CHM 04/10/1973 • CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, April 10, 1973 The Meeting opened at 7:41 p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Sheridan, Knoff, Ratcliff., McChesney, O'Neill , McPherson, Wegler, Johnson, Bacon, Collins, Bjerkesett, and Crowder MEMBERS ABSENT: Casey, and Kirkham • Mr. Sheridan began the meeting by asking for any questions or additions to the last meetings minutes. Mrs. Knoff said she had one question. She said that in the part about the Bylaws it did not state that they were to be filed with the court within 30 days from the time the commission assumes office. Mr. Sheridan pointed out that it was stated at the bottom of the third para- graph. MOTION by Mr. Bjerkesett to approve the Minutes of the Charter Commission Meeting minutes of March 13, 1973. Seconded by Mrs. Knoff. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sheridan asked if the Bylaws, in the renewed form, are in the proper form that was decided at the last meeting. Mr. Bjerkesett indicated that he had checked them before they went to the court. The Commission discussed the Bylaws and their changes. Mr. Sheridan said that it should now be in record that the Commission has ratified the Bylaws. MOTION by Mr. Bjerkesett to ratify the Bylaws as adopted on March 13, 1973. Seconded by Mr. Bacon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Sheridan said that one of things on the agenda for the night was the election of officers. He stated that one of the members was at another meeting, and asked if the elections could be postponed until later in the evening. Everyone agreed. Mr. Sheridan suggested establishing a monthly meeting date for the Commission. There was also a recommendation to exclude the months of July and August for vacation purposes. Mr. Sheridan also explained that there would not be a City-wide election until the fall of 1974; so if there are any major correc- tions, adjustments , or amendments to the present City Charter, they would have to go before the electorate. He added that without holding a special election that this would probably be the first time that they could do so. He added CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 10, 1973 PAGE 2 that it has been felt that the urgency isn't here to get the Charter completed before the fall of 1973 for an election in 1973, which would have to be a special election, that they proceed in making their recommendations, getting them all put on paper and set, so that the next City-wide election, anything that had to go before the electorate could be handled at that time. Mr. Sheridan said that he thought from everyone's standpoint, that if the Commission sets a specific time and date for each meeting they can schedule the Commission around that. He suggested that they could also add additional meetings. He asked which night would. be best for everyone. Everyone felt that Tuesday's were the best to meet. Mrs. Johnson suggested having the meeting in the middle of the month. Everyone agreed that the third Tuesday of each month would be best because it is the least busy week. They also agreed to exclude the months of July and August, but said if the subcommittees would want to meet, they could. Mr. Bjerkesett asked if it was the intention, at the last meeting, to put out a press release inviting various groups to submit some opinions within 60 days. Mr. Sheridan said they had, and would make up the press release later in the evening. Mr. Bjerkesett suggested that since the Commission would not meet during the months of July and August, that they get the written suggestions in by that time so that the Commission could look them over. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea. Mr. Sheridan said that the Bylaws Committee felt that rather than send out invitations to various groups , that they put out a public notice and let the groups pick it up from there. Mr. Bjerkesett asked if the City would post something like this on a bulletin board in City Hall . Mr. Sheridan said that perhaps they could ask the City to post the public notice out of the paper. Mrs. Knoff asked if there could be some way to get this put on the front page of the Sun Newspaper. Mr. Sheridan said that he was sure they could. Mr. Sheridan stated that the Commission should not put the responsibility of the press releases on the Secretary-Treasurer for her to put them out. He added that she could line them up, but have some assistance from the Commission in formulating them. Everyone agreed. Mrs. Johnson asked if the other City Charters were ready for the Commission. Mr. Sheridan said that the Commission had not yet received the other Charters , however, they would be sent out to the Commission members soon. Mr. Wegler asked where the suggestions for review came from. Mr. Sheridan said that they were an accumulation of things that he had accumulated over a period of three or four years; from City Managers, people within the adminis- tration, and some from the Council . He said he had put them together with reference to the sections within the Charter. CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 10, 1973 PAGE 3 Mr. Sheridan explained that when he was on the Commission before they broke up into four or five small committees and each committee took a certain seg- ment of the Charter to work up the "expertise" within that section. Then the full Commission would get back together and make the necessary corrections, reword it, discuss it, and rework it to try to come up with what it is today. He suggested that it would be a good idea to try. He added that some sections within the Charter will probably not need much review. Mr. Bjerkesett questioned if it would be wiser to set up the subcommittees until after they got some of the suggestions in, and then agree that some sec- tions won't need any major actions. Mrs. McChesney said that public hearings were suggested and asked when they would be. Mr. Sheridan said that they should be held after they get some recommendations and have a chance to review them. September would probably be best. Mr. Ratcliff asked if the Commission has to hear some of the suggestions, even if they are outrageous. Mr. Sheridan said the Commission will not be obligated to hear them, but through courtesy they probably should hear them out. He added, that they do not have to follow anybody's recommendations. Mr. Wegler agreed. Mr. Sheridan said that he did not think that the Commi- ssion would get very far if they had the public at each meeting. They could hear them once and then go on from there. E L E C T I O N O F O F F I C E R S Elections included: President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer The nominations for President included: Mr. Ray Sheridan, who was nominated by Mr. Wegler and seconded by Mrs. Johnson. MOTION by Mr. Bjerkesett that the nominations for President be closed and a unanimous ballot cast for Mr. Sheridan. Seconded by Mr. Bacon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The nominations for Vice President included: Mr. Ole Bjerkesett, who was nominated by Mrs. Johnson and seconded by Mrs. Collins. MOTION by Mr. Wegler that a white ballot be cast. Seconded by Mr. Bacon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The nominations for Secretary-Treasurer included: Mrs. Peg McChesney, who was nominated by Mrs. Collins and seconded by Mrs. Johnson. MOTION by Mr. Bjerkesett that the nominations for Secretary-Treasurer be closed and a white ballot be cast. Seconded by Mr. Bacon. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 10, 1973 PAGE 4 The Commission then made a draft of the press release to be put out, possibly on the front page of the Sun newspaper. The release included: stating that the Commission was now in operation, the officers elected; Mr. Sheridan- President, Mr. Bjerkesett-Vice President, and Mrs. McChesney-Secretary-Treasurer; and that the Commission was going to review the present City Charter of the City of Fridley. There were also various other items listed. Mr. Sheridan then asked if there were any other questions or business to take care of before the adjournment. There were none. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr. Bjerkesett to adjourn the meeting of the Charter Commission, April 10, 1973. Seconded by Mr. Wegler. The motion carried unanimously, and the meeting adjourned at 9:14.p.m. Respectfully submitted: 6te-e (i - CAM% MADY Acting Secretary *Note the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 15, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room at City Hall .