EQEM 03/10/2020
Fridley Municipal Center
7071 University Ave NE, Fridley MN 55432
March 10, 2020
Vice Chairperson Olberding called the Environmental Quality and Energy Commission meeting to
order at 7:03 p.m.
Members Present: Amy Dritz, Justin Foell, Nick Olberding, Sam Stoxen, Heidi Ferris
Members Absent: Paul Westby, Mark Hansen
Staff: Rachel Workin, Environmental Planner
11, 2020
Commissioner Foell made the MOTION to approve the minutes as submitted. Commissioner
Stoxen SECONDED the MOTION. The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
1) Introduction of Krista Peterson – Recording Secretary
Wally Wysopal, City Manager, is supporting a recording secretary for all of the
2) Recap of Commissioner Meeting
Commissioner Dritz and Commissioner Olberding attended. They shared the following:
Met potential partner in starting a green team at Medtronic.
The city could set an example for energy use and then start a second phase to
volunteer businesses to do benchmarking for energy use and then roll out a new
ordinance. Requiring all businesses above a certain size to benchmark their energy
use and submit it, then send out non-compliance letters. Other cities are doing
something similar.
Implement stricter building codes. The city estimates how much energy businesses
are using but don’t know who the largest user is.
3) Community Solar Gardens Subscription
Unfortunately, there are not enough roofs to offer this on-site for city owned facilities and
not a lot of land for a land mount. Community solar gardens are a possibility, but this
option doesn’t offer renewable energy credits. Community solar is managed through a
solar reward program. You own part of a solar garden and pay for a subscription and they
would sell solar energy, send a credit to Excel who in turn would give the city a credit on
the energy bill. This cannot be claimed because Excel is selling this to their customers or
claiming it for themselves. This is regulated by the public utilities commission and you can
only subscribe to gardens in your city or adjoining cities. It is limited to how much energy
you can subscribe, 120% of your city’s energy use. The savings could be used for energy
conservation projects or better lighting on streets and trails. A workshop was held with
Council and they were favorable to the idea. They like the idea of saving money and
putting it toward other projects needed in the city.
4) Citizens Utility Board Presentation
Workshops would be posted so citizens could bring in their energy bill and get educated
on how to read their bill. This could be available in October for energy conservation month
and maybe do a presentation here or at the senior center. Could be offered during the
day to reach more seniors and evening for families.
5) Environmental Fun Fair
Event is on May 2 from 10-2. EQEC table has been useful and could offer helpful
information about general energy assistance. Email Rachel if you are able to help with
the event.
1) Summer Meeting Schedule
Planning Commission meets the 3
Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the Council
chambers and are recorded.
2) Renewable Energy Breakfast
20 attendees and the PACE program was discussed. The room wasn’t set up great for
networking, maybe try roundtables for next time.
3) Energy Plan
1) Resilient Yards Workshop – April 30
Open through the Blue Thumb website. 17 people signed up so far.
2) Tree Sale
Sold over 30 trees.
Next meeting April 14 at 7:00 PM at Fridley Civic Campus
Commissioner Foell made a MOTION to adjourn. Commissioner Stoxen SECONDED the MOTION.
The MOTION PASSED unanimously and meeting adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Krista Peterson, Recording Secretary