94-03 ESCROW AGRMNT� «e.• :• s •�.e...... � w I .—o•.e -a .- ..� •r� .. .ry ^ ..r.�t . t .. c_�• .•.�[sc-. as.�t ��l-�0�' ESCROi: A.ti'D Ih'D�:IFICATIO`: AGFF�*SEhT � 3z �S � THIS ACRE� :�' is made this 2� da�� of �� , .� y betveen the City of Fri ley (vh'ch shall be called the."Escrov Agent") and � ' f 7�cf%����'�'� Fridle�•. ?Sinnesota (vho shall be called the "ovner"). BECAt'SE the rn.�nez has contracted vith H65 Asphalt, Inc. for the constzuction of a paved driveua�• at their above address, BECAL'SL, H6S Asphalt Inc. is requiring advance F�:�^�'"'' i"i.�r t, co--,e-�cint the EOn�tructic�� c+f this d-i��e»a�•, and BECAL'SE the "Escrov Agent" believes it is in the best interest of the public to encourage the paving of unpaved dri��eva�•s. IT IS AGREED B�' TFi:. PARTIES AS FOLLO�S: l. That upon the signing of this agreeWent thc• o�.�ner shall � ��� �� pa}• to the Escro�: Age^t the s� o: 5��3 ���t���}� su� is the anount required to pa}• in iull for the dri�•e- wa�• pa�•ing to bt perfor�ec' b} '�HbS'�. This sur shall bc held b�• the Escrow Agent in trust until the constructi�n of the drive�.�a�• is co�pleted not eazn ar.�• interest. Further this a^our.: s�,�;l 2. t'pon the "Escro�: Agent" recei�•ing �ritte� co-�ser.t fro� the '�o�-nez" Lhat the }�avin� o: �he drive�:a� is con,�letcd then the "�scrov Agent" shall release to '�HbS'� the a^�ur.t referred to in paragraph 1 above. The ok-nez shall not unreasonabl}• �:ithhold the gz��ing of this vritten cor.se^t. 3. In the event that the Esczov Agent receives writter notice fro�. either the ovner or "HbS" that they car.�o: agree as to vhethez the funds shall be released to "H�S", then the Escrov Agent ma} deposit all r�air.ing fun?s in ; • r � w[�� �. • �.I+�r�� • A I •""C�,[-S �` �w � •7"� .� .f�� ^ �.f�J� . � II �. _.i • ....�sc-. as.a� � �� 1' � Anoka County DisLrict Court, and all costs and expenses and attorney's fees of the Escrcn: Agent ma�• be paid or retained by said Escrov Agent out of this sum. , 4. The ovner acknowledges that the EscroW Ageat has not made an} express oz implied varranties to the wner ahout the quality oz nature of vozk vhich H6S AsphalL, Inc. agrees to perform. For this reason, the owner s�rees to release and hold harmless the City of Fridle}• for an�• injury oz da�age vhich the oL-net ma�• sustain as a result o: the vork being done by HbS ��phalt Inc. D a t e d:eG� � ��� Cit}• of Fridle�• B}�- - - Its Pu':lic �:or s I�irc�ctoz B 1'— �� '' (7" - - �.'7l � T _ -- B} ------- �b.'Tl E T d