Ad for HRA Demolition Project No 6431 Page 1 of 1
Affidavit of Publication
FORMER FRIDLEY CITY contract in the best interests of the City. STATE OF MINNESOTA )
HALL DEMOLITION PROJECT No bid may be withdrawn for a period
FRIDLEY HRA PROJECT NO. of sixty(60) days from the date of bid (SS.
6431 . °pem rig. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )
Dated this 10th day of May 2019.
` Paul Bolin,AICP Description:
Sealed bids will be received and Assistant Executive Director
publicly opened by the City of Fridley Former Fridley City Hall Demolition Project
Housing & Redevelopment Authority, (Published in
Anoka County, Minnesota, at the office mance and Commerce Kelsey Broadwell ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is and
May 4,2019) duringall times herein stated has been the publisher or the publishers designated
of the Assistant Executive Director of 11740396 p p �
the Fridley HRA, 7071 University agent in charge of the newspaper known as
Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432
(Tel.763-572-3591)on Friday,the 24th Finance and Commerce (MN)
day of May 2019, at 12:00 p.m. for the 222 South 9th St,Suite 2300,Minneapolis,MN 55402
furnishing of all labor,material,and all
else necessary for the following: and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows:
Above-ground demolition and proper (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements to constitute a
disposal the Former Fridley City Hall
(6431 University Avenue N.E.)in Fridley qualified newspaper under Minnesota law,including those requirements found in
Minnesota, all accessory structures, Minnesota Statute Section 331A.02..
driveways, removal of service utilities, (B) She/He further states on that the printed
general fill, clearing and grubbing, and
site grading,as shown on the plans. Construction
Removal of hazardous and regulated 11740396
materials will be completed prior to start
of demolition work by separate contract.
Demolition Contractor will be hereto printed as it was printed and published there in the English language;that
responsible for removal of all residual it was fust so published on
waste, asbestos and hazardous
materials, and possible abatement of May 04,2019 for 1 time(s):
contaminated soil, as directed by Braun the subsequent dates of publications being as o ows:
Intertec and described in the bid docu-
ments,if encountered during demolition. Sat,May 4,2019
General restoration including grading
to provide positive drainage and erosion
control required including silt fence and
seeding, as shown on the plans or
directed by the City of Fridley. And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,
All in accordance with plans and speci-
fications prepared by City of Fridley both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type
dated May 9,2019, used in the composition and publication of said notice,to wit:
Plans, specifications, and completed
asbestos/lead-based paint/hazardous Xabcdef ijklmnopgrstuvwxyz
materials survey reports may be
abcdefglrii Imnopgrstuvwxyz
examined at the Fridley Engineering Mortgage Foreclosure Notices(effective 7/1/2015).Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes§580.033
Office. Bids shall be on forms provided relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The newspaper's known office of
for that purpose and according the issue is located in Hennepin County.The newspaper complies with the conditions described
Contract Documents prepared by the in§580.033,subd. 1,clause(1)or(2).If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in
Fridley HRA, Contract Documents will the county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part of the mortgaged
be available through QuestCDN premises described in the notice are located, a substantial portion of the newspaper's
A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting
will be held at 10:00 a.m, circulation is in the latter county.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019. The �` ��j
meeting will be held at the Former
Fridley Municipal Center Fire
Station, 6431 University Avenue NE, Subscribed and
Fridley, MN. All buildings will be Sworn to before me this ItJ day of May,2019
open for inspection following the
Bids must be made on the basis of cash
or check payment for work, aril accom-
panied by a cash deposit, certified check -7
(on a responsible bank in the State of4��Y
Minnesota) or a bidder's bond made f
payable without condition to the City of (Notarial Seal) Notary Public, Hennepin County, innesota
Fridley Housing and Redevelopment
Authority, Minnesota, in an amount of /��
not less than five (5%) percent of the _ ALYSSA E. HANSEN
total amount of the bid.The deposit shall NOWY PWX-MinneSota
be forfeited if the bidder is awarded the my comrnholm Expires JW 31 2022
contract but fails to enter into a contract.
The Fridley Housing and
Redevelopment Authority reserves the RATE INFORMATION:
right to reject any and all bids and to
waive any informality in any bids 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000
received without explanation. The HRA commercial users for comparable space:
further reserves the right to award the
2. Maximum rate allowed by law for the above $ 0.64879
3. Rate actually charged for the above matter: $ 0.5898