12/1981 Senior News Fridley Senior dews
Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 . 3450
TUES. , DEC. 1 - Blood Pressure Tests, 11:15 at the Community Education Center.
Friendly Fridley Folks Sr. Meeting, 7:00 p.m, in the Fridley United Methodist
WED, , DEC. 2 - Sr. Slim, 10:15 a.m. in the Community Education Center.
Shopping Trips to Applebaums in Target, 2:00 p.m.
THURS. , DEC. 3 - CCC, 1:00 pomo in the Community Education Center.
FRI. , DEC. 4 - Woodcrest Grandparent's Day.
SUN. , DEC. 6 - Jaycee Casino Night, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. , in the Community Education Center,
TUES. , DEC. 8 - Christmas Shopping Spree to Ridgedale, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
WED. , DEC. 9 - Sr. Slim, 10:15 a.m. in the Community Education Center. (This is the last
sesssion until after the New Year. )
Shopping Trips to Holiday Warehouse, 2:00 p.m.
THURS. , DEC. 10 - CCC, 1:00 p.m. in the Community Education Center.
FRI. , DEC. 11 - Bowling at 1:00 p.m, at Maple Lanes. r
MON. , DEC. 14 - Bowling at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Lanes
TUES. , DEC. 15 - Lion's Club Christmas Dinner at Sandees Restaraunt.
WED. , DECO 16 - Shopping Trips to Holiday Warehouse, 2:00 p.m. �
THURS. , DEC. 17 - Trip: Raddison Playhouse - "Diamond Stud" , 10:45 a.m.
CCC, 1:00 pomo in the Community Education Center, .�,,r;�
FRI. , DEC. 18 - Bowling at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Lanes.
MON. , DEC. 21 - Bowling at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Lanes. \ ;
TUES. , DEC. 22 - No Friendly Fridley Folks Sr. Meeting,
WED. , DEC. 23 - Shopping Trips to Holiday Warehouse, 2:00 p.m.
THURS. , DEC. 24 - CCC, 1:00 p.m, in the Community Education Center, . _
FRI. , DEC. 25 - Christmas Day. City Offices and Congregate Dining Closed.
MON. , DEC. 28 - Bowling at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Laneso
WED. , DEC. 30 - Shopping Trips to Holiday Warehouse, 2:00 p.m.
THURS. , DEC. 31 - CCC, 1:00 p.m. in the Community Education Center,
Free blood pressure tests are offered "ale Ane Having a ChAiztna6 Palmy. .:"
at the Community Education Center in you ane invited to attend the Tnavet Ctub
Rm. #20, 6085 - 7th Street. In Chniztmaz Panty. Join u/s 6on a deticiouz Lunch,
December, the scheduled is as follows: stide�s, pAiza, and dun erste ttai.nment. Sunday,
11.15 a.m. Decembeh 20, 1981 - 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., at the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17. . . . . .12:30 p.m. Pnom Centuc in St. Pau.C.
R.S.V.P. By December 1, 1981
Remember, high blood pressure has no COST: $ 9.99 without Tnan6pontati.on
symptoms to warn of its presence.
Regular check-ups are necessary for $14.99 with Tnavv�potrta %on
detection. PICK UPS: Pdi.nneapotiz - 12: 15 p.m.
St. Paue - 12:30 p.m.
Upcoming Day Tours
Hot meals are served Monday through
Friday at 12:00 noon, in the gymnasium December 8 - A visit to the Octagon house in
of the Community Education Center. Every- Hudson Wisconsin, and Cedar Hurst Mansion in
one under the age of 60 is asked to pay Cottage Grove, lunch and Christmas Carols.
$1.85, all others are requested to make $19.50 per person.
donations. Menus are published weekly
in the Sun Newspaper and in the Star and February 13 - Valentine Party at Victoria
Tribune. Reservations must be made at Station. $20.50 per person.
least two working days in advance. To
place your reservations, please call 571- March 17 - St. Patrick's Day Fun at Bracketts
6085 between the hours of 10:00 a.m, and Crossing in Lakeville. $20.00 per person.
