OCTOBER 7, 2019
Chairperson Rolstad called the Charter Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Commissioners Gary Braam, Donald Findell, Manuel Granroos, Richard
Johnston, Ted Kranz, Bruce Nelson, Rick Nelson, Barb Reiland, Pam
Reynolds, Valerie Rolstad
Members Absent: Zach Crandall, David Ostwald, Cynthia Soule, Avonna Starck, Kelli Brillhart
Others Present: Daniel Tienter, Finance Director/City Treasurer/City Clerk/Staff Liaison
Melissa Moore, Administrative Services Coordinator/Deputy City
Clerk/Staff Liaison
Commissioner Rick Nelson MOVED and Commissioner Richard Johnston seconded a motion
approving the meeting agenda.
Mr. Tienter asked that new staff member Melissa Moore be given the chance to introduce
herself to the Charter Commission. Ms. Moore introduced herself as the new Administrative
Services Coordinator/Deputy City Clerk. She has taken over Deb Skogen’s role, and will begin
attending all Charter Commission meetings.
Commissioner Reynolds asked for the minutes to be amended as follows:
Page 2, 3 paragraph from the bottom, should read “Mr. Tienter said that it would provide great
efficiency in the day-to-day business and allow the City to respond quickly to new rules and
Page 2, 3 paragraph from the bottom, should read “The change provides clarity and
consistency for the council-city manager form of government and would be consistent with
other sections of the Charter.”
Page 3, 2 paragraph, should read “Ms. Skogen stated the reason for staff conducting research
and bringing it to the Charter Commission was due to City Attorney Erickson interpreting this
section as stating the mayor had to sign all contracts.”
Page 3, 4 paragraph from the bottom, should read “Commissioner Rolstad said the city council
hires the city manager to manage the City and the Charter should allow for that process.”
Mr. Tienter suggest that on page 4, an all caps declaration be added to reflect the motion that
was made.
Commissioner Findell asked for the minutes to be amended as follows:
Page 3, 3 paragraph from the bottom, he requested the word “selfish” be removed and
replaced with “defensive of the City Charter.” Mr. Tienter agreed to reference the original
recording of September 3 and change those minutes accordingly. Mr. Findell would like the
minutes to reflect that his comments came from his own feeling that he is a “guardian of the
Commissioner Findell MOVED and Commissioner Reynolds seconded a motion to table the
approval of the Charter Commission meeting minutes of September 3, 2019 to the November 4,
2019 meeting.
A. Commissioner Crandall Absences
Mr. Tienter informed the Commission that Mr. Crandall was sent a letter from Ms. Skogen asking
him to clarify his participation. No response was received by staff. Mr. Tienter requested a
motion of the Commission to request that the Chief Judge declare a vacancy pursuant to
Section 4b of the bylaws of the Charter Commission.
Commissioner Reiland MOVED and Commissioner Rick Nelson seconded a motion to declare a
vacancy pursuant to the bylaws of the Charter Commission.
Commissioner Reynolds inquired if anyone else knew Mr. Crandall was ok. Mr. Tienter did not
know if Ms. Skogen contacted him in any other way other than official mail. Commissioner
Reynolds agreed to reach out to Commissioner Crandall to inquire how he is.
Mr. Tienter added that staff will send the approved letter to the Chief Judge.
B. Vacancy to fill Dave Ostwald’s Term Expiring 02-21-2021
Commissioner Reynolds requested a change to the letter to Judge Meslow to read “Fridley
Charter Commission Resignation” to more accurately reflect the purpose of the letter. Mr.
Tienter agreed to change the subject line.
Mr. Tienter asked for a motion to accept Mr. Ostwald’s resignation, which was attached in the
form of an email and to ask the Judge to declare a vacancy for Mr. Ostwald’s spot.
Commissioner Reynolds asked for a clarification regarding the sentence stating a member of the
Charter Commission may not also serve as a councilmember. Ms. Reynolds reported the League
of Minnesota Cities recommends councilmembers do not serve on the Charter Commission due
to a possible conflict of interest. Mr. Tienter agreed to find the reference in the Charter and
share it with the Commissioners.
