FEBRUARY 6, 1979
Chairperson Ash called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT : Clifford Ash, Charles Langer, Peter
Treuenfels, Walt Starwalt, (Jackie
Johnson, 8: 00 P.M. ) , (David Berg,
Jean Schell, 8: 25 P.M. )
MEMBERS ABSENT : Kenneth Brennen, John Swanson, Tim Breider,
Bob Pierce, Elaine Knoff, Jerry Ratcliff
OTHERS PRESENT: Connie :vlodig, Fridley D.F.L. Club
Pat Gabel, Fridley D.F.L.
Marvin Brunsell, City of Fridley
Dave Schaaf, State Senator, Fridley
Cheryl Moses, City Council
,-� Chairperson Ash, opened the meeting; and stated that at this
time there was not a quorum present.
Mr. Ash noted that he had a letter of resignation from
Mr. Arne Takkunen. Mr. Ash stated that Mr. - Takkunen was
moving out of Fridley. (See attached letter)
Mr. Ash stated that he had a letter from Judge Forsberg, and
that the Judge did not appoint the two names that the Comm-` `
ission had submitted to him, but that the Judge did reappoint
the names of the persons who had requested reappointment.
Mr. Ash further stated, that he now had three other names,
and resumes for consideration for a commission seat, that will
be forwarded to the Judge. (Letters and resumes forwarded to Judge) .
The names of the three were: Heidi S. Licht, Irene Maertens,
and Nancy Chevalier. Mr. Ash noted that he held a copy of a
letter from Mr. Caureshi, stating that he also had sent names
to Judge Forsberg for consideration. The names were: Senator
Schaaf, Susan Nagengast, and Frank VanDan.
After dicussion, the Commission decided that Chairperson Ash,
would write a letter stating the Commission' s viewpoint.
The members decided that all the names of prospective Comm-
ission appointee' s should be coordinated thru the Commission.
This would expediate matters in getting positions filled. They
felt that the Commission has always sent any and all names
to the Judge for his decision, and for the City Council's
Mr. Ash stated that he had a discussion with the League of
Minnesota Cities. He posed to them some questions. The
questions and the League's response were stated in the
letter Mr. Ash received from them. (See attachment) The first
question was, "could the City adopt charter provisions call-
ing for automatic recall?" The answer was yes. The second
question was, "for recall of Local Officers?" The answer was
no, except for malfeasance or nonfeasance in office. The last
question was, "could the Commission provide for advisory
elections?" The answer was, "the Attorney General concluded
that advisory elections are permitted provided there is
explicit statutory or charter authority for such elections. "
Mr. Ash stated that he had been in contact with Mr. William G.
Nelson, who is a salesman with Computer Elections Systems.
These being the people who sell the Votematic. Mr. Ash stated
that he had a lot of material on what other states do with
election systems, and recalls, etc. He stated that if anyone
wanted copies of any of the materials after looking at the
materials, he would make copies.
Mr. Ash stated that he had letters of input from Mr. Bill Nee,
and Mr. D. Schneider, on items to be discussed. (See attachment)
Chairperson Ash, asked if there was any New Business?
Mr. Brunsell, stated that he would like to swear in Mr. Ash,
and Mr. Treuenfels, as they had been reappointed. Mr. Ash,
and Mr. Treuenfels, then took their oath of office.
Mr. Treuenfels, stated that he and the other Commission members,
would like to thank secretary Gayle Gobera for all her services,
on her departure as secretary.
Pa e CHARTER CO:l,MISSION MEETING February 6, 1979
Mr. Ash wanted the members to take note, that he had received
a letter from layor Nee. The .layor wanted to advise the members
that a memorial plaque had been placed in the Civic Center
for Mr. Ray Sheridan. (See attached letter)
There was no further New Business. Mr. Ash asked if there was
any Old Business? There was none.
Mr. Ash stated that it was time to open discussion with
'special groups' invited to the meeting.
Ms. Modig stated that she had been in contact with her D.F.L.
group and had gathered the following responses to the questions
posed to them.
1 . Should the Mayor and/or Administration give a State of the
City message annually?
Yes, Ms. Modig' s group felt it should be done.
2. After setting their salaries, should the Council members
stand for re-election before receiving the increase?
No, Ms. Modig stated that the group felt it was not valid.
That there had not been any abuse in the past. She further
stated that they felt it could be done in say six months;
3. Should there be a limit on expenditures for opponents to
a petition? Should they also file with the City if they
organize themselves?
Ms. Modig, stated that the group's feelings were, that
both proponents, and opponents should file, but no limits
should be placed on either one.
