CHM 02/17/1976 CHARTER COMMISSION February 17 , 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT : Raymond Sheridan , Clifford Ash , Ole Bjerkesett , Kenneth Brennen , Elaine Knoff , Jackie Johnson Robert O 'Neill , John Swanson , Charles Langer Herbert Bacon , Roy McPherson MEMBERS ABSENT : Jerry Ratcliff , Peg McChesney Chairperson Sheridan opened the meeting at 7 : 35 p .m. He added Ms . McChesney had contacted him earlier and explained that she was not feeling well and would probably not be able to attend the meeting . APPROVAL O MINUTES OF JANUARY 20 , 1976 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING : Mr . Ash stated on page 3 , the third paragraph , a correction should be made . The first sentence should read as follows : "He stated the budget is a valid piece of information which the people need to make decisions in an election year . " MOTION by Ole Bjerkesett , seconded by Clifford Ash , to approve the minutes of the January 20 , 1976 Charter Commission meeting as corrected . Upon a voice vote , all voting aye , the motion carried unanimously . REPORTS FROM OFFICERS : Mr . Sheridan stated he had contacted Mr . Herrick in regard to the suggested Charter changes the Commission had submitted to him. He added Mr . Herrick had stated he had not as yet looked over the material , but would have this completed within the next couple of days . Mr . Sheridan stated he would prepare a cover-letter to the Council asking them to act upon the suggested Charter changes so that the Commission may have them back by April . He added he would indicate the Commission members would like to be noti- fied of the date for the hearing on these changes . REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES : Mr . Ash spoke for his committee on Sections 7 . 04 , 7 . 05 , 7 . 09 , and 7 . 14 of the City Charter . He added his committee had discussed these sections at length and that their main concern was that the budget become open and available to anyone interes- ted in viewing it . Mr . Ash stated Section 7 . 04 was quite clear and very well defined . However , it was the suggestion of his committee that the words "and shall be published in the official publication prior to the August meeting " be added to the end of the second • CHARTER COMMISSION PAGE TWO paragraph . Mr . Sheridan suggested that the last paragraph be deleted as it was no longer pertinent. The Commission agreed on these changes . In regard to Section 7 . 05 , Mr . Ash stated it was his committee ' s recommendation that the budget be adopted during the month of October instead of September because of the problem with setting the mill rate . Mr . Ash also stated it was committee ' s suggestion that the words "The budget as adopted shall be published in the official pub- lication" be added to the end of that section . The Commission concurred with these changes . In regard to Section 7 . 09 , Mr . Ash suggested that the word "November" replace the word "October" throughout this section in order that this section remain in compliance with other sec- tions . The Commission agreed . In regard to Section 7 . 14 , Mr . Ash stated it was his committee ' s feeling that the budget should be published quarterly . He stated the City was actually compiling all the necessary infor- mation monthly . It would just be a matter of tabulating and publishing the information . Publishing this information quarterly would make it a little more open and business-like . Mr . Swanson agreed this would make all the information more meaningful since comparisons could be made . The last sentence of that section will read as follows : On or before the first day of April in each year the city manager shall prepare a complete financial statement in form approved by the council of the city ' s financial operations for the preceeding cal- endar year , and quarter , which statement may be published in such manner as the council may direct and a summary thereof shall be published in the official newspaper on or before the third week in April , July , October , and January as appropriate . The Commission agreed on these changes . OTHER BUSINESS : Mr . Sheridan stated the Commission may want to consider changing the by-laws ,which were adopted on March 13 , 1973 , in regard to the quorum. He stated they may wish to change the quorum from eight .to something less . This could be done at the next annual meeting . • CHARTER COMMISSION PAGE THREE COMMUNICATIONS : There were no communications . ADJOURNMENT : MOTION by Kenneth Brennen , seconded by Herbert Bacon , to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 20 p .m. Upon a voice vote , all voting aye , the motion carried unanimously . Respectfully submitted , Holly •7ibnsager d Recording Secretary