PRA 02/04/2019 City of Fridley Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Feb. , 2019 AGENDA DATE: Feb. , 2019 – 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Fridley Civic Campus – 7071 University Ave NE, Fridley, MN 55432 – (upper level next to Council Chambers). CALLTOORDER APPROVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF: Jan. 7, 2019 APPROVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA: Feb. , 2019 STAFF REPORTS Program Highlights (attached) Springbrook Nature Center Report (attached) Sports Camps and Update (Cleve McCoy) NEW BUSINESS/ACTION ITEMS Parks Master Plan Overview (Rachel Workin) Nature Based Play Areas (Heidi Ferris) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Follow up items from January meeting ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: March 4, 2019 at the Fridley Civic Campus – 7 p.m. CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING – JAN. 7, 2019 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Heintzcalledthe Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLLCALL: Members Present: Pete Borman, EB Graham,Mike Heintz,Dave Kondrick, Shanna Larson Others Present: Mike Maher,Directorof Springbrook Nature Center, Jeff Jensen, Operations Manager – Streets and Parks, and Deborah Dahl, Director of Community Services and Employee Resources APPROVAL OFJAN. 7,2019PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES MOTION made by Mr.Kondrickto approve the Jan. 7, 2019 meeting minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission, seconded by Ms. Graham. Mr. Borman asked to make a correction to the minutes related to the discussion of River Edge Way Park. Mr. Borman saidthat he felt the minuteswere not accurate andsaid he wanted to know how it would be removed from the listings of the parks that is listed in the directory. He went on to say he did not want to have it undesignated as a park and the park is accessible by land, whichis easement that goes through his yard.Mr. Borman said that he had asked if there was a way it could designated as unimproved, saying that the City already has it designated as unimproved property. He said he wanted to know how to take it off the listing of the parks. He referred to the listings of parks that has all of the amenities, there is nothing listed on the River Edge Way Park. Ms. Dahl asked to clarify his request and Mr. Borman said he wanted to know what would it take to get it removed from the listing and also to know what designates a park? Mr. Borman said – “What would it be to have it \[a park\] taken off the listing of the parks and what designates a piece of property as being a park?” Mr. Borman handed out a map of the propertyto commission members andwent on to explainhis position andsome ofthe history and concernsof the property. Ms. Dahl asked if Mr. Borman beyond the modification for the minutes, if he wanted to add this item to the agenda for further discussion. Mr. Borman stated again that he wanted to make sure he wanted the other members on the commission understand the property in question and he wanted to know what designates a park. Ms. Dahl said that she and Jeff Jensen would need some time researching that question and understand the history. Mr. Jensen said he needed to do some research becauseeach parkis different there are a number of reasons why parks are designated, such as with developers, donations, etc. Mr. Borman explained some of the history of the land, the donation and the challenges. Mr. Jensen said that the park is classified and treated as a natural area. Mr. Heintz asked if we could put a sign up that said no access. Mr. Jensen said they had just dealt with this at Harris Park and wouldnot work. Ms. Dahl said that staff would do some additionalresearch and get back to the commission. To clarify for the record, the meeting minutes of Dec. 3, 2018 would reflect that Mr. Borman wanted to know what it would take to have a park removed from the listing of parks and what designates or qualifies a park? 1 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) CHAIRPERSON HEINTZ ASKED IF THE CORRECTION TO THE WERE ACCEPTABLE. BOTH FIRST AND SECOND PARTIES AGREED TO ACCEPT THE CORRECTION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HEINTZ DECLARED THEMOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OFPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDAFOR JAN. 7, 2019. Chairperson Heintz called for a motion to adopt the agenda forJan. 7, 2019. Ms.Dahlenteredone item for the agenda under New Business to discuss theParksMasterPlan. Withthe additionofitem 4d, the MOTION was made by Ms. Larson, and seconded by Ms. Graham, to adopt the agenda for the Jan. 7, 2019 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HEINTZ DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. 