2:00 p.m. , Monday .through Friday. If you
have any questions concerning this For information and reservations, please call
program, call 332-2316. Shirley at 881-7115.
TRANSPORTATION To all our friends and travelers, may we wish
you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and
Transportation to Congregate Dining Happy New Year (1982). We will see you
runs five days a week. To make your bus throughout the year.
reservations please: Shirley and Alice, G.T.C.
1) In order to have a smooth running
schedule, anyone wishing to ride
the bus must notify Connie, #122,
2 working days in advance.
2) Calls should be made to 571-3450, FROM THE READERS:
#122, between 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Vi Vescio wishes to thank everyone for their
3) A .25Q round trip fare will be concern during her illness.
charged to cover gas expenses. Earl and Helen Deeg would like to make some
corrections to an article that appeared in
4) Be sure to call Congregate Dining the November newsletter in reference to the
to make your dinner reservation. Senior Well Clinic (misnamed Wells Clinic
in the article). The clinic is not presently
— experiencing financial difficulty and the
� message the staff of the clinic would like
to present is that the clinic is available
a to seniors for physical examinations. They
c� urge us to utilize this service when it is
Several members of the Friendly Fridley Folks have been engaged in a crafts project that
not only will help the children of Woodcrest School ease their Christmas shopping problems,
but will benefit the clubs coffers. With the tutelage aid of Leslie Jeatran of the Park
staff, about twelve men and women have been assembling twice a week to work on, and plan new
craft objects that will be offered for sale to the young shoppers of Woddcrest. Some members
have chosen to work at their homes. The crafts people hope to have several hundred items
for the children's selection of presents for their family members. Everyone who has taken
part in the effort, received an invitation to free lunch at the school on the day of sales.
Serving as a prelude to their annual Christmas Dinner for seniors, the Fridley Lions
prepared a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee. The breakfast was open to the
public, but seniors were the donees of a special price, and seniors as a unit, agreed that
nowhere else was so much offered for so little. Fridley can be very thankful that we have
such an active and willing organization as the Fridley Lion's Club who do so much for all
the people in Fridley---and without self-induced fanfare.
Reverend Hegman, newly installed pastor in the Fridley Methodist Church, made his
acquaintance with the Friendly Fridley Folks, assuring the members of a continued welcome
at the Fridley quarters where they have been for the past years.
Morrie Bangsrud, replacing the scheduled entertainment for the evening, stepped in
with his concertina and played some of the old time favorites. Morrie, along With a testi
sing-a-long enthusiasts gave the club about twenty minutes of music fun.
Fridley Jaycees will be holding their Third Annual Casino Day for seniors Sunday,
December 6 at the Community Education Center (Parkview) . Festivities will begin at 1 :00
p.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. All seniors are welcome and if the past events are an indica-
tion, it will be a real fun time for everyone. The host and hostess alone make it worth
the time spent there, which incidentally, is all you will have to spend. The Jaycees would
appreciate knowing how many will be attending to help them select the prizes, Please call
Connie at 571-3450, extension 122.
In recent action, the club voted to increase the dues to $4.00 hoping to offset added
expenses. Such a move is painful and poses a problem for many of the members. Though a
stipulation was made that no one would be forced to pay the extra fee, nobody likes to
feel that they are contributing less than their fellow members.
Possibly, dues could be eliminated or at least returned to a minimum with the adoption
of a self sustaining program. With the clubs nearly two hundred participants, assuredly
there are people who have operated businesses, executed jobs that required innovative
measures, and have held responsible positions in their community. To think that these
capabilities were suddenly turned off when they reached retirement age would be unthinkable.
Other organizations have their own funding activities and the Friendly Fridley Folks could
acting as a concerted assembly, just as well direct their efforts towards such initiative
enterprises. The will to do big things in the Friendly Fridley Folks is just under the
surface: It merely needs a nudge.
