Ordinance No 1371 1
ORDINANCE NO. The ownpremises
or supch other pernt or of
COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss AN ORDINANCE TO desiring use of the water shalallsre-
AMEND FRIDLEY CITY imburse the Water Department for
Elise Strecker beim duly sworn on an oat
CHAPTER 402 TO dam mai edmeter.xpense repairing any such
g y ADMINISTER AND reimburse theW teronD failure to
states or atI'u-ms that he/she is the Publisher's apartment
Designated Agent of the newspaper(s)known REGULATE WATER, within a reasonable time and upon
as: STORM WATER AND demand therefore, the water ser-
SANITARY SEWER IN vice and supply to said premises
THE PUBLIC INTEREST may be shut off or discontinued as
SF Col Hgts Frid MoundsView NB The Fridley City Council hereby determined to be in the best inter-
finds after review,examination and est of the City.(Ref 1191)
recommendation of staff that exist- A.Right of entrance. Every per-
with the known office of issue being located ing Chapter 402 Water and Sewer son owning improved real estate
in the county of: Administration, Section 402.15 that has had a water meter installed
HENNEPIN Water Meter be hereby revised as shall allow duly authorized employ-
with additional circulation in the counties of: follows: ees of the city or a designated
RAMSEY SECTION 1: That existing representative of the City, bearing
Chapter 402 WATER, STORM proper credentials and identifica-
and has full knowledge of the facts stated WATER,AND SANrTARY SEWER tion,to enter all properties for the
below: ADMINISTRATION be herby re- purpose of reading, repairing, or
(A)The newspaper has complied with all of vh"as fellows: replacing the meter,or for the pur-
402.15. WATER METER pose of installing an automated
the requirements constituting qualifica- 1. Before any water conveyed meter reading device(AMR).
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided through the municipal water sys- PASSED AND ADOPTED BY
by Minn.Stat.§331A.02. tem shall be used or utilized on the THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY
(B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- land or premises of any person, OF FRIDLEY THIS 24TH DAY OF
firm or corporation,there shall first JUNE 2019.
lished in said newspaper(s) once each be installed a water meter that will /s/Scott J.Lund,Mayor
week, for 1 successive week(s); the first accurately measure the water con- ATTEST: /at Debra A.Skogen,
insertion being on 07/05/2019 and the lastsumed on the premises, except City Clerk
insertion being on 07/05/2019. and unless such installation shall First Reading June 10,2019;
be exempted by the City. The ap- Second Reading June 24,2019
plicant for water service shall pay Published in the
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES an amount to the City at the time Sun Focus
Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 of application for permit as set forth July 5,2019
relatingto the publication of mortgageabove, an amount determined by 952605
Pthe City to be sufficient to cover the
foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies cost of the meter. (Ret.1191)
with the conditions described in §580.033, 2• At such time as there is a
subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's change of meter, customer, or
known office of issue is located In a county property ownership for existing ac-
counts enatemers,all new custom-
adjoining the county where the mortgaged ers tethe system will be required to
premises or some part of the mortgaged pay a one-time administrative set-
premises described in the notice are located, up charge at the rate set annually
a substantial ortion of the news P Pe by 11911))a is administrative policy (Ref.
circul *on in a latter county. A.Those persons,firths or cor-
ions who paid to purehase
a meter prior to the~ive date
Designated Agent *sfaetery p of transfer of We—
and pesseseffien of said prernisso,
The purehase priee shall be fir*
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before dedueted%FA the boll Of there are
me on 07/05/2019 by Elise Strecker. . require a
meter of 1 %" diameter or lie
shall pay the full cost of the meter
and its installation or replacement
when such installation or replace-
ment is repuested by the customer
1 f- '2 pk��
t r byfhe CitiB.The liability ef the Gity far re0
Notary Public
eva4lable in the water fund and shall
to the City. The City may provide
— anable payment schedule for
'01 11DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON the charges and fees associated
Notary Public with Section 402 15 2A by an Ai-
ministrative policy
3.All water meters installed un-
'; Cdlrllissim Expires January 31,2024 der the provisions of this Chapter
shall remain the property of the
City of Fridley. The meters shall
be repaired from time to time as
Rate Information: is necessary to ensure accurate
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users measuring of the flow of water.TheCity shall pay for the cost of repairs
for comparable space: except when a mete has been
$25.40 per column inch damaged due to negligence on the
part of persons other than employ-
Ad ID 952605 ees of the Water Department. or
applicable repairs or replacements