CHM 09/19/1978 -.• CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING n SEPTEMBER 19, 1978 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Ash called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. There was no quorum so the meeting is unofficial. ROLL CALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Clifford Ash, Kenneth Brennan, David Berg, Walt Starwalt, Peter Treuenfels, Jerry Ratcliff, Jackie Johnson (arrived late) MEMBERS ABSENT: Elaine Knoff, John Swanson, Charles Langer, Tim Breider, Jean Schell, Arne Takkunen, Bob Pierce OTHERS PRESENT: None Mr. Ash stated one thing the Commission has to do every September is appoint a nominating committee for officers of the Charter Commission. They have to be appointed in September and they have to report back their recommendations next month so that they can n go out prior to the November meeting when the election takes place. Mr. Ash asked Mr. Starwalt if he would chair the nominating committee and Mr. Starwalt stated he would. Mr. Ash asked Mr. Berg and Mr. Brennan to be on the committee and they stated they would. Mr. Ash stated they could have a meeting and discuss recommendations with the people and report back next month. Another thing is the November meeting is the only time according to our bylaws we can revise it. If there are any thoughts along those lines they should be put in writing for our next meeting for everyone to review prior to the November meeting. Mr. Ash stated we have some things to review on the hearings according to our May meeting. We could discuss the concepts as to when we should hold them and how and if there is anything else we want to add to the list. Mr. Ash read to the group the letter that was sent out to the various groups in Fridley. He asked if there was anything anyone wanted to add to the list. Mr. Ash asked Mr. Starwalt if he thought it was a good format the way it was done last time. That is to invite them for a meeting and get their viewpoints. We took about two groups a meeting. Mr. Starwalt stated he thought that was a proper way to do it. Mr. Ash stated we could not officially schedule anything tonight but we should use the winter months to hold the hearings. He stated one we discussed was to add a revision section to the back of the Charter. He felt it was a good idea - what it was and when it was changed. He stated Mr. Starwalt had recommended this. Page 2 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING September 19, 1978 Mr. Ash stated another item he would like to see is the Mayor publish a State-of-the-City message, probably in January. This way the people would get a better feel for what is going on. Mr. Starwalt stated he agreed there was a need for this but wondered what method would be used. Mr. Ash stated we would leave that up to the city. Mr. Starwalt stated the city newsletter does a good job. They could attach it to the newsletter not be a part of it. Mr. Ash stated another item is Section 207 where the Council sets their salary. He stated he felt they should set their salaries only after they have stood for election. Mr. Treuenfels stated he would like to see the salary on the ballot. Mr. Ash stated we just want something to discuss with the various groups. Mr. Ash stated another item is we cover expenditures for people who have a petition but we do not cover expenditures for opponents to the Petition. Maybe we should discuss this also. Mr. Ash stated another item is should the city manager serve totally at the pleasure of the City Council. The only way you can remove him now is by filing charges. Should this be discussed. Mr. Treuenfels stated he was in favor of discussing it. Mr. Ash stated another was under section 702. Right now the city has the right to levy up to 16 mills and they have not been levying that much. The city budget dollars have increased 250-300%. Inflation has only gone 10 or 12%. Should we consider putting something in there that if the City Council spends more than the rate of inflation plus 1 or 2% should there be a referendum or some other vehicle before that money can be spent. Mr. Treuenfels stated he would like to see that discussed but he would like to see if the population increases then the budget should increase. Mr. Brennan stated there has been discussion about indexing Federal income taxes - take it into account when they set the mill rate. Mr. Ash stated if they want to increase it then they can put it on the ballot. Mr. Ash stated another item of business was one of appointments to the Charter Commission. Mr. Mihalchick had moved out of the city and could no longer serve. We had submitted two names before that of Agnes Wolf and Mark Hart. Should we send a letter to the Judge asking him to appoint one of these people or should we wait. Page 3 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING September 19, 1978 Mr. Starwalt stated that at the last meeting we had discussed Mr. Herman Bergman but he had told Mr. Starwalt he was not interested. Mr. Ash stated he had talked to Jan DeVries and she seemed interested. Mr. Berg suggested submitting the names we have now and getting someone appointed. Mr. Starwalt agreed and stated we will have other people to think about in January when some terms are up.. The members stated they would like a copy of Mr. Ash's May 15, 1978 letter sent to the various organizations in Fridley attached to minutes of this meeting. Mr. Treuenfels moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Berg seconded the motion. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, „ja..41-6 Gayle Gob/en Recording Secretary Attachment i ILJ SU f _ CITY OF FRIDLEY p � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., F.RIDLEY, MINNESOTA 56432 TELEPHONE ( 612)571.3450 May 15, 1978 JA 4p\ a TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: l'ir . Fl The Charter Commission of the City of Fridley is again reviewing _: the Charter to see if any section needs updating. • Some of the questions that have been raised in their discussions are: 1 . Nothing is said about the number of terms that a person can. serve on the City Council . Should it be limited to two or four terms. 2. Council size. Should there be more members? Fridley has grown, is now in the 30,000 category. 3. Should be a list of standing committees and it should be published, with name of chairman, plus schedule, meeting dates, etc. , at least once a year. 4. Boards. Newly created boards should have a termination date or rejustification for further existence. 5. Can a person hold more than one elective office? 6. Should the City have a fair campaign practice whereby printed materials handed out by a candidate be filed with the City Clerk at least 11 days prior to the election so the opposition would have the opportunity to respond to it? 7. Feel that there should be something on ethics in the Charter. 8. Charter change on how vacancies on unexpired terms of Councilmen be handled. If your organization has any input on these items the Charter Commission would he very appreciative of hearing from you. They will probably be scheduling a public hearing on these items early in the fall of 1978. Sincerely, CLIFFQRQ'ASH, ACTING CHAIRMAN CA/de CHARTER COMMISSION •