The adoption of this, or similar program could also help to build an inner communica-
tion that would bring an even better accordance in the membership than now exists.
Sun. Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 ThUrsday 3 Friday -4 5
BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS Sr. Slim, 10:15 a.m. CCC, 1 :00 p.m. Woodcrest Parent's
11 :15 a.m. Day
Shopping Trip, 2:00
Sr. Meeting, 7:00 Applebaums/Target
6 7
Chritmas Shopping 8 1 12
Sr. Slim, 10:15 a.m. CCC, 1 :00 p.m. Bowling, 1 :00 P.M.p.M.
Spree - Ridgedale Shopping Trip, 2:00
9:30 a.m. Holiday Warehouse
13 14 15 16 1 18 19
Bowling, 1 :00 p.m. Lion's Club Christmas Shopping Tvip, 2:00 CCC, 1 :00 P.M. Bowling, 1 :00 p.m.
Dinner at Sandees Holiday Warehouse TRIP: Raddison
Playhouse, "Diamond
Stud", 10:45 a.m.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Bowling, 1 :00 p.m. No FFF Sr. Meeting Shopping Trip, 2:00 CCC, 1 :00 P.M. CHRISTMAS VAY
Holiday Warehouse City 066i,ceb and
Congregate Vining
Uob ed.
Mm y Chx&b maa and
Happy New Yean:::
27 28 29 30 31
Bowling, 1 :00 p.m. Shopping Trip, 2:00 CCC, 1 :00 p.m.
Holiday Warehouse
Members of the Friendly Fridley Folks, the We are offering a Special Shopping Spree on
club has been incorporated, and this action Tuesday, December 8 to Ridgedale Shopping
requires some changes in our by-laws. In Center. We will leave at 9:30 a.m. and
our meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 7:00 return by 4:00 p.m. Ridqedale has many shops,
p.m. , we will ratify both the articles eating places, Penny's , Daytons, Donaldsons,
of incorporation and the by-laws. I hope and Sears. Because of bus expense it is
to see many of you at this important necessary to charge $1.,00 per person. The
meeting. City of Fridley will absorb the remaining
Tony Lorbeski , President costs. Please reserve a spot by calling
JAYCEE CASINO NIGHT Connie at 571-3450, extension 122.
The Jaycees will hold their Casino Night REMINDER: LION'S CHRISTMAS DINNER
on Sunday, December 6, 1981 from 1:00 to The Lion's Club Senior Dinner scheduled for
4:00 p.m. , at the Community Education December 15 at Sandees is full . Residents
Center. Refreshments will be served and will have priority on the waiting list, We
prizes will be awarded. request that seniors do not arrive more
SENIOR SHOPPING TRIPS than 15 minutes prior to their reservation
ani that seniors leave immediately following
Shopping trips are now being provided once their party time. Anyone arriving early or
a week with the Senior Transport Bus. On without reservation will be turned awayat the door. Remember to enter Sandees thru
the first Wednesday afternoon of the month, the Mississippi Street door and leave by the
the bus will be going to Target/Applebaums Old Central Avenue door. See you on the 15th.
and on all other Wednesday afternoons, it
_will be to Holiday Warehouse. If .you are
interested, please give Connie a call at
571-3450, extension 122. Wednesday shopping
trips are approximately from 2:00 to 4:00 `� �
IDTM M W-IN 10 A M 1 U`'"we"" S `UD
. a musical about the life and legend of Jesse James.
COST: $16 . 00 per person which includes play, lunch,
transportation, tax and gratiuty.
DEPARTS : 10 :45 a.m. , from the Fridley United Methodist
RETURNS: Approximately 4 :00 p.m.
PLEASE RETURN TO: Fridley Recreation Department, 6431 University
Avenue NE. If questions, call Connie at 571-3450 , #122 .