4. Should the City Manager serve totally at the pleasure of
the City Council, making the job political?
Yes, Ms. Modig stated, the group felt that then the City
Council had some control.
5. Ref. Section 7. 02 - Should there be a limit on the money
spent in addition to the mill limitation? Something like
limit dollar increases in the budget to the rate of inflation
plus 1 or 2 percent?
Ms. Modig stated the the group felt there were already
limits set, and that any further limits were not needed.
6. Should there be a limit on the number of terms a person
can serve on the City Council?
M . Modig stated that the D.F. L. group felt no limit
should be set, that the voters themselves could, and
would, limit the terms thru the election process on
whether the member had done a good job or not.
7. Should the Council increase in size now that Fridley is
much larger than when the Charter was adopted?
No, Ms. Modig stated, that the group felt there was no
reason that an increase was necessary.
8. Should newly created Boards, Committees, etc. , have a
termination date or is rejustificati.on necessary for
further existence?
Ms. Modig stated her group' s feelings were, that it was
not necessarry, as most are limited anyway and reviewed.
Also, that most were not regulatory or paid positions.
9. Can a person hold more than one elective office?
No , Ms. Modig stated that there was no need, and that they
felt it may not belong in the charter.
10. Should there be a fair campaign practices section?
No, Ms. Modig stated they felt it should be left to the
legislature and doesn't belong in the charter.
11 . Should the Charter have something on ethics of Council
members and City Administration?
Ms. Modig stated that the group felt no, that there was
already a city ordinance on this, and that it was best
left alone, because it was more controllable the way it is.
12. Ref. Section 205 - Should there be a change on how vacancies
of unexpired terms of Councilmen are filled?
Ms. Modig's group felt that they could not speak on this
question, because they realize the difficulties involved
in the mechanics of elections. They would like to see the
Commission deal with the difficulties of the mechanics
first. Plus, they realize the expense of having an election.
Pale' CHARTER COA4ISSION MEETING_ February 6, 1979
• Discussion took place on explaining the mechanics and the cost
of having an election.
• Mr. Ash, stated that at 8: 25, with Ms. Schell now present there
was a quorum.
13. Should there be an automatic recount on close elections?
Senator Schaaf, stated that he now has a bill on his desk
dealing with the problems of close elections. He stated that
he felt, in Fridley, the candidates, and the citizens, would
be happy with an automatic recount.
Discussion with Senator Schaaf and the committee members
ensued on different ways to procede with a automatic recount.
Senator Schaaf, made the comment, that he felt that state-
wide legislation on the Ethics questions was better that the
City setting limits.
Much discussion with Senator Schaaf and the Committee members
ensued, on different ways of legislating ethics, and the problems
with legislating ethics.
Discussion began on minority appointments to committee's.
Mr. Starwalt, Mr. Langer, Mr Ash, and Senator Schaaf dis-
cussed their views and ideas and experiences on minority
Mr. Ash stated that he had one meeting with a small group from
the Republican Party. He stated that their views ran almost
exactly to what views Ms. Modig' s group had stated with the
following exceptions. They had mixed feelings about the City
Manager's job. He further stated that the groups feeling ran
about 60 to 40 on the 'dollar limitation' , or to leave it like
it is now. Also , Mr. Ash, further noted they seemed to have
a mixed feeling on the 'salary increases' .
Discussion ensued between Mr. Langer, Mr. Ash, and Senator
Schaaf on different methods of obtaining salary increases.
Mr. Ash continued that the Republican groups feeling on
'limiting terms' , was that it was up to the voters to limit
the terms. There was no clear cut consensus regarding 'newly
created boards ' , from the group.
Councilperson Cheryl Moses inquired as to what the consensus
was of the commission on an automatic recount in close elections?
Mr. Ash stated that from the input he had received, the consensus
was that yes something should be done, and that yes the
Commission would be able to do something.
Discussion began on the open positions on the Charter Comm-
ission. Mr. Ash stated that there were five open positions.
MOTION was made by Mr. Langer to submit to the Judge the five
names the Commission had for consideration for a position on
the Charter Commission. These names, plus the names sent to
the Judge, by Mr. 61ureshi, would total eight names the Judge
would then have. Motion was Seconded, by Ms. Johnson. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the Motion carried unanimously.
Because of the conflict of meetings, for Council members, it
was decided that they should be invited again to the next
MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, Seconded by Ms. Schell, to adjourn
the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the meeting
adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
The next meeting will be March 6, 1979.
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Reed
Recording Secretary