CHM 02/18/2003 - 00027135CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING February 18, 2003 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Gordon called the Charter Commission meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Anita Gerrety, Craig Gordon, Bill Holm, Janet Johnson, Nancy Jorgenson, Francis Van Dan, and Dale Warren Members Absent: Suzanne Alvite Warren, Don Findell, Char Fitzpatrick, Harry Heck, Deborah Monden, and Cindy Soule Others Present: Deb Skogen, City Clerk/Staff Liaison Tony Solgard, President, Fair Vote Minnesota APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Jorgenson MOVED and Commissioner D. Warren seconded a motion approving the February 18, 2003, Charter Commission agenda. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GORDON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE AGENDA WAS APPROVED. 1. Presentation of Instant Run -off Voting by Tony Solgard, Fair Vote Minnesota Chairperson Gordon introduced Tony Solgard, President of Fair Vote Minnesota. Mr. Solgard stated Fair Vote Minnesota was a non - profit organization working to educate voters about alternative voting methods. Mr. Solgard provided handouts, as shown in Attachments 1 and 2. Commissioner Jorgenson said if the city chose to adopt Instant Run -off Voting (IRV), they could only implement it at the city level for city elections. Ms. Skogen said there would be some expense to the city to purchase software or hardware upgrades for each AccuVote machine and that the city would have to pay additional dollars to Anoka County to program the machine and the ballot. Mr. Solgard said he had spoken with the Secretary of State's Director of Elections about the possibility of opening the state contract on election equipment to allow ranked voting. The Director said that he would be including the ability to vote by ranked ballot for the new contract. Commissioner Holm said there were people who would only vote for one person because they did not like the other candidates at all and wondered how that would work. Mr. Solgard said if a ballot was not ranked and if their vote was for a candidate who received the lowest vote totals, Adopted 3 -18 -2003 Charter Commission Meeting Minutes of February 18, 2003 Page 2 that candidate would be out and their vote would cease to be counted on the remaining candidates. Commissioner Van Dan talked about the history of the two party system in America and in Europe. Commissioner Van Dan felt there was no place for a third or fourth party system and that politicians did not understand how government worked. Chairperson Gordon asked if Fair Vote Minnesota was just run by volunteers. Mr. Solgard said it was a very small organization at this time that had a database of interested people they contact when they need help. He said if anyone was interested he would take their name and address to let them know in the future how they might help. Chairperson Gordon asked if there were any cities that were serious about this issue in Minnesota. Mr. Solgard said that the City of Duluth had been looking at the issue due to the interest in the Mayoral race but they are not ready to change. Commissioner D. Warren asked if IRV was a Minnesota or National movement and how long it had been an issue. Mr. Solgard stated Fair Vote Minnesota was not affiliated with a national organization at this time. He said that there was a pro- democracy movement around the world. He said European nations have used proportional representation for the past 100 years. He said some United States cities had also used a ranking or proportional system until the 1950's or 1960's when they were repealed. Mr. Solgard said the City of San Francisco, CA, had just implemented IRV for the city offices and that Cambridge, MA, continued to use proportional representation, which they had used for over 80 years. In addition, the State of Alaska held a statewide referendum on IRV, however the voters failed to ratify it. 2. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Gerrety MOVED and Commissioner Nielsen seconded a motion approving the January 21, 2003 Charter Commission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GORDON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED. 3. Administrative Matters A. Report of Nominating Committee Chairperson Gordon reviewed the report of the Nominating Committee: Chair: Don Findell Vice Chair: Nancy Jorgenson Secretary: Deborah Monden The Commissioners briefly discussed the procedure for the election at the annual meeting in March. Adoopted 3 -18 -2003 Charter Commission Meeting Minutes of February 18, 2003 Page 3 Commissioner Holm MOVED and Commissioner D. Warren seconded a motion to accept the report of the Nominating Committee. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GORDON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE REPORT WAS ACCEPTED. B. Vacancy Chairperson Gordon requested Commissioners to forward names of people who might be interested in serving on the Charter Commission to Ms. Skogen so applications could be mailed for them to complete and return. Chairperson Gordon said Carol Hoiby was interested and he had asked her to submit a letter of interest. When letter is received, an application will be mailed. Ms. Skogen was asked to contact the Focus about placing information on the vacancy in the paper and to place the vacancy on the web and cable. Chairperson Gordon asked if the city would pay for mailing a letter about the vacancy to other city organizations letting them know about the vacancy. Ms. Skogen said yes. Commissioner Johnson asked about the survey and wondered whether or not the City Manager would make a presentation to the Charter Commission again. Chairperson Gordon said he could ask the City Manager if he could make a presentation at the April 29th meeting. Commissioner Van Dan thanked Ms. Skogen for placing the meeting date and time on the outside of the envelope as a reminder. 4. Adiournment Commissioner Holm MOVED and Commissioner D. Warren seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GORDON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8:26 P.M. Respectfully submitted, "dA4�? - Debra A. Skogen Sgaff Liaison Deborah Monden, Secretary Adoopted 3 -18 -2003