NORTH TO QUADNA by Bill Campbell
October 18 - 10:00 a.m. - Twenty nine sturdy seniors, one collected coordinator, one brave bus
driver converged at the Columbia Arena parking lot and shortly found themselves heading north.
Despite the forecast of cold weather the enthusiasm was undetered and the show of elation set
the pace for the rest of the venture. Following a check-point stop at Mora the bus headed on
course with Garrison as the destination for that step. After a tasty and filling lunch at the
Blue Goose, where the service was prompt and courteous, the bus and its' contented riders
continued its northward journey toward the final stop - Quadna. '
Arrival time - 2:30 p.m. - The anticipation began to mount as the bus was winding its way up
the hill to the lodge. Very shortly after arrival , everyone was assigned a room where they
busied themselves getting acquainted with their new surroundings: the rooms were spacious,
comfortable, and attractive. 3:00 p.m. - a time to get to know your fellow travelors over
punch in one of Quadna's restful dining areas overlooking a lake.
5:30 p.m. - The first meal : A delightful meal of roast turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatos,
and other trimmings. Most of the diners agreed the meal was definitely above average in
content and taste. When everyone finished their last sip of coffee, they were directed to the
Casino Room where each guest was given ninety dollars in stage money. Players could increase
their poke at games of dice or black-jack which could be used later to buy some nice gifts.
Needless to say, there was a combination of grinners--94d glumrrers: but win or lose; - it was a
fascinating evening. -%.--
Monday - The day started with a 6:30 a.m. breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, English muffins,
and two kinds of fruit. After a short rest, the bus again collected its passengers and was
off on a sight-seeing trip through Grand Rapids and surrounding country side. One of the
interesting stops was the Minnesota Forestry Center, just recently opened, which had on dis-
play the various types of trees that are characteristic of Minnesota. Along with the setting
of tree sections, there were drawings, pictures, sketches of historical value of inhabitants
of the Minnesota forests for the past four centuries. Of special interest was a fifteen minute
movie of the last real log drive that was done in Minnesota forty-four years ago. Next veitur~e
was seeking a place that cures and packs wild rice. The processing had been completed, but
wild rice could be purchased: the home was unique in construction and setting. After a light
but pleasant lunch in Grand Rapids Rainbow Room everyone was ready for the trip back home to
Quadna, where a fondue of cheese and chocolate served as an appetizer for the evening dinner
of braized pork chops, chicken, plus other meal garnishments. While the happy diners were
relaxing and enjoying after-dinner conversation they were notified that bingo would be starting
soon. There were a number of nice prizes and of course an equal number of winners: but there
were some players who discovered that the game can be enjoyable - win or lose. -
All to soon the time of departure was nearing, the reflective seniors realized as they
enjoyed an early morning breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and juice. Midmorning came: the
travelors said their farewells to Quadna and headed east to Duluth. After arriving a'. the
Lake Port, the first stop was the Glensheen Mansion (Congdon). The hour long tour of the
architectural edifice, long a building of note in the lake area, proved both interesting and
educational as the narrator guide included much family and area history in her talk. When all
the seniors had finished their inspections of the palatial home and surrounding grounds, they
were ready for Grandmas Place. Not only was the food of very high quality but the decor was
most interesting, bringing back many memories of the seniors younger days. Assuredly, both
young and old can experience much pleasure in observing so many articles from a by-gone era
of our country. Reluctantly the seniors sojourners left their last scheduled stop to board
the bus for the trip back home.
Much thanks and acknowledgement of credit to Connie McMillion for organizing and planning
the tour which takes an unusual talent. Also for the way she took care of her "kids". A
sincere thanks to the ever attentive staff at Quadna that made the stay there so pleasant.
Cheers to the bus operator who was really an engaging fellow. Finally, plaudits to all
members of the troupe for the way they helped each other to make this a memorable time worth
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Permit No. 2836
Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell
7551 Alden Way NE
Fridley, MN, 55432