Commissioner Reynolds MOVED and Commissioner Johnston seconded a motion to accept the
resignation of Mr. Ostwalt and ask the Chief Judge to declare a vacancy pursuant to Section 4b
of the bylaws of the Charter Commission.
A. Discussion of Chapter 6 – Section 6.04/6.07
Commissioner Reynolds noted that the memo points out the language that is provided here was
changed. In the last meeting, it was requested that the approved language that was approved in
the motion be put into a draft ordinance. What is given here today is different than what the
Commission asked to have done. When the Commission votes to have something placed into
draft, that’s what should come back, not a new interpretation of the language from the City
Attorney. She also pointed out that prior to many of the other members joining the
Commission, the Commission worked over a year on this language. Deb Skogen noted that the
previous City Attorney took issue with the language, but when was that? At the November 2015
meeting, the Commission moved to send the draft ordinance to Council. There was a public
hearing in 2016 and there were no concerns from the City Attorney at that time, nor from the
Finance Director. There were no issues raised at the second reading of the ordinance either. The
Council accepted the language unanimously. Ms. Reynolds does not like how this issue is being
raised again because Ms. Erickson has not been the City Attorney since 2016. Ms. Reynolds feels
the new language that is being submitted to the Commission by the City Attorney is not what
anyone on the Commission asked to be placed into draft.
Commissioner Reynolds said the Commission only asked 6.05 be placed into draft because of
questions related to the definition of “ordain” found in 6.07. But this draft shows 6.07. The draft
also shows a date of 2020. If this draft were to be accepted tonight, after 30 days it must be
presented at a public hearing. So if this was approved, 2020 is the wrong date. Ms. Reynolds
referenced MN Statute §410.12, which points out how a Charter may be amended. She reported
there is no provision in statute that allows for staff to bring language forward for the purposes
of an amendment. Staff works for the city. This body is here to amend based on the needs of the
citizens. Ms. Reynolds reported this is the second time in recent history that an amendment has
been brought forward and drafted by staff; it happened with Chapter 7 and here we are now
again with staff recommending an amendment. They work for the City Manager and the City
Manager understands that we do our own amending. When the Commission has an issue, that’s
when staff are consulted. Staff should not be bringing forth amendments. Sometimes the Staff
Liaison will bring the Commission topics when either state or federal statute has changed, but
they don’t bring forward amendments.
Commissioner Rick Nelson asked if the revision was requested by the Commission.
Commissioner Reynolds said the Commission did not ask for a presentation from Mr. Tienter.
Deb Skogen asked if he could come to make a presentation. She feels it never should have
happened in the first place.
Chair Rolstad noted it was her understanding that the new language proposed to the
Commission was to help staff align policies with current state practice.
Commissioner Reynolds said that the council should amend the Charter with changes then. Ms.
Reynolds reiterated that the Charter Commission represents what the people want, not how staff
want things to be made easier.
Chair Rolstad noted it’s not a question of making the process easier for staff, but bringing our
processes up to date with technology and to be more efficient.
Commissioner Reynolds added that there is no history of the Mayor signing all of these
documents, so this is an interpretation of the language. There is nothing in state law about
whether the Mayor signs these documents or not. This is a new interpretation from staff.
Chair Rolstad countered that this is not a new interpretation of the language but a revising of
Mr. Tienter addressed the rationale for the amendment was due to concern that areas of the
Charter align with Chapter 6 referencing when the Council doesn’t involve itself in administrative
matters. The City Manager is empowered to run day to day operations but then the Mayor is
required to sign certain documents. The City Manager runs the whole process up until the end,
despite being empowered to administer all of those tasks, then has to have the Mayor sign
something, even though the Council has approved the budget and holds the City Manager
accountable for such decisions. This revision is consistent with other municipalities and other
chapters of the Charter. The draft was designed to provide clarity and consistency across the
entire Charter. Mr. Tienter reported that Ms. Erickson was consulted for points of clarity to
provide for ease of understanding of what the roles were of the City Manager, the Mayor and
staff. The language as presented was designed to accomplish that.
Commissioner Reynolds asked why it was three years later?