1.STAFF REPORT a.ProgramHighlights Ms. Dahlreviewed key pointsfromtheProgram Highlights included in the agenda packet. She noted the new registration software is nowup and runningwith very few problems. She thanked staff again for their dedication and work, which was a very long timecoming. She recommended the commission members go out andset up their profile. Ms. Dahl also reminded the commission of Winterfest on Jan. 26 from 12 noonto 3 p.m. and thanked those who have already signed up to help volunteer. She said if anyone was interested in volunteering to connect with Margo. Program staff recently worked together to focus onpriorities for the coming year and brainstormed ideas for future programs. The two half-day meetings were led by Mike Maher and were very successful. Ms. Dahl said she would be updating the Commission members at an upcoming meeting. Ms. Dahl said that the Recreation Staff will be coordinating events and meetings in the Fireside room and out on the plaza. She said that if the requests are more than a daytime meeting and falls into the event area, it will be up to the Recreation staff to help coordinate the logistics. She mentioned that staff is working on the permit application and special use permit and will bring that back to the group. Ms. D ahl said that Cleve will be offering some new athletic programs and a summer sports camp series. Shesaid she wouldhavehimcomeintothenextmeetingtogiveanupdate. b.Springbrook Nature Center Report MikeMaherprovidedan updatetothe commission aboutactivitiesatSpringbrook,referringto the attachment in the packet. Mr. Maher was happy to report that the repairs have been made to the exterior of the building andiscompleteandlooksverynice.Hewaspleasedwiththeoutcomeandappearstohave kept the woodpeckers from attacking the building. c.PublicWorksMaintenanceReport Operations Manager for Streets and Parks, Jeff Jensen, reported to the commission that the winterhasbeentough,withextrahoursputinforicerinksandthewarmerandvariable weather has been difficult on the rinks. He said that the move has helped get items reorganizedintheshop. 2 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) Mr. Jensen has been busywith theCIP,reporting that he is getting new equipment.He also said that his team has been helping with the move and get items out of the old facility, haul and donate equipment and items to various groups like Concordia Language College, battered women’s shelter, etc. His staff has been busy helping with the City Hall records as well. Mr. Jensen said the next step is the salvage and demolition process. The parks master plan is his next big project along with working with the GIS contractor to identify trees, which is helpful for the Emerald Ash Borer. He said he would do a full inventory of all parks, assets and values, which will help with insurance. Inspections will be done on all parks and playgrounds and hope to be put on ipads, so staff can inspect, see records and help with cutting down on paperwork. Mr. Kondrick asked if the city has to have certified playgrounds and parks inspectors every month and Mr. Jensen said they are done monthly by a City employee, with one employee who is certified and overseeing the process. The process is required by law and records have to be kept for five years. Mr. Jensen saidheis looking at a number ofgrants,including one on energy and an emerald ash mitigationprogram with some fortreatment in parks. He said that there are a lot of grants outthere be that hewants tomake sure we are doing a good job on them and are successful. 2.NEWBUSINESS/ACTION ITEMS a.CIP (Capital ImprovementPlan) Ms. Dahl reported that the CIP Summarywas included in the packet and stated that the new Finance Director has initiated a new process for the CIP and budget. She said the parksCIP is provided and has been approved by City Council and the entire budget/CIP document is on the City’s website. Ms. Dahl highlighted a couple of items of importance, which are the state grants related to the SPRING PROJECT (the Pavillion) and the project itself. She said staff is still hoping to get additional in-kind donations and donations to help offset some of the expenses, noting that the City may be able to do some of the work, too. The CIP also includes $200,000 in funding for the new civic campus for park improvements, which are still uncertain. Concepts have not been developed yet, however, staff is expecting to work with the developer to begin the design work and to understand their intentions/plans. Ms. Dahl also noted that the park dedication fees have not been addressed in quite some time and hopes to work with the Park and Recreation Commission to learn their ideas and philosophies around them, particularly since there are a number of developments coming into the City. Ms. Dahl said she would have the Community Development Director come into a future commission meeting to explore this further. Mr. Kondrick asked about investments and Ms. Dahl pointed to the report line of interest and investments where $15,000 was indicated for each year. Ms. Dahl reminded the commissioners that the Moore Lake Park Master Plan was put on hold until the Master Parks Plan was finalized. The funding was given up and provided to support the SPRING Pavillion project with the shelter at Moore Lake being pushed out another year. She said that when we complete the Master Parks Plan, staff will have a better picture on what will be needed. Mr. Heintz asked if the City would be doing about $60,000 on court resurfacing and Mr. Jensen said yes. Mr. Kondrick asked