CHM 03/13/1973 THE MINUTES OF THE CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF TUESDAY , MARCH 13, 1973. The meeting of the Charter Commission opened at 7:43 p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Sheridan, Knoff, McPherson, Collins , O'Neill , Johnson, Bacon, Bjerkesette, McChesney, Crowder, and Radcliffe. MEMBERS ABSENT: Wegler, Casey, and Kirkham Mr. Sheridan said that he had eight or nine points to discuss for the meeting. He had tried to get a hold of Paul Shaw about the commission. However, when he arrived for the meeting, he found a letter written to the Judge that said "Due to Mr. Shaw's present job commitment, he was unable to attend meetings and declined the appointment:' As a result, the commission is a 14 member commission until another appointment is made. Mr. Sheridan said that at the meeting of the committee the other night, which consisted of ;,'Neill , Crowder, Bjerkesette, and himself, they reviewed an old set of By-Laws that were adopted by the Charter Commission in 1956, and reworked it. He said that it was the committee's recommendation for this to be the By-Laws for the Home Ruled Charter Commission. (He passed around the By-Laws) . He said the commission could do this in two ways. 1 . They could adopt it now, or they can wait until the organizational meeting, which should be the first part of April . Mr. Sheridan then read through the By-Laws. Mrs. Knoff asked if the meetings were open to the public. Mr Sheridan said he could not say that they were not, but there should be some, where the pub- lic should be able to attend. Mr. Bjerkesette said that maybe it should be reworded in the By-Laws to say that Public Hearings shall be held upon re- quest of eight (8) members of the Charter Commission membership. Mrs. McChesney inquired about the Secretary's duties, that it does not state "Secretary-Treasurer." Mr. Sheridan explained that the Secretary would have all correspondence type things and that there wouldn ' t be much financial things to attend to. He added, she will also have an assistant secretary to take the minutes. They agreed to change the paragraph in the By-Laws of her duties to read, "The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep general supervision over the records and proceedings , shall take minutes of any and all meetings , shall issue notices of all meetings , and shall conduct all correspondence, shall issue all press releases of the organization, and shall expedite disbursements of authorized expenditures. Mr. Sheridan then said that he will have the By- Laws re-drafted and ready for the next meeting. Mrs. Johnson said that in the last minutes it said that the By-Laws must be filed with the court within 30 days from the time that the commission assumes office. She asked if the commission did not assume office on February 20. Mr. Sheridan said that that was a good point and they could adopt them in their present form, have them re-drafted and then ratify them at the next meeting to send to the court as of this date. MOTION by Mr. Bacon to accept the proposed By-Laws as the committers put forth. Seconded by Mrs. Johnson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 13, 1973 PAGE 2 Mr. Sheridan said that the committee suggested, and he forwarded it on to the City, to ask if they would collect for the commission, City Charters of sur- rounding communities, primarily those that had been adopted and amended Charters since FridleVs Charter had been adopted because any that have been adopted after that time all had copies of FridleVs Charters and had used portions of it. They received four copies of City Charters , from Richfield, Crystal , Coon Rapids , and Brooklyn Center, he said that they could get more if they wanted. He said that there may be points that could be worked into Fridley's. The next thing that Mr. Sheridan said should be discussed is the time and date of the next meeting. The committee suggested that the Commission select a monthly meeting time and date during the review period. It was also suggested by the committee to exclude the months of July and August because of vacation time. Mr. Sheridan said that every change and modification that is made or that is suggested to be made within the Charter doesn' t necessarily have to go before the electorate for a vote. Mr. McPherson asked if any one has indicated a change. Mr. Sheridan said that he had an accumulation of notes from over a period of time of areas that the City feel are hard to work with. He said some of the notes go back four or five years. He then suggested setting the next meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, April 10, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. The next thing for discussion was the method of review. The suggestion for discussion for the methods of review were just some comments that Mr. Sheridan had picked up over a period of time. He hoped that the commission would re- quest -these from the City Manager or the City Attorney and then any interested organizations or party of citizens who would wish to comment to the commission regarding the review with possible suggestions or amendments to the Charter, that they be put in writing. Referring to the specific section for change and their reason for the change. Mr. Bjerkesette asked if a copy had been sent to the City Manager and the City Council . Mr. Sheridan said it wasn't sent, to his knowledge, he just drafted it and had it typed up. Mr. Sheridan said that it was the committee's idea that the commission should ask the Council , Administration, and the Legal Department to give a review of the areas that they think there should be changes. The committee felt it would be better to have a notice posted in the paper, as a legal notice or as a news story, so that if the League of Women Voters or a political organization wish to do something, they could pick it up from there. Mr. Bjerkesette said that if it is a press release that it be submitted in writing. Mrs. Collins asked if in the news article they should specify organizations rather than individuals. Mr. Sheridan said that they would have to submit in writing through the civic organization. Mr. Bjerkesette asked if a time limit CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 13, 1973 PAGE 3 should be made for proposals. Mr. Sheridan said 60 days would probably be sufficient. The committee suggested that each member return to the meeting to discuss sections they felt important and then to break into four or five committees and each committee take certain sections of the charter and do a study on it. Then come back to the full commission and have a full review of the pro's and con's of it. Mr. Sheridan suggested that he appoint a nominating committee so that they can have to the commission by April 1 , a list of people, at least one name to fill each of the offices, so that at the next meeting the commission can hold an election. Mrs. Johnson said that the committee was so small and there were so few officers , that she did not think it was necessary. Mr. Crowder said that if it is from the floor whoever is nominated should know about it, and secondly, if it is from the floor there should be some publication prior to it so that the people would know that it is an election meeting. MOTION by Mr. Bjerkesette that the City Charter suggestion for review be for- warded to the City Manager, Council members, and the City Attorney. Seconded by Mr. Crowder. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani- r ■ mously. MOTION by Mr. Bacon to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Bjerkesette. The motion tarried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, , 1 CAROL MADY Acting Secretary