CHM 03/06/1979 CHARTER CO�:1MI SSION 'MEETING larch 6, 1979 CALL TO O ?DER Chairperson Ash called the meeting to order at 7 : 49 P.M . ROLL C TALL MEMBERS PRESENT: Clifford Ash, Peter Treuenfels , David Berg, t°lalt Starwalt, Irene Maertens , Sue Nagengast, Francis Adam van Dan, Ken Brennan, Jean Schell ME1BERS ABSENT : John Swanson, Charles Langer, Tim Breider, • Bob Pierce OTHERS PRESENT : Pat Brennan (Observing) Bill Nee , .Mayor, City of Fridley APPROVE MINUTES MOTION made by Halt Starwalt to approve the January 2, 1979 minutes , seconded by David Berg. Upon a voice vote , all voting aye , the minutes were approved unanimously. =MOTION made by Ms . Schell to approve the February 6, 1979 minutes . Motion was seconded by Walt Starwalt. Upon a voice vote , , all voting aye, the motion passed. unanimously. INTRODUCTION OF NEB}.' :: EMBERS Chairperson Ash, introduced the new members to the Commission. New members Irene Maertens , Francis Adam van Dan, and Susan Nagengast, were administered the oath of office by Marvin Brunsell. Mr. Ash stated , that Mr. C.ureshi had informed him that the City Council had submitted the name of Mr. Larry Commo"rs to the Judge for consideration for a position with the Commission. Mr. Ash further stated, that there were still two positions on the Comm- ission to be filled. He said that the Judge had about four names to consider for those positions . RtPO4T FROM OFFICLiS None NLa T BUSINESS s None OL .) BUSINESS : None • Pare 2 CHARTER CO i ISSION MEETING — March 6, 1979 , PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY Mr. Ash asked Mayor Nee , if he had any views on the changes, that he would like to make to the Commission. ,fir. Nee stated, that his views had been expressed in his letter dated January 30, 1979, to the Charter Commission. This letter is included, as part of the February 6, 1979 , minutes. Mayor Nee then stated some of his reason' s for ,his statements in his letter. He stated that on the particular point of 'Expenditure limits on Petitions for Opponents , ' he felt that the reason for any limit was to encourage the referendum to be a popular movement, not a commercial one. Mr. Nee, then made reference to the February 6th minutes, in which he said someone had mentioned not setting any limits , but just requiring a filing of expenditures report with the City. He felt a change in the charter to something like the filing of •a report may be a good change . Mr. Brennan wanted to state that he felt that any limit would be unconstitutional. Francis Adam van D an , stated that concerning the size of the City Council, he felt that he would like to see the size of it increase , when Fridley reaches it' s saturation point in population. He further stated that he would like to keep this issue alive for further discussion and study. Mayor Nee stated that the City is very close to it' s population saturation point now. He further stated that he felt the City staff, was much better now than it had been before 1965. Also , he stated that the staff works well with the City Council, and the staff does a superb job. Mr. Nee said that now most things that used to be handled by the alderman, can and are handled by the staff, and that if it isn' t, then a person would call the Mayor, or alderman. As the Council is now, Mayor Nee stated , it is also pretty easy to locate blame, and identify whose re- sponsibil_ity it is , which, may not be so easy if there i3 an in- crease in size . cage 3 CHA:'TL;A CU 1I3SIoN .TIN( larch 6, 1222 :1r. Nee stated that he did not oppose an increase in the size of the City Council , if the Commission so felt it to be desirable , but, that he did not at this time see a need for it. In regards to the 'Filling of Vacancies on the City Council, ' lr. Brennan stated that he felt an election should be held, even if it meant a small turnout of voters , that at least they did have the privilege of filling the vacancy extended to the voters. Mr. Starwalt, felt that he would have no qualms in having the duly elected officials of the City Council , appoint someone if • that vacancy was for one year only. Regarding the thought of having something on the ballot in order to obtain the general public' s viewpoint, Mayor Nee stated , that when the Council had attempted to place something on the ballot as a binding referendum, they had been told that it was not a legal expenditure by the City Council , and that the alternative would be to have an advisory referendum. . Mayor Nee stated that the legal opinion was that unless the Charter provides for it the Council does not have the authority to put a referendum question on the ballot. He further stated that the Commission would have to decide if this would be what they wanted , because he felt sometimes it is used as a scapegoat when the Council can not decide on an issue and wants to wash it' s hands of it. Mr. Ash then stated that the opinion he had from the League of Minnesota Cities , was that yes , according to the Attorney General, the Council could have advisory elections , if the Charter pro- vided the authority for such elections . In regard to the 'State of the City' message, ,'Iayor Nee, said that he felt it was a good idea, but that there was no need for a charter amendment to provide for it. Also , he stated that he could not find any specific way of accomplishing this that would get to. the majority of the people . He also stated that only a few would probably find it of interest or useful. Mr. Nee showed the Commission some of the old annual reports , and their contents . '•••■ Mr. Nee and the Commis:°:i on then discussed the various formats , forms , cal::nd it , etc. , that have been u ed , and a�re still i.n usu Lu accu„':,C .teh the ubjeC ._,ve of Oi,,. ..?. the people of Page 4 CHARTEk CO,UT.SSION MEETING 'March f , 1979 Mr. Brennen, stated that after ':Mr. Qureshi had spoken to the Comm- ission, he wondered how the City could obligate the taxpayer by selling bonds . Mr. Brennen asked .,Ir. Nee to explain the issue to him . Ir. Nee stated that for a general obligation bond an affirmative vote on a referendum for the bond was required . He further stated, that a revenue bond does not require a referendum, but the revenue bond does not obligate the taxpayer either. Mr. Brunseil stated that the public utility system eeld the liquor system, are the only two that the City has issued revenue bonds for. Mayor Nee discussed different debt procedures , and investment pools , that Mr. Brunse.11 deals with for the City of Fridley. !:Ms . Nagengast inquired if the Commission worked on any timetable. Mr. Ash responded, by saying that the Commission did not have a timetable. He proceeded to state the Commission' s procedures . - At this time, Chairperson Ash wanted it stated that the officer' s are as follows : Clifford Ash Chairperson Charles LangerVice-Chairperson Jean Schell Secretary MOTION was made by Mr. Treuenfels , to send the appropriate certificate to ex-members of the Commission. Motion was seconded by Mr. Berg. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS : None MOTION to adjourn, was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye , the meeting adjourned at 9: 35 r. ' . The next meeting will be April 3, 1979 Respectfully submitted , Elaine Reed hecordin Secretary