if staff had received any complaints on the tennis courts this past summer and their playability and Mr. Jensen said no, however, he said that Moore Lake will be 3 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) addressed. Mr. Jensen said that use is down from 20 years ago but where the courts are used regularly, the court surfaces are being maintained in excellent condition. He said that the CIP funds will be used for that. Ms. Graham asked if there is any talk about having pickleball courts and Mr. Jensen said yes, it is used on tennis courts and it is cheap and easy to stripe. Ms. Dahl said that staff was hoping to work with the school to use the Fridley Middle school tennis courts for pickleball tournaments or leagues since there seems to be an interest in the sport. Mr. Heintz asked about the Locke Park Playground and Ms. Dahl said that the playground was removed due to the civic campus project and will be relocating the playground to the southeast side of the development. She said that Mr. Jensen and she believed additional funding was necessary and added some to the CIP line item, particularly due to interest in providing ADA ammenities. She said that the plans had not been started and will be working with Engineering to get some conceptual drawings made up and will bring that back to the commission. She reported that there is an urgency of the neighborhood to assure the construction of the park is done. Mr. Heintz agreed and felt the neighborhood would appreciate seeing the designs and demonstrate that something is being done. Mr. Jensen said he was gratefulfortheopportunity for funding and is looking forward togetting this project started. Mr. Kondrick asked if the neighborhood had input into the design orhave made suggestions and Ms. Dahl said she would need to go back and look at the record and that there may be an opportunity for additional donations and the neighborhood to become involved in the construction or installation of the playground. Ms. Dahl said that there seems to be an interest in a similar playground with newer contemporary equipment and ADA accessibility. Mr. Jensen said that the rubber surface is important. Mr. Heintz asked if there was a letter that had been sent out to the neighborhood and Ms. Dahl said she would need to go back and look. Mr. Kondrick suggested that staff send something out for an update and ask for input. Mr. Heintz asked if there was an action item needed and Ms. Dahl said not at this time, however, as the information and details unfold, she will keep the commission advised. She said that if the commission wants to add more items to the list for staff to consider, they are welcome to offer suggestions. Mr. Jensen said once the designsare developedfor playground equipment replacements and will be rehabbing possiblytwo small neighborhood parks, etc., he willbringthem backto the commission fortheir input. Mr. Heintz asked ifpartsof the old playground parts can be reused and Mr. Jensen said he wasn’t sure, stating that experience has shown that it is difficult andnot likely,due totheage, damage and condition. Ms. Dahl said thatwhileit is not on the list and the Parks Master Plan not finished, Moore Lake needs to be addressed this year, particularly the fencing, the beach, etc. Any changes will likely trigger some permitting through the watershed group.Mr.Jensen said thatsome things can be done to get it lookingnicer, such as thebasketball court,tennis court andfencing can be addressed without triggering a permit. Ms. Dahl said that the commission’s feedback on Moore Lake is important and staff will be getting their input. Mr. Heintz asked about bringing in exercise equipment to the park and Mr. Jensen said he preferred waiting to install anythinguntil the Master Parks Plan is done. b.Springbrook Nature Center Pavillion Project Update Mr. Maher provided the commission with a presentation on the background andan update on the Picnic Pavillionand Activity Center, showing slides of the designs of interior and exterior, 4 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) including the expected construction timeline andbudget. He explained that there were a number of items that are on the wish list, such as a fireplace, which will be designed and if donations can be made, may become possible. Mr. Kondrick asked if the bathrooms will be heated andMr.Maher said thatitisnot in the initial plan but if there is room in the budget, staff would like to see it added. Mr. Borman asked if the project can be tied into the Geothermal system and Mr. Maher did not know and would look into it. Mr. Heintz asked if entrances could be controlled/locked through a cell phone or electronically. Mr. Maher said he would look into it. Mr. Borman said he was familiar with some systems where there are options that can be time-controlled. Ms. Larson asked if baby-changing stations will be included and Mr. Jensen said the accessories can easily be added, but the construction package purchased was the basic package. Mr. Maher reviewed the kinds of programs they would use in the building. He went on to review the funding sources and contributions, including the contribution from