Res 2019-10 Comm. Investment Fund PolicyRESOLUTION NO. 2019 - 10 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMMUNITY INVESTMENT FUND POLICY FOR THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, AND APPROVING A TRANSFER FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE COMMUNITY INVESTMENT FUND WHEREAS, the City of Fridley (City) acknowledges the limited financial resources available to support the cost of capital improvements throughout the community; WHEREAS, similar to other municipalities, the City maintains a Closed Bond Fund (Fund); WHEREAS, the City recently ended the practice of utilizing the Fund to support operating budget shortfalls, which makes its available for other activities and uses; and WHEREAS, the City will convert the Fund into a Community Investment Fund to account for the current balance of the Fund, effective December 31, 2018, and various revenues identified by the attached Community Investment Fund Policy (Policy); and WHEREAS, the City will transfer $900,000 from the General Fund to the Community Investment Fund to support activities outlined in the Policy; and WHEREAS, the Community Investment Fund will issue interfund loans to support the cost of long—term improvements to utilities owned and operated by the City; and WHEREAS, the interest income generated upon repayment of those interfund loans will be used to support park and recreation improvement projects; and WHEREAS, the Community Investment Fund shall provide cost savings to the City and a reliable funding source for park and recreation projects for the foreseeable future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Fridley hereby adopts the Community Investment Fund Policy attached as Exhibit A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the following transfer: Fund General Fund Community Investment Fund Total Account Debit Credit Transfer Out $900,000 Transfer In $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY THIS 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2019. ATTEST: DEBRA A. SKOGEN — CITY CLERK SCOTT J. LUND — MAYOR Community Investment Fund Policy City of Fridley, Minnesota Exhibit A Purpose The City of Fridley, Minnesota (City) acknowledges the limited financial resources available to support various capital projects throughout the community, such as improvements to park and recreation facilities, and public utilities. As such, the Community Investment Fund Policy (Policy) shall create and provide guidance regarding the use of a Community Investment Fund (Fund) to support capital project costs. Generally, the Fund shall be used to issue interfund loans to support the cost of long—term improvements to utilities owned and operated by the City, specifically the Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Utilities. Upon repayment, the interest income earned on those interfund loans will used to support the cost of park and recreation improvements throughout the City. Through this Policy, the Fund shall provide meaningful cost savings for the City, and a funding source for park and recreation projects for the foreseeable future. General Guidelines and Requirements For the purposes of this Policy, the following guidelines and requirements shall control the operation and use of the Fund. Fund Created The City shall create a Capital Project Fund called the "Community Investment Fund," effective December 31, 2018. Eligible Revenues and Funding Sources The following funding sources shall be deposited or transferred into the Fund: • All assets of the "Closed Bond" Fund as of December 31, 2018; • Any repayments as the result of interfund loans issued by the Fund; • All interest and investment earnings of the Fund; • Any unassigned fund balance of the General Fund in excess of upper threshold (i.e., 50%) established by the Fund/Cash Balance Policies for the City as determined by June 30 annually; • Any fees, excluding reimbursements for City staff time, obtained through the issuance of Private Activity Bonds (i.e., Conduit Bonds); • Any unanticipated proceeds or payments to the City, except for those controlled by Section 12.06 of the City Charter; and • Any other monies appropriated by the City Council and/or donated to the Fund. Eligible Costs and Expenditures The Fund shall be used exclusively to support the capital and debt service expenditures related to public utilities, pursuant to Section 11.01 of the City Charter. Additionally, the Fund may be used to support 1 capital costs, but not debt service or interfund loans, associated with park and recreation improvements, including, but not limited to: cultural or civic improvements; natural resources restoration. park and trail construction; and deferred maintenance related to any of these activities. Generally, the projects shall provide a community—wide benefit for the City. The Fund may not be used to support any operating costs of the City. The City may only expend Fund assets pursuant to the following procedure: • The Finance Director submits a "Request for Community Investment Fund Support" to the City Manager, which must include the estimated capital and projected operating costs of the project, for their approval; • Any such project must also be authorized as part of the Capital Investment Program (CIP) as adopted by the City Council annually, or from time to time; • The City Council adopts a resolution stipulating the structure and terms of any interfund loan, pursuant to Section 7.10 of the City Charter, originating from the Fund; and • The project meets or exceeds the requirements of other sections of this Policy. The Finance Director may authorize any transfers from the Fund to support park and recreation improvements provided the amount does not exceed the amount authorized in the CIP and the Fund's Cash Flow Projection or violate other sections of the Policy. The limitations imposed in the sections above do not apply to reasonable expenditures necessary for the administration of the Fund. Additionally, the Fund may be used for emergency and disaster purchases consistent with the Procurement Policy as adopted by the City Council, and Section 6.06 of the City Charter. Debt Service The Fund may be used to support the payment of debt service (i.e., bonds) for qualifying capital costs, subject to the following limitations: • The total annual debt service payments do not exceed more than 50% of the ensuing years' eligible and available revenues as defined below; and • Available revenue consists of total revenue derived from the aforementioned eligible revenues and funding sources, less any amount allocated for the accumulation of a Minimum Fund Balance. Minimum Fund Balance The Minimum Fund Balance must be estimated on a 10—year horizon. In order to accumulate a minimum fund balance and maintain the long—term solvency of the Fund, the Minimum Fund Balance will be as follows: • During Fiscal Year 2019 through 2022, the Fund shall maintain a Minimum Fund Balance of $300,000; • During Fiscal Year 2023 through 2025, the Fund shall maintain a Minimum Fund Balance of $500,000; and • Beginning in Fiscal Year 2026, and for all years thereafter, the Fund shall maintain a Minimum Fund Balance of $1,000,000. Administrative Considerations PA All agreements, applications, permits or other documents required under this Policy shall be provided in a form or forms as determined by the City Manager. The City Manager, or their designee, may waive any sections of this Policy, if doing so would not violate any applicable sections of the City Charter or ordinances, State or Federal laws, or resolutions adopted by the City Council. Wavier of any particular section does not constitute a wavier for the entire policy and the City Manager, or their designee, may end such waivers in their sole discretion. Last Updated DT,02-22-2019