Mr. Tienter said he could not speak to the timing. When we were looking at it, he had learned
from Mr. Wysopal that this was an issue that had come up in the past and that if the staff was
interested in working with the Charter Commission to see if it would be acceptable, and
ultimately to the Council, he would be supportive of that effort. Mr. Tienter agreed that the
Charter Commission has a specific responsibility, while staff sometimes recommend processes
and procedures, it is ultimately up to this body if they want to accept, not accept, or amend any
recommendation. It’s an ordinary process that the Council has with staff as well as the other
Commissions as a collaborative process. Staff always honor and appreciate the role of the
Commission members and their responsibility. It is not a question of staff wanting to take away
the authority of the Commission members or do something the citizens would not approve of.
Mr. Tienter has a fiduciary responsibility to the city, so in that way he serves the public in the
same way that the Commission serves the public. This draft was not designed to be an us versus
them process. There can be disagreements about if this is the right language, or critiques of the
process and staff is open to all of those. Staff is here to support the Commission’s vision for the
community. This draft language is designed to do that as his recommendation to this body.
Commissioner Reiland stated she feels the Commission was being told what to do and the draft
was more than simply a suggestion. She felt that a list of suggestions and rationale for why
those suggestions are offered was what the Commission asked for, not for staff to write the
Commissioner Findell reported that he feels an ownership of this body. When staff starts taking
that away it feels annoying.
Commissioner Rick Nelson added that when he was Chair it was frustrating because he asked
the Mayor, Council and the City Manager what is that you want, let us know because the
Commission had been arguing with them for over a year. It did get to the point where all of the
sudden “that’s not how we do things so you need to change the Charter.” It had nothing to do
with what was quicker or better. His concern was that if the Commission makes this change it
could be changed back again in the future because it’s all about how staff want to do things and
how the Council wants to operate. The Charter is there on behalf of the citizens. Citizens do have
a chance to voice their opinion during “Open Mic” but commissioners are typically the only ones
who attend Council meetings. Mr. Nelson does not feel this particular language is bad except for
“unless authorized by City Council by Resolution.” He does not like that Council can let the City
Manager do whatever they want and act like they don’t know what’s happening. That offers no
accountability of Council to the citizens. He opposes the language as it’s currently written. The
City Manager gets more power, but by a simple Resolution the Council could wipe their hands
clean. Is this in the best interest of the citizens?
Commissioner Kranz reported the “old school” Charter members who have been around for a
while disagree with the newer members. The previous discussion was split right down the line.
The newer members advocate for change and the longer serving members like to keep things
the same. He hopes the split does not continue.
Chair Rolstad asked if the last sentence of 6.05 could be removed, or does it change the whole
Mr. Tienter responded that “unless otherwise authorized by the City Council by resolution” is
designed so the Council can authorize the City Manager or other designated staff to execute
documents on behalf of the City. Council would still review documents and approve them, while
designating which staff would be empowered to execute the document. This process is not
unusual and provides Council with additional flexibility. This is only recommended language. It
does not modify the intent of the recommended amendment, it does not cause any
incongruities with other parts of the Charter. If the Commission felt strongly about that
particular part of the text it could be removed.
Commissioner Findell asked for clarification on the last sentence, is it authorization for who can
sign a contract. Mr. Tienter said yes. Mr. Findell clarified that the Council could authorize the
Mayor or City Manager, or neither of them, or someone else to sign the agreement? And does
the contract need to be under $175,000?
Mr. Tienter said if the competitive bid process applies then there are particular rules that apply
and the Mayor and City Clerk would need to sign. There are a few other processes that would
apply for particular type of agreements and documents. For instance bonds are always signed
by the Mayor and Clerk and are affixed with the City seal. In some particular circumstances there
will be state law or other sections of the Charter that would supersede this draft language.
Commissioner Rick Nelson acknowledged the comments by Commissioner Kranz and
acknowledged that how the commissioners voted was based on if they had been members of
the commission in 2014. Newer members haven’t been exposed to the barrage of
Councilmembers and staff coming at the Commission members with wanting certain changes
made. While they may be viewed as not liking change, there is a reason why certain members
question these initiatives. He recommends newer members keep that in mind. He is not
opposed to change but there is some negative history that is influencing how things are looked
at and voted on.