the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation. He said that there are a number of initiatives underway to solicit donations. The quote for the building materials came to $234,000, which doesn’t include someitemssuch as the concrete, furnishings, cabinetry, picnic table,decorative stone work, fireplace, etc. Mr. Kondrick asked if the picnic tables will be secured because of the possibility of theft and Mr. Maher was not sure if that would be useful, but will be considered. He said that currently the tables are not locked down and there haven’t been any issues to-date. Mr. Maher said an additional security camera could be added to this space. Mr. Kondrick expressed excitement for the pavilion. Mr. Maher said that in addition to the Nature Center Staff, the Recreation Department will be able to use the pavilion, along with summer camps, community gatherings, weddings, rentals, etc. Being next the nature play area and amphitheater will be a nice compliment. Discussion continued about the design, features, roof, life-time of roof. Mr. Maher said that over the next few weeks, final designs would be completed, some of the demo may be done with tree and clearing the area, with ground breaking and construction starting in the spring and completion by mid-summer. He also mentioned fundraising will continue. Mr. Heintz expressed concern ofthesiding being cedar, given the woodpecker damage. Mr. Maher agreed and will continue to explore options within the budget. Ms. Larson thanked Mr.Maher forhis hard work. Mr. Maher thanked Jeff Jensen and staff engineer Nic Schmidt who worked hard on the project as well. c.Grant Applications Mr. Maher summarized two applications to address invasive species like Buckthorn at Springbrook and Moore Lake, which are provided in the packet. He said that it is an ongoing problemandthegrantsallowtheCitytocontrolitwithprofessionalhelp.Hesaidthegoalisto provide a healthy ecosystem here and that unfortunately, the buckthorn can’t be eliminated but thereishopetomanage it. Mr. Maher showed the maps of the project. The first grant through Great River Greening is $51,000andrequires a matchof$8,000over 3 years.GreatRiverGreeningwilladministerthe 5 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) grant and select thevendors,inspect, and assure the work will be done. The grant will have a possibility of up to an additional $30,000 with a match of $6,000. Mr. Maher explained the second grant through the DNR that also includes the dunesat West Moore Lake and Springbrook. The project includes invasive species and prescribed burns. Mr. Maher discussed the process ofremovalin further detail. Following the discussion, staff asked for the commission’s support in the form of a motion. A MOTION was made by Mr. Borman to support the two grant applications summarized by Mr. Maher and seconded by Mr. Kondrick. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL MEMBERS VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HEINTZ DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. d.Parks Master Plan Update Ms. Dahl reported that staff will be finalizing an outline for the Parks Master Plan and hoped to have an update for the Commission at the next meeting. She said that we are working with the City Manager to get the outline and vision refined before bringing it back to the group. Ms. Dahl said she would be able to get more information on how much time it would involve and the kinds of activities/input needed. Chairperson Heintz asked the group who would like to participate on the steering committee and serve as a liaison. Mr. Borman and Ms. Larson volunteered to serve on the committee. 3.UNFINISHED BUSINESS/STAFFREPORTS: a.Follow UpItems Ms. Dahl reported back onitems raised at the last meeting: 1)Donation of cement treatment – Ms. Dahl said that the final specs will be available soon and can be given out to the commission to solicit donations. Mr. Heintz asked about an epoxy treatment that he may be able to find a donor. Mr. Heintz said he would be able to send over some samples. 2)Auto updates for birthdays – the software system does auto updates. 3)Home schooling at the Nature Center – there was a section in the last newsletter about that and Mr. Maher explained he can work with co-ops they could work with SNC staff directly. 4)Trail Cams – Mr. Jensen said trail cams get stolen and he prefers not to install them. 5)New Resident packages – New marketing team met last week and are working on upgrading the new resident packages. 6)Fees at the Nature Center – Ms. Larson said that she had talked to Mr. Maher about that already. 