PRM 01/06/2020
Chairperson Heintz called the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. and
asked those in the meeting to introduce themselves.
Members present: Dave Kondrick, Shanna Larson, Mike Heintz, Ryan Gerhard, and Pete Borman
Members absent: EB Graham
Others Present: Alyssa Kruzel (Community Engagement Specialist), Rachel Workin (Environmental
Planner), Mike Maher (Springbrook Nature Center Director), and Deborah Dahl (Director of
Community Services and Employee Resources)
Chairperson Heintz called for a motion to adopt the agenda for the January 6, 2020 meeting agenda.
Mr. Kondrick made the MOTION to adopt the agenda, SECONDED by Ms. Larson. The MOTION
PASSED unanimously.
Chairperson Heintz called for a motion to adopt the minutes from the November 4, 2019 Parks and
Recreation Commission Meeting. Ms. Larson made the MOTION to approve the minutes as submitted.
Mr. Kondrick SECONDED the MOTION. The MOTION PASSED unanimously. Note: There was no
meeting in December 2019.
a. Active Transport Plan and Report (Rachel Workin)
Rachel Workin gave her report on the Active Transportation Plan Second Addition. Plan
document attached to meeting packet. Ms. Larson made a MOTION to support the
transportation plan to be forwarded onto the Planning Commission. Mr. Borman seconded the
MOTION. The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
b. Community Engagement Update (Alyssa Kruzel)
Alyssa Kruzel introduced herself and gave the Commission some of her background.
Ms. Kruzel delivered a power point presentation about the demographics of Fridley,
information about the Community Engagement and Outreach efforts she has been working
on, including what outreach and engagement in a community looks like and how the City is
committed to doing outreach and engagement.
Ms. Kruzel also gave a demonstration about the new GIS interactive park map available on the
. She provided some additional facts about
the census and why the census is important, specifically to Minnesota, and how people will be
c. 2020 Meeting Schedule
Ms. Dahl presented the 2020 Meeting Schedule for the Parks Commission. With no
modifications or objections, Mr. Kondrick made a MOTION to approve the 2020 schedule, Ms.
Larson seconded the MOTION. The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
d.Joint Meeting with EQEC
Ms. Dahl asked the Commission if they would like to host another joint meeting with EQEC as
they did in 2019 and at the same time conduct a tour, recommending it be put on the
schedule June 1, 2020. The group agreed but no formal motion was made.
e. Housekeeping Item:
Commissioners were provided the 2020 Commission Member List and Staff Roster and were
asked to verify their information.
f. Meeting Minutes Changes
Ms. Dahl informed the commission that a new recording secretary will be attending the
meetings to take formal minutes of the commission meetings and mentioned the format of
the meeting minutes will likely be changing to be in a summarized format versus detailed. The
Commission had no objections.
g. Sports Association Survey
Ms. Dahl informed the commission that a Sports Association Survey will be sent out to all the
Fridley sports association group leaders to share contact information and to ask what their
needs are from the City (such as more storage needed, more fields, promotion support, etc.).
She will report back once the information is collected.
a. Mr. Maher gave an update in the Springbrook Nature Center Pavilion. He reported the
furnace, drywall ceiling, and most of the electrical is done. He stated there is still a little
plumbing left to do and the floor is still being finished. He said he was pleased with how
things are moving along very nicely.
Mr. Maher provided a fundraising update, stating the Lions have given another
contribution of $25,000 for a total of $50,000. He said there was a donation from the BNSF
railroad for $10,000 and that the project is going well, thanks to everyone that has pitched
in and helped out. In total, $300,000 has been raised through grants and in-kind
contributions. He mentioned there will be a spring ribbon cutting for the pavilion on May
28 (tentative date).
Mr. Maher said that his staff is still talking about how to utilize the Pavilion and they are
still in the beginning stages and will be revisited through the year.
The Springbrook Nature Center staff are excited to host Winterfest this year. This new
location creates some nice opportunities to make some changes to the event as well as
keeping some of the favorite traditional events. Parking for volunteers and staff will be
across the street. Winterfest is 1/18/2020 from noon to 3 p.m. at Springbrook Nature
at the Springbrook Nature Center. Mr.
