CHM 05/29/2008 - 29977CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING September 29, 2008 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Borman called the Charter Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Peter Borman, Gary Braam, Carol Hoiby, Ted Kranz, Rick Nelson, Leslie Plummer, Noel Ryan, Cindy Soule and Lois Scholzen Members Absent: Don Findell, Bill Holm, Nancy Jorgenson, Mary Kirkwood and Pam Reynolds Others Present: Deb Skogen, City Clerk/Staff Liaison APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Braam MOVED and Commissioner Ryan seconded a motion to approve the agenda. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BORMAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF MAY 19, 2008 CHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES: Chairperson Borman suggested changing the language in third paragraph, last sentence from, but rather than to "strong mayor" to but rather than to "council manager." The third sentence in the last paragraph on page two did not appear to make sense. Commissioner Ryan MOVED and Commissioner Nelson seconded a motion to amend the language as follows: "Currently staff does what the city council requests; but under a strong mayor, the mayor could control pet projects that may not be in the best interest of the City. By having staff complete the work of the council, it takes the politics out of the work or rp oject " Commissioner Ryan MOVED and Commissioner Nelson seconded a motion to approve the amended May 19, 2008 Charter Commission Minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BORMAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Chairperson Borman introduced Keith Shaw and let the Commissioners ask him questions. He said he became interested after talking with Mayor Lund and felt it would be a learning experience. He said he grew up in Fridley and described his background. Commissioner Soule MOVED and Commissioner Braam seconded a motion recommending the appointment of Keith Shaw to the Charter Commission to the Chief Judge of the 10"' Judicial District. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BORMAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2008 2. DISCUSSION CHAPTER 7 At this time there is only one correction to Chapter 7 on page 1 changing least to less under Section 7.02.1. 3. DISCUSSION CHAPTER 8 PAGE 2 Skogen said she made some changes to Section 8.05 based on the minutes, but wanted the Commissioners to review the language. After some discussion it was agreed Section 8.05.1. should be changed as follows: "Public works including all local improvements, may be constructed, extended, repaired or maintained either by contract or directly by day labor. Before receiving bids the City Manager shall, under the direction of the City Council have suitable plans and specifications prepared for the proposed material or project and estimate of the cost thereof in detail. The award of any contract ametinling to „ e than fifty thousand dollaF^ 'eG11"" whose total exceeds the amount allowable under Minnesota State Statutes shall require an affirmative vote of at least four (4) members of the City Council. When the best interest of the City will be served thereby, the City Council may organize a public works department under competent supervision and provided with suitable equipment. 4. DISCUSSION OF CHAPTER 9 It was agreed there was no need to change Chapter 9. 5. DISCUSSION OF CHAPTER 10 Chairperson Borman asked if the Cable Franchise was the only franchise and Ms. Skogen stated yes, that was correct. She said the ability to have a gas and electric franchise was adopted by the City Council in 1999; however, the ability to assess a fee to these franchises was removed by the special election in 1999 by the citizens. Chairperson Borman asked for the proper definition of franchise. The Commission referred to the definition in Section 10.01 of the Charter. Part of the fee from the franchise agreement with the Cable company provides free public access. After further discussion it was agreed no changes appeared to be needed at this time. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Nelson asked who the legal newspaper for the City of Fridley was and whether or not it could be done electronically. Deb Skogen said the official paper was the Fridley Sun Focus and the Star Tribune was the back -up. The Commission had discussed the issue with discussion of Chapter 3. After the changes have been provided to the Commission, the Commissioners may want to revisit this issue. In addition, discussion of chapters 11 and 12. Deb Skogen suggested the Commission also possibly address electronic meeting or teleconferencing. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Ryan MOVED and Commissioner Braam seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BORMAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 7:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 2008 Debra A. Skogen, City Clerk/Staff Liaison Carol Hoiby, Secretary PAGE 3