Commissioner Reynolds MOVED that the ordinance draft that as provided be rejected and not
be moved forward to the Council and that the Commission indefinitely table the discussion.
Motion was seconded by Gary Braam.
A roll call vote was requested.
Ayes: Braam, Granroos, Kranz, R. Nelson, Reynolds
Nays: Findell, Johnston, B. Nelson, Reiland, Rolstad
Commissioner Findell expressed his concern with indefinitely tabling of the discussion. That is
the portion he does not agree with.
Commissioner Reynolds revised her motion and MOVED that the Commission does not put
forth the attached draft to Council and the topic be tabled to the November meeting.
Commissioner Braam seconded the motion.
Commissioner Nelson asked if motions could continue to be put forth. Commissioner Findell
said motions could keep being put forth until one is agreed upon.
A roll call vote was requested.
Ayes: Braam, Granroos, Kranz, R. Nelson, Reynolds, Findell, B. Nelson, Reiland
Nays: Johnston, Rolstad
Commissioner Reynolds MOVED that draft language be brought back how it was approved at
the last meeting.
Mr. Tienter reported that language is what is there along with added language from the
attorney, specifically changing “their designee” to “City Manager’s designee” and changing
“State Statutes” to “Minnesota Municipal Uniform Contracting Law,” and “as amended from time
to time” is standard. The City Attorney also added the conveyances, real estate purchases and
sale agreements. At the previous meeting there was a desire to provide more clarity and not be
so “legal speak,” which is what staff thought this new draft did and to make it reflect other
chapters of the Charter.
Commissioner Reynolds replied that those changes essentially change the whole draft they
asked for.
Commissioner Braam asked that at the next meeting the commissioners be presented with a line
by line comparison showing the original along with the language added by the City Attorney.
Chair Rolstad suggested that staff provide information on surrounding community’s language
that relates.
Mr. Tienter reported that staff looked at a dozen communities. Some identified specific dollar
amounts, some cities were very different with how they handled their contracting and
purchasing authority. He offered to provide excerpts of those texts. He noted that a red-lined
version of suggested modifications is included with the agenda packet.
Commissioner Braam noted that 6.05 in red and black was what was originally worked on.
Mr. Tienter agreed and clarified the red text is what the City Attorney added.
Commissioner Reynolds clarified that one additional reason for not moving this forward. This
draft shows Section 6.07. At the last meeting, it was specifically stated that the Commission
wished to continue discussion on 6.07, so the draft comes back with a section that has nothing
to do with the discussion that was voted on and asked to be put into a draft. Commissioner
Reynolds reported being tired of the Commission’s directions to staff being altered with added
language. The Commission receives information from the City Attorney. State Statute says if the
Commission feels they need an attorney, we are to be provided one. Elizabeth Lewis used to be
the attorney for the Charter Commission, not for the City. Commissioner Reynolds feels it is a
conflict of interest to have an attorney weigh in on matters from staff to bring back to the
Charter Commission. The City Attorney works for staff. She asked if the attorney would weigh in
on MN Statute §410.12, and if it says city staff can’t make amendments?
Chair Rolstad referenced page five of the previous meeting minutes under Future Meeting
Topics notes that a discussion of Chapter 6 draft ordinance would continue at the October
meeting. It is something that the Commission would be continuing to discuss.
Commissioner Rick Nelson replied that yes we were going to discuss it, but it’s already a part of
the draft ordinance. That isn’t discussion. That’s taking it forward.
Commissioner Reynolds said that when a draft is brought before the Commission it gives the
group time to discuss. At the last meeting, Section 6.07 was not part of the request for the draft,
yet it appears in the draft. You can’t take items and run with them. There is a process.
