01/1978 Senior News Senior Citizen Newsletter Friendly Fridley Recreation Dept. 571 - 3450 in cooperation with Community Education, Ind. School District No.14 January, 1978 Volume II , (dumber 1 JANUARY BIRTHiAYS JANUARY PREVIEId Nellie Lindsay, January 2 Monday, January 2 - CITY OFFICES CLOSED Ervin Lentz, January 4 Tuesday, January 3 - Meeting, 7:00 p.m. iris Bowman, January 6 — Alberi; Sil ins, January 10 Wednesday, January 4_ - Stamp Club, 7:00 Ruby Anderson, January 16 to 9:00 pm, Fridley Civic Center, Classroom Ellis Farnsworth, January 19 Thursday, January 5 - CCC, Pool , Shuffle= Hazel Hartman, January 24 board, 1 :00 p.m. , Parkview Elementary Peter Kauciiar, January 25 � Monday, Januar 9 - Folk Crafts , 10:00 am Veronica Stachowskl , Januar 30 — January to 12:00 noon, Parkview Elementary, Rr-,,. 20 f'j'_W M01 EPOS T iiur>Jay, January 1 2 - �,l,l , Pool , S11Uff l e- i j �^ board, Parkview Elementary, 1 :00 p.m. Stella Jrageri, and Morris and Helen Monday, January lb - Folk Crafts, 10:00 am Langsund' to 12:00 noon, Parkview Elementary, P.m. 20 FRIENDLY FRIDLEY FOLKS Tuesday, January 17 - Meeting - 12:00 noon Wednesday, January 18 - Senior Sliri Ses- Meet every lst and 3rd Tuesday of the sion, 1 :00 to 2:00 p.m. , Room 17, Parkview month at 7:00 p.m, and 12:0J noon Elementary. Stamp Club - 7:00 p.m. , Fridley respectively. Meetings are held at the Civic Center Classroom j Fridley Methodist Church, 666 Missis- Thursday,January 19 - CCC, Pool , Shuffle- sippi St. Thursday afternoon activities board, 1 :00 p.m. , Parkview Elementary. will be held at Parkview Elementary on Blood Pressure Tests - 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. the corner of 61st and 7th sts. in Room #17. All activities are open 'to every- Monday, Janus 23 - Folk Crafts - 10 a.m. j one 55 years or over. If you would like to 12:00 noon, PaP'Fv`iew Elementary, Rm. 20 to join us or if you have any questions, Tuesday, January 24 - TRIP - TOUR ONAN APdD call Rickie Bergquist, Fridley Parks and i_tEDTRONICS - Jepart: 9:30 a.m. Recreation Department, 571-34:;0, X123. Vlednesda , January 25 - Senior Slim Ses- sion, 1 :UJ to ��p.r�. , Parkvievr E emerit- ary, Roam ?7 Thursday, January 2G - CCC, Pool , Shuffle- eboard, 1 :00 p.m. , Parkview Elementary Monday, January 30 - Folk Crafts , 10:00 am Ye 1r11 ILA to 12:00 noon, Parkvietiv Elementary, Rm. 20 ■ u a NEW MEMBERSHIPS SENIOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE New members for the Friendly Fridley We currently have 7 volunteers who serve Folks are welcome at all times. To the Fridley Seniors. However, the demand join, you must be 56 years or older. for volunteer drivers is increasing. We Dues are $2.00, $1 .00 of which is put need more interested people to drive fel- into the Memorial Fund. If you wish lour seniors to meetings, banks, shopping to join, you can complete the forms and the like. If you are able to drive at the meetings or call the Parks and and would volunteer to share your car Recreation office at 571-3450. with a friendly passenger, or if you need a ride, please contact Rickie Bergquist, HEALTH HAPPENINGS 421-4760, ext. 1600. FREE MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE TESTS HOT MEALS FOR SHUT-INS Free Blood Pressure tests will be of-- Is a service specifically designed for fered at the Parkview Elementary School , those people who are unable to prepare 6085 7th St. N.E. , Room #20. In Jan- a well-balanced meal for themselves. uary, they will be taken from 12:30 to Meals are prepared by .Unity Hospital and 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 19. It delivered to your door weekdays , Aonday is FREE to all Seniors. through Friday at 12:00 noon. Donations of $1 .00 to $1 . 