Maher explained the policy and the reasoning behind it. One question was raised whether
there is possibility that there could be a specific day just for allowing dogs on a leash at the
Nature Center. Mr. Maher said that they can continue to look at the idea but the
preference would be to not allow it since it would cause confusion and could compromise
the efforts to maintain the grounds and facility. No formal recommendations were made.
Mr. Maher mentioned the street closure during Pumpkin Night was a good idea this year
and while there was still some question about future permits and the costs associated with
closing the street, the benefits of the street closure for that event were advantageous.
b. Parks Master Plan Update:
Ms. Dahl reported that a local design firm, HKGI was contracted to do some design
concept work and estimates on the Parks Master Plan. The firm had assisted with the
Moore Lake and other projects within the City. While there is still a lot of work to be done,
the hope is to have a report with preliminary design and ideas back to the commission by
the next meeting.
Staff is pulling together an inventory of all the parks, all the amenities, and the
maintenance plan for a 10-year period and that will be included in that report.
c. General Recreation
Ms. Dahl reported that the March/April Recreation Brochure will be a larger brochure and
will be a little bit earlier than the previous year. It will include the upcoming Recreation
programs, some summer program information as well as programming information for the
SNC summer camps and activities. The plan is to start promoting those events and
prepare for staffing quickly.
Ms. Dahl gave a year end enrollment recap of some of the Recreation and Springbrook
Nature Center programs. Ms. Dahl provided a document with the stats for these programs,
reservations of shelters, fields, and Civic Campus rooms, Springbrook Nature Center events,
special recreation events, and community events.
This last year, Springbrook has continued to expand their partnerships with the schools in
the Spring Lake Park, Columbia Heights areas and homeschooling families to increase their
programming and offerings. In addition, the Springbrook Nature Center received several
donations and grants for the Pavilion, programming, evasive species control, supplies and
The Recreation department has been ramping up efforts to sell Fridley with the re-
branding of the city, a bigger social media presence, electronic mailings, and pairing with
Twin Cities Gateway for softball tournaments for 49er days. She also noted that staff was
working on the Adopt-a Park program, which will also be launched this year.
d. Staffing Update
Ms. Dahl gave an update the recreation staff, noting that the full-time Recreation
Coordinator started today and her name is Jen Graham. She said that she will have her
attend the next meeting to meet the Commission. In addition, she mentioned that interns
will be staying on through the end of the year to assist with programs. The recreation
department is now fully staffed and can assist the council achieve their vision and goals of
ly to the Recreation Department
Ms. Dahl said as discussed in the last meeting, staff are working on a number of studies
and researching how Fridley compares to other cities and will be soon looking at fees and
programs. She noted there will be more strategic planning efforts to come for the parks
system, the recreation programs in general and community engagement. The studies will
help staff understand who our clients are, where the needs are and understanding the
business side of recreation and the nature center.
Ms. Dahl said staff are working with the finance department who will help us a better job of
projecting numbers out for the future so we can help some of the facilities like the Nature
Center build a maintenance plan and longer-term revenue stream. In addition, they will be
looking at ways to include programs for the Civic Campus location. Reviewing legal
agreements with the county and the other large contracts such as with the school system
are also a priority. She said that staff will continue to get better at operations, and
registrations and promoting.
Ms. Dahl said that in addition to their regular duties, the Recreation and Nature Center
staff does a lot to support the many city-wide activities and even within the city through
employee events, like the employee breakfast, Annual Business meeting, and golf outing.
They serve on the Employee Relations Committee, which helps build a happy workplace
and keeps things upbeat.
Ms. Dahl said that 2019 was a great year and thanked the Commission for their support,
involvement and leadership towards the Recreation Division and Springbrook.
6. Other Business
No other business was considered.
Ms. Larson made the MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m., SECONDED by Mr. Kondrick. The
MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Dahl, Director
Community Services and Employee Resources