CHM 05/20/1975 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20 , 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Edythe Collins , Ole Bjerkesett , Elaine Knoff, Ray Sheridan , Peg McChesney, Clifford Ash, Herbert Bacon, Jerry Ratcliff MEMBERS ABSENT: Harry Crowder, Jackie Johnson, Jack Kirkham, Roy McPherson, Robert O 'Neill , Donald Wegler OTHERS PRESENT: Jean Schell - President of League of Women Voters Susan Nagengast - Fridley DFL Club Dennis Schneider - Fridley DFL Club Ken Sporre - Fridley Jr. Chamber of Commerce Chairman Sheridan opened the meeting at 8 : 05 p.m. Mr. Sheridan explained to the Commission that Jackie Johnson and Harry Crowder had both indicated to him that they would not be able to attend the May 20 meeting due to prior commitments . MOTION BY OLE BJERKESETT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 35 , 1975 MEETING. Seconded by Elaine Knoff. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye , the motion carried unanimously. A lengthy discussion involving special elections was held. Ken Sporre said that a possible addition in the form of an amendment could be , i-■ " No special election need be called if the ,vacancy occured less than six months prior to the general elction, but that the Council seat would remain vacant. " Mr. Bjerkesett asked Mr. Sporre whether he thought this was worth it. He felt, yes , it was . There should be an elective process. Mr. Sporre explained that the Council has asked Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, whether they would have to appoint in this case . Mr. Herrick felt that the vacancy in Council overrode special elections . Ray Sheridan explained that , under the Charter , they had the option of appointment. Ken Sporre explained that the members of the Jaycees are against any appointment process . They are in favor of an elective process . Ole Bjerkesett inquired as to the opinion of the DFL Club. Dennis Schneider explained that the club hasn't met since the mailing of the invitations . Sue Nagengast said that now, they would have a better idea of the specific proposals. They would discuss this at the next meetings Jean Schell , of the League of Women Voters, said that they haven't studied the Charter, but she would be happy to review its position with the members of the League. She said that they had supported appointment within 30 days or a special election within 90 days. CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 20 , 1975 PAGE 2 Clifford Ash expressed concern over the cost of running for office again in such a short period of time. He asked why six months is the time suggested. Ken Sporre answered that he believes in the elective process . They had to pick a certain number, and six seemed to be the best. Ole Bjerkesett suggested that the entire revised Charter be presented to the Council. The Council would vote yes , or no , in approving it. Peg McChesney stated that if the revisions don 't go through, the Commission would have no idea as to which sections they would like changed. MOTION BY CLIFFORD ASH THAT THE CHARTER COMMISSION SUBMIT THE CHARTER TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO GO ON THE AGENDA OF JUNE 23 , AND NOTE THAT THE COMMISSION IS STILL STUDYING SECTION 2 . 05 AS IT PRESENTLY IS LAW, FURTHERMORE , THE COMMISSION WOULD LIKE THE COUNCIL TO ACT ON EACH INDIVIDUAL SECTION ON ANY ACTION IN WHICH IT IS NOT UNANIMOUS , /:_1D THE COMMISSION WOULD LIKE THE STATED REASONS BY THE OPPOSING PERSONS IN BY AUGUST 15 . Seconded by Elaine Knoff. Upon a voice vote, Ole Bjerkesett abstain- ' ing, the motion carried. A discussion on filings was held. Mr. Sheridan said that as it stands now, 45-60 days were involved. The Commission may wish to add to the n section. Ken Sporre said that if nobody files , it would be held the same way as a general election. If this happens , there can't be much interest • in the City for citizen input. Maybe at this point , the appointive process would have to be used. He stressed the importance of every citizen' s opportunity to vote. A short discussion involving the cost of the special election was held. A memo from Marvin Brunsell, Assistant City Manager/Financing Director, regarding the cost of the election , the number of voters , and the cost per vote will be sent with the minutes to the members . REPORT FROM OFFICERS Mr. Sheridan explained that he represented the Charter Commission of the City of Fridley in Cottage Grove. They have a ten member Commission. He discussed Fridley' s Charter with them and sent them copies of the Charter and the Proposed Ammendments . He received a certificate of appreciation from the members. Mr. Sheridan relayed a letter directed to the dommission from Shelley Morrison, the previous recording secretary, to the Commission. She expressed her wishes for the best to each member upon completion of the City Charter revisions. r•-■ • CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 30 , 1975 PAGE 3 Jackie Johnson' s letter of May 13 , regarding elections , was passed around to those present at the meeting. A copy of the letter will be sent to each member along with the minutes of the meeting. MOTION BY OLE BJERKESETT THAT THE CHARTER COMMISSION RECESS FOR JUNE , JULY, AND AUGUST. Seconded by Herbert Bacon. Upon a voice vote , all voting aye , the motion carried unanimously. MOTION BY OLE BJERKESETT TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9 : 23 p.m. Seconded by Peg McChesney. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye , the motion carried unanimously. Respectfully subm?tted, trolly Tonsager Recording Secretary n • •