60/meal are requested. WELL SENIOR CITIZEN CLINIC For further information, call Eve Frank, 1323 Coon Rapids Boulevard 757-1437 or Unity Hospital , 786-2200. Telephone: 755-5300 NORTH SUBURBAN FAMILY SERVICE CENTER Services offered: Annual Physical Examination, Health Counseling, Blood This center is located at 1323 Coon Pressure Screening, Information and Rapids Blvd. , in Coon Rapids. They of- Referral . fer a wide variety of services ranging Fee: Suggested fees range from $3.50 from counseling services to workshops. if person's income is $350/month or under ($450/couple) and up to $25.00 John Baudhuin is a new member of the if the patient' s income is over $1000/ team. His primary focus is to work as month. a counselor with the older people. A Hours : Open on 1"1ondays and Tuesdays new "Grief Group" has been organized. by appointr,ent. The clinic has office Call for an appointment. If he can be hours during business hours. For of assistance to you, call him at 755-5300. information and appointments, call 755-5300. THRIFTY SIXTY CLUB CONGREGATE DINING Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips is of- fering a free membership to the Thrifty The Friendly Fridley Folks are invited Sixty Club. This entitles patrons, aged to come join in the fun and companion- 60 or over to a 10% discount off regular ship offered at the Blaine Congregate menu prices. Applications and member- Dining location, ell - 112th Ave. N.E. , ship cards can be obtained at partici- Blaine. pating Arthur Treacher Restaurants. The menu schedule appears weekly in the Be sure to pick your card up if you are Tuesday Star and Tribune. Blaine dines interested. at 12:30 p.m. For reservations, call Z full working days ahead of time. Genevive Bruce is the coordinator. Call 755-,3954. Donations will be accepted, FOOD STAMPS NEW CLASSES TO BE OFFERED Are rising utility bills and the high Beginning this month, two classes for cost of medical care taking more and your enjoyment are to be offered. more of your income and leaving you with less money for good food? Have FOLK CRAFTS - A series of old time you ever wondered about a way to sup- crafts will be made, such as applehead plement your groceries, especially dolls , tinsmithing, candle dipping and during those last few days of the puzzle--making. month? daybe now would be a good time to call OUTREACH. They can give you When: Mondays, beginning Jan. 9 information on Food Stamps , screen you for 6 weeks for eligibility by phone, and if you 4here: Parkview Elementary, Room 20 wish, mail you an application. If Time: 10:00 to 12:00 noon you're homebound and unable to come Cost: $3.00/person for whole 6 weeks to the office, they can help you apply in the privacy of your home. For SENIOR SLIM SESSION - Exercise classes information, call 121-4760 are to begin again this month. They will start on Wednesday, January 18 from 1 :00 FRIENDLY FRIDLEY FOLKS HEETINGS to 2:00 p.m. at Parkview Elementary School . Our first meeting of the neo year will They are free to all Seniors. be on Tuesday, January 3. We will meet STAMP CLUE at the Fridley United Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m. The business meeting will The Fridley Sta.mp' Club is a new group re- be special this time because we will be cently formed by a number of stamp installing our new officers. A candle- enthusiasts. There is plenty of room for light ceremony will be performed. new members, those who are willing to Line up a new hobLy or those who already At our second meeting, Tuesday, Jan- collect. January meetings are Wednesday, uary 17, we will share in a bag luncheon January 4 and 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Class- at 12:00 noon. At 1 :00, following the room at the Civic Center. Come join the business meeting, Jeri Pearson, Fridley fun. Naturalist, will give a presentation called "Our Fine Feathered Friends" . CONGRATULATIONS January birthdays will also be cele- brated. Congratulations are in order for the new officers of the Friendly Fridley Folks. CARDS, COFFEE AND COWVERSATION They are: POOL AND SHUFFLE BOARD President: Clara Nordell Every Thursday afternoon at Parkview School , corner of 61st and 7th Streets, Vice President: Ray Delano Room 17, we will meet from 1 :00 to 4:00 p.m. for an afternoon of cards or Secretary: Marge Carlier other various games of your choice. Or, if you're not interested in cards , just Treasurer: Helen Szezech come for the enjoyment of being with other people. Coffee and cookies will be served for 261. PRIORITIES FROM THE PRESIDENT Hi=RISE FOR SENIORS Over the years our club has endeavored to Prospects are now good that a Hi-Rise arrange for interesting programs at each Apartment building for senior citizens meeting that have been either informative will become a reality in Fridley in the or entertaining. The regularly good at- relatively near future. This project tendance at all meetings attest to the will have available over a hundred success of this philosophy. double and