CHM 12/01/2014 CITY OF FRIDLEY CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 1, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Nelson called the Charter Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Commissioners Peter Borman, Gary Braam, Manuel Granroos, Carol Hoiby, Ted Kranz, Rick Nelson, David Ostwald, Barb Reiland, Cindy Soule and Richard Walch Members Absent: Commissioners Don Findell, Marion Flickinger, Novella Ollawore, Pam Reynolds and Lois Scholzen Others Present: Deb Skogen, City Clerk/Staff Liaison Moranda Zimmer, City Management Intern Dolores Varichak, City Councilmember (Ward 2) APPROVAL OF AGENDA Deb Skogen suggested the Commission think about amending their agenda to include the ability to have a discussion with Councilmember Varichak. Commissioner Braam MOVED and Commissioner Soule seconded a motion to amend the agenda to include Item 7 B Dolores Varichak and approving the meeting agenda as amended. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON NELSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Reiland MOVED and Commissioner Braam seconded a motion approving the Charter Commission meeting minutes of October 6, 2014. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON NELSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. Status of Appointments/Reappointments th Ms. Skogen reported that the appointments/reappointments to the Charter Commission from the 10 District Judge were received after the last meeting and all four individuals have accepted and signed their acceptance and oath. B. Status of Chapter 7 Amendment Ms. Skogen reported that the amendment proposed by an ordinance recommended by the Charter Commission to the City Council had received the public hearing and first reading. The second reading th was scheduled for December 8 and would be placed on the consent agenda. If it is adopted unanimously by the council, it becomes published and then effective 90 days after publication. Councilmember Dolores Varichak thank the Charter Commission on behalf of the City Council for their hard work in helping to work out a solution to the new budget process and legislative changes. APPROVED 01/06/2015 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2014 PAGE 2 C. 2015 Charter Commission Calendar Ms. Skogen reported she would be available the first meeting in January, as it was also the first meeting of the City Council and she would be administering the oath of office to the newly re-elected city councilmembers. She also said the first Monday in September was Labor Day and they may want to change the meeting date for September as well. Commissioner Kranz MOVED and Commissioner Braam seconded a motion recommending the 2015 Charter Commission meeting dates would be January 6, February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, September 1, October 5 and November 2. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON NELSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS A. Review of Chapter 1 Chapter 1 was reformatted to break up the long sentence/paragraph in Section 1.02 Powers of the City, and to make it easier to find and understand the language. They questioned some of the terminology (some felt it was somewhat old fashioned) and wondered if any changes were needed. They asked Councilmember Varichak what she thought. Councilmember Varichak thought it was much easier to find, understand and read as bullet points. After discussing Chapter 1 further, Commissioner Walch MOVED and Commissioner Kranz seconded a motion recommending Chapter 1 have no language changes but that it be reformatted with bullet points. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON NELSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. B. Review of Chapter 6 Commissioner Borman MOVED and Commissioner Reiland seconded a motion removing the review of Chapter 6 from the table. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON NELSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. Edits were made to Section 6.02 Powers and Duties of the City Manger. These included: First Paragraph – after regulations, add the words adopted by the City Council. (a) Take out strikethrough at end of sentence to words are enforced. (g) Remove the comma after the “needs of the City” and remove the strikethrough from the word submit. Edits were made to Section 6.03 Departments of Administration. This section should read as follows: “The Council may create offices, departments, divisions and bureaus for the administration of the City’s affairs. It may alter the powers and organization of the same. It may enact in the form of an ordinance administrative code for the City and may amend the same.” The Commissioners began discussing Section 6.04 Subordinate Officers. They asked if the City Clerk was responsible for the custody and disbursement of public funds. Ms. Skogen said no and suggested they reword the language to make it clearer. It was suggested that the word such be removed from the first sentence and that in the second sentence City Clerk be changed to City officers. There was then a APPROVED 01/06/2015 CHARTER COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 2014 PAGE 3 discussion on whether the second sentence should start with the word The or These. Ms. Skogen was directed to leave it as the word The. The Commissioners then began discussing Section 6.05 Purchase and Contracts. Commissioner Soule said while the language states the City Manager shall be the Chief Purchasing Agent of the City, he could delegate some of those duties. The Commission started reviewing the second sentence bought found it confusing. It was determined that they should review this section before their next meeting to come up with language that would make that sentence more clear or more concise. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Chapter 10 Due to the time, the Commissioners decided to leave Chapter 10 on the table. B. Discussion with Councilmember Dolores Varichak Councilmember Varichak asked the Commission how long they had been serving on the Commission. Ms. Skogen reviewed each Commissioner’s original appointment date. Councilmember Varichak said she was happy to be able to come to a meeting and saw how they deliberate and make decisions. She said the Council has a new mission statement address the need for more families and businesses and keeping the community more safe and vibrant. Ms. Skogen will provide a copy of the Mission Statement to the members. The Commissioners asked Councilmember for her insight about the proposed organized collection. th Councilmember Varichak said that a public meeting was held on November 20 with about 30 individuals attending. Some were in favor, some opposed and some came to get questions answered. The public th hearing on the issue will held December 8 where the public will have the ability to provide testimony. She has received phone calls and e-mails and discussed the issue when campaigning. She is trying to understand and hear the public and does not want to take a position at this time. The Commissioners asked her a few additional questions for clarification. FUTURE MEETING TOPICS/COMMUNICATIONS The agenda for the next meeting shall include the review of Chapters 6 and 10. The Commissioners were reminded to review Section 6.05, as well as the rest of Chapter 6 before the next meeting and send any suggested language changes to Ms. Skogen so they can be shared with the other Commissioners prior to the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Hoiby MOVED and Commissioner Reiland seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON NELSON DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8:33 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ ________________________ Debra A. Skogen Donald Findell City Clerk/Staff Liaison Commission Secretary APPROVED 01/06/2015