Mr. Tienter reported that the draft is presented with the opinion of the City Attorney. We
included the new language in an attempt to be transparent. Some of the language was already
included in the proposed ordinance. But staff tries to anticipate the needs of the Commission in
order to make the meeting as efficient as possible. If the Commission were to adopt this they
could remove section 6.07 or revise it any way they’d like. Staff was not trying to upend the
process but only to anticipate the Commission’s needs and provide the support the Commission
would need and give them a document to work from; any modifications can be done. This draft
is only a working draft. Staff were trying to anticipate what next questions would be asked in
anticipation of making the next discussion efficient as possible.
Commissioner Findell requested a watermark of DRAFT be added to the draft ordinance. This
attachment seems like it is ready to be presented to the City Council.
Mr. Tienter agreed to add the watermark to the draft.
Commissioner Rich Johnston recalled discussing 6.07 at the last meeting and the Commission
agreed to table the discussion and a draft ordinance was requested.
Commissioner Reynolds clarified the Commission did not ask for it to be included in the draft
Chair Rolstad said the draft ordinance only shows the difference of what was requested.
Commissioner Rick Nelson clarified that the minutes from September 3, 2019 state there was no
motion to carry forward 6.07, and now it has been carried forward in the draft ordinance.
Commissioner Rich Johnston also added the word Resolution instead of Ordinance.
Commissioner Findell recalled the discussion of the difference of resolution versus ordinance.
Mr. Tienter asked for a clarification on the motion to not approved the language that was
included in the Charter Commission’s packet and to request to discuss it as a future meeting
under Old Business. For clarifications for staff, he asked if there are particular questions or
information, such as language from other cities, that staff can work on prior to November 4?
Commissioner Reynolds asked for a draft ordinance with the language that was approved at the
September meeting.
Commissioner Rick Nelson clarified points in the September meeting. The motion to approve
the new language of 6.05 was approved 6 to 5. The motion to approve 6.07 was withdrawn to
allow staff time to review section 6.04 bring forth clarification on the definition of “ordain” and
how it would affect the proposed change to section 6.07.
Mr. Tienter clarified the motion was made to reject the language as presented, which passed.
Then there was discussion about next steps, what the group was looking for. He did not recall a
second of Commissioner Reynold’s revised motion to revert the language of 6.05 back to what
was included as a part of the packet from the previous meeting. Mr. Tienter will bring back more
language for the November meeting. The draft language in the packet includes the draft
language from the September meeting along with the suggested language from the attorney.
Commissioner Reynolds asked if Mr. Tienter understood what she was saying. This was not what
the Charter Commission requested. Therefore, in order to correct the error, she is asking that he
bring back the ordinance as it was requested. The minutes from September asked for the
language for 6.05 to be put in draft form, this is not it. There is a process and staff cannot follow
their own process because staff think they know what the Commission is thinking. That is not
what was asked for.
Chair Rolstad asked where in the minutes it asks for a review of Chapter 5 and what
Commissioner Reynolds was asking for.
Mr. Tienter clarified that Commissioner Reynolds is saying there was a motion to accept a
particular set of language for the proposed amendment. The recommended language that was
presented at tonight’s meeting does not reflect what was accepted at a previous meeting. The
language should be revised back to what was presented at draft form at the September
Commissioner Reynolds added the importance of people looking back at past minutes and the
accuracy of what the Charter Commission requested. She reminded the Commission that 6.05
was the only section that was agreed to be reviewed, that was the section that staff were asked
to work on. The second motion was approved by a 6 to 5 vote.
Mr. Tienter clarified that at the September meeting there was an initial motion to reject the
proposed language and keep the existing language. That vote failed by a 5 to 6 vote. Then there
was a vote to approve the proposed language which was presented at the meeting. That vote
was approved 6 to 5.
Commissioner Reynolds added that the minutes are to be amended to add the statement of the
motion just as it is in the first action. She contends this draft is not that language.
Commissioner Rick Nelson clarified that if you voted for the new language, that was the version
included in this meeting’s agenda packet, but without the red-lined text. He further clarified that
the version of the text that was approved for Section 6.05 in September did not include any
language from the City Attorney.
Commissioner Reynolds would like the official minutes corrected. The red-lined version is not
what the Commission passed, therefore the official minutes of the Charter Commission should
not reflect that.
Commissioner Rick Nelson added that while the red-lined language may be appropriate, it is not