single bedroom units for seniors. Hopefully, construction of this project The marvelous spirit of cooperation of will be started soon. everyone performing various tasks within the organization has contributed toward ONCE IN A SMILE a smooth operation of our club. A wealthy tourist lost his pedigreed An added feature has been the establish- dog while stopping in a small town. He ment of a Leisure Center in Parkview inserted a lost ad in the newspaper of- Elementary School where senior citizens fering a reward of $100. may gather Thursday afternoons to play cards, as well as table pool and other The next day he went to the office to games, or to ,just plain socialize. Being inquire, but no one was to be found except associated with people is the best therapy the janitor. retirees can experience and is something we all need and desire. "Where in thunder is the newspaper force?" asked the tourist impatiently. Respectively, "They're all out," said the man, "trying Wally Olson to find your dog." Retiring President MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE 1978 Membership dues are due this month. The fee is $2.00 per person for the year. This fee entitles all members to a monthly newsletter, membership roster card, and entrance to certain "members only" activities. Please, do try to have your dues paid by the end of the month so your name will be in- cluded in the new membership roster. The rosters iwll be completed and issued to each member in February. Dues will be collected at the meetings by Helen Szczech, Treasurer, or they can be sent to the Fridley Parks and Recreation Department. To mail , complete form and make checks payable to "The Friendly Fridley Folks". Send to: Fridley Parks and Recreation Department Rickie Bergquist 6431 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friendly Fridley Folks Membership 1978 NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY: ZIP CODE: BIRTHDAY: APPLICATION DATE: JANUARY V-1-1w RIP THIS mooii i�LALL A,@ RuDLEY HAVE COMi;LLD TdEIR EFFORTS TO SCHEDULE AN INTEREST- ING TRIP TO SEE : -)-rko.4 I CS ho lxi,, I OURS rIAVE LEEN SCHEDULED AT BOTH LOCAT I Oi dS, WI Td A BREAK LE-MEEK EAC.I TOUR FOR W'XG I, ;u X11 WILL BE AT THE "FIRESIDE MCL= LO'dL'', V(HERE WE WILL dAVE; C 11IC U Ci ill lI►J EGG FU "i"16 FRIED MCL F011GU,- CW"'IL CL T UE:SDAY, JANUARY Zit, 1078 i Ik ; !DEPART FROM FZ I DLEY ,IETiOJ I ST CHURCH AT J;�) A.Mi. PER PERSON FOR LUNCH XU TRAVSPORTATI ON JEADLI NE; JNMRY LJ, h/6 t'p rRa d I CS Az I JESDAY, JxiumY L4, 1J7i� ' LINE: JANUARY 2J, 1970" DEPARD `1:3) A,l9, COST; MOO PER PERSON +r' IE; ,giJ.��,tSS pk0.JL; ` OF 1 SL Vi T D IS: F-d T, LICLOSE MAKE CdECKS PAYAuLE TO UITY OF F;zIDLEY, AAIL TO: FRIDLEY PARKS ASW iu.CREATION HA2 UNIVLRSITY rWENUE ILL, FR I DLEY, i i l D'A32 -11 U16 Sun 6 ay ;ic�lday Tuesday Wednosday Thursday Friday _ Saturray 1 L � 3 4 5 6 7 CITY OFFICES Business Meeting - Stamp Club - 7 - 9 p.m. ; Coffee, Cards and Bowling - 1 p.m. CLOSED 7:00 p.m. Fridley Civic Center Conversation - 1 p.m. Parkview "Happy New Year" Pool and PoS� ol �iuffl eboar 1 p.m. Parkview 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 Bowling - 1 :60 p.m, Coffee, Cards and Bowling - 1 p.m. Conversation - 1 p.m.l Folk Crafts - 10 a.m. ' Parkview Parkview School Pool and Shuffleboard 1 P.M. Parkview 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 Bowling - 1 :00 P.M. Business meeting, Senior Slim Session - Coffee, Cards and Bowling - 1 P.M. "Birthday Party" - 1 - 2 p.m. - Parkview Conversation - 1 p.m. Folk Crafts - 10 a.m. ` 12.00 noon Parkview. Pool and E Parkview School Stamp Club - 7 9 P.M. Shuffleboard - 1 p.m.l 1 Fridley Civic Center Blood Pressure Tests 12:30-2:30, Parkview 2Z A 24 25 ( 26 27 28 Bowling - 1 :00 p.m. TRIP - Medtronics and Senior Slim Session - � Coffee, Cards and Bowling - 1 p.m. Onan - Depart: 9:30 am 1 - 2 p.m. - Parkview Conversation - 1 p.m. Folk Crafts - W a.m. ; Parkview Parkview School Pool and Shuffleboar 1 P.M. Parkview 29 30 Bowling m 1 :00 p.m. Folk Crafts - 10 a.m. 0 Parkview School I !k f I CI`--Y QE FRIDLEY BULK SAT_ e PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 6431 UNIVERWY AVENUE N. E. U. S. POSTAGE: � FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 PAI D o MINNEAPOLIS. MN I Permit No. 2=6 Marge Johanson 374 -- 56th Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432