7)Sliding Hill – grooming along the snow fence is not likely. Mr. Jensen said that they don’t have the proper equipment to groom the hill. Ms. Larson asked if the snow fence could be moved at the bottom of the hill. Mr. Jensen said he would look into it. 8)Volunteer Dinner – nodate has been set on that and it is likely in April. b.Future Meetings: Parks Master Plan Year in Review 6 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) Marketing EventPermit Process Nature-basedplayareas c.Other Ms.Larsonsaidthatsheseesthefamily social mediapagesandseescomments/concernsabout where can I take my kids to playandwinterbreak. She feels that there are needs and asked if she should send the information to staff. Ms. Dahl said she can forward the information ontothe marketing and communicationsteamand alsourged people to go to the city’s website. Friendly Fridley and Fridley Families were the two sites. Ms. Larson expressed an interest in indoor opportunities, like an indoor play area with play equipment. Ms. Larson also mentioned that she was able to find out how many people open enroll in Fridley and she said she had asked at Stevenson and found that 127 are open enrolled out of 526. Ms. Graham asked if there was an open gym. Ms. Dahl mentioned there are open gyms at the Middle School. Ms. Larson thought that it would not be for toddlers. Ms. Dahl said she can research what is available and get back to the group. ADJOURNMENT UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALLMEMBERSVOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HEINTZ DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE JAN. 7, 2019 AT 8:55 P.M. - MEETING ADJOURNED. Respectfully submitted, DeborahDahl,Director Community Services andEmployee Resources 7 Meeting Minutes – Fridley Park and Recreation Commission (Jan. 7, 2019) February 2019 Carnival Games Nature Table Recycling and Energy Booth WinterFest Bantu Healing Drumming The Fridley RecreationDepartmentand Arts and Crafts th Springbrook Nature Center hosted the19Annual Fridley WinterFest from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. on CommunityPartners: th Saturday,January 26at the Fridley Community Banfill-LockeCenterfortheArts CenterandCommonsPark.Despitethechilly BoyScouts weather,thefunactivitiesbroughtout approximately 300-400people! This community Fridley District#14Early Childhood Family building event was a great place for families to get Education (ECFE) out and enjoywinterin Fridley. The groups that Fridley Community Development Department participated in this year’s WinterFest really had a Fridley Lions Club good time and were proud to be part of a Fridley Fire Department community that works together to support families. Fridley Parks Maintenance Fridley Police Department – Reserves & K9 Unit Outdoor Activities: Fridley 49er Ambassador Program HorseDrawnHayride(BunkerParkStables) North Metro Youth Hockey Association Bonfireands’mores Pete Borman Sledding Ice Skating Volunteers: Medallion Hunt Fridley High School Key Club Snowball Launching Fridley High School National HonorSociety Mites Hockey Game - North Metro Youth Positively Fridley HockeyAssociation A special thank you to all of the Parks and IndoorActivities: Recreation Commission members who attended DJDance (Kidsdance) and volunteered at WinterFest! Concessions Target Photo Op Winter Tattoos BINGO NewElementaryAfter-school Programs wereset to th begin on Monday, January 28, but will begin on th dueto the School Closings. Upcoming February 4 classes include (registered participant numbers Cleve experimented with a Commons Warming listed with the title of the class): Martial Arts(15), th House rental January on 11, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Photography & Scrapbooking(5), Ice Skating & The group enjoyed the rental experience. An Snow Fun(8), Sculpture & Clay Creations(11), Floor estimated 25 -30 middle school students and Hockey Leagues (7/7), and Minecraft LEGO parents were in attendance. They played video Engineering(13). games, ice skated, sled on Commons Hill, and listened to music on the outdoor PA system. Following the event they expressed interest in The newCommunity Engagement SpecialistAlyssa reserving again in 2020. Kruzel will start in Feb. She will be working on events, programs, and volunteer coordination to engage the community both at the Civic Campus Multicultural Bantu Healing Drumming group did a and Springbrook Nature Center. demo and participated in WinterFest on January th 26. Marketing ManagerLukeCardona isworking with City Clerk Deb Skogen to learn opportunities to Cleve completed outline for RSN (ROCKS Sports expand financial support through the Twin Cities Network). This will be an 8-week sport camp during GatewayAssociationaswellastheNorthMetro the summer. ChamberofCommerce.Hiseffortswilllikely provide additional funding and visibility for future Parks and Recreation programs, events, and Open Gym Sundays and Open Hoops Wednesday at activities. Hayes elementary started this month, and will go until March. Staff are researching options topurchasean event van to use yetthis summer in events, summer One Thursday out of the month Cleve serves as programs and Rec on the Go. Community Youth Mentor at Hayes Elementary. This volunteer opportunity allows him to work in collaboration with students and support staff at the school. He has a group of 6 - 8 students during recess. During this time they eat lunch and talk about life skills, caring for others, building confidence and leadership, and accountability. Nine elementary students joined us for a trip to th Green Acres for Snow Tubing on January 18. Tot Time Open Gym for Toddlers began again on th January 12. Families are enjoying a warm place to run and play! Fridley winterfest 2019 Saturday, January 26