, ADIEU."
Connie's Corner
Connie was elated when she announced that 75 people had signed to attend the Old Log Theatre
and lunch at the Mai Tai in Excelsior. Most of these local trips are proving to be successful.
Special metion was made about the special birthday,cake and home-made candy made by Josephine
Zawislak: All members indicated whole-hearted appreciation,
Music, Music
Following coffee and cake, Friendly Fridley Folk members applauded the return of Betty
Peterson, who with her accompanist, Pat Berg, gave a very pleasant program of old time
favorite songs. To hear this kind of music in this day is really a rare treat]
The big news of the March 3rd meeting was the possibility of incorporating. Connie, our
club coordinator, arranged to have Mark Haggerty, an attorney, with offices in Fridley and
experienced in such matters, to explain the full import of the Friendly Fridley Folks
incorporation. Mark was responsible for much enlightenment to members and answered questions
from the floor in an adept manner. Everyone present, no doubt, had all the information needed
to effect a decision, 'which they did after a brief discussion period. Having club officers
and Connie meet with Mark Haggerty to draw up the proper papers was part of the motion made
from the floor. The motion was carried by voice vote. Sharing in this all important move
was four new members who had joined our club that night. They are Fern Swanson, Cliff Nelson,
Gladys Holm, and Rose Amar. Their first important job will be to volunteer for something.
Seniors on the Hill
Instead of over the hill, seniors from the surrounding area can be on the hill when they visit
the State Capitol on April 22. This is a special day just for senior groups who will have an
opportunity to visit various departments of our Minnesota State Government, Also, there is
the possibility that some of the seniors can call on their respective district representatives,
in their offices. If ten or more from any particular area indicate their desire to attend
such an event, the state will send a bus to that area. If anyone is interested in transporta-
tion, call Connie at 571-3450, extension 122.
Dancers: One A and A Two A
The Columbia Heights Golden Age Club have graciously invited the Friendly Fridley Folks to
their annual spring dance. The dance, held at the Field House on Mill Street, will be on
April 30 from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. This would be a good chance to get acquainted with our
southern neighbors and maybe they' ll have some good dancers too.
Anoka's senior club also extend their welcome hand to our club to the dances held at their
Drop-in Center. Present plans include having the dances on the second and fourth Wednesdays
of each month. To get to Anoka's Senior Center, just let your car meander along Coon Rapids
Blvd. (Old Hwy.. 10) past the highway 10 Bowling Alley and then to the second stop light.
Cautiously go one more block and nudge your wheels to the right and you should be on Washington.
Bump along three or four blocks and if your speed isn't excessive, you will see the Center's
sign. If you're prone to prance, then dig the dance.
Senior Choir
Randy Johnson, Director of the newly organized_ senior choir, expressed satisfaction at the
initial attendance of twelve singers. ifliile this :is a Rood startinf, group, Randy hopes to see
1110rc h:lppy faces in the 110ar future. 1111"actico time 1s Sunday aft.e1711oons .troll] 3:00 to 4:00 p.111.
2 3 4
• .{-, • �� �� Sr. Slim, 10:30 CCC, 1:00 Bowling
Groff ng Old in
America 7:30-9:30
. ► O A
Sr. Choi Bowling 6 BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS Sr. Slim, 10:30 3 CCC, 1:00 9 Bowling 10 11
3:00-4:0 10:30 a.m.
l�ill�ge Growing Old•in
Green SR. MEETING, 7:00 America 7:30-9:30
121 13 14 15 CCC, 1:00 16 17 13
Sr. Choi { Bowling Tennis Instruction Sr. Slim, 10:30 Bowling
3:00-4:0 1:00 - 2:00 Growing Old In .
Village Candy flaking, 9:30 - Commons Tennis Court ' TRIP: Chanhassen
Green 11:00 a:m. Village "I Do! I Do!"
Green Kitchen
Advanced Needlepoint •
9:30 - 11:30, VG.
191 Bowling 20 Tennis Instruction Sr. Slim, 10:30 22 CCC, 1:00 23 Bowling 24 25
3r. Choir 1:00 - 2:00
3:00-4:00 Candy Making, 9:30 - Commons Tennis Court TRIP: Minneapolis Growing Old in
!illage I . 11:00 a.m. Village Art Institute, America 7:30-9:30
green Green Kitchen SR. MEETING, 1:00 I "The Vikings"
Advanced Needlepoint °
9:30 - 11:30, VG.
261 27 28 29 30
Bowling Tennis Instruction Sr. Slim, 10:30 CCC, 1:00
Sr. Choi r 1:00 - 2:00
3:00-4:0 Commons Tennis Cour Growing Old in
Village America 7:30-9:30
Advanced Needlepoint
9:30 - 11:30, VG.
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THELMA THWARTUM -- By Alex A Public Service of
NRTA•AARP Crime Prevention
50 GLAD YOU - -- = I ZOQ.t^ -i!S e '6< / •.^ TC+OL C,0C7,DEA1 Nc,-� 1--,;;;w!LLTPINK
COULD COME = WNATDO70U = = rR0.7 Se c_ N-OLEARY t0' ?� T - $EeC<= S�cAL;�G YOUR
OVER 3 D ,i NEED'f0 Fw✓E MY''J/_ 3'_�5 CGL,LD Yr' GS ••/ -- !-;i !
�I dflDOtkCTiaELMA? = HE Mc MARS: 1cM?�
Copyright 1979 by the National Retired Teachers Asscciadon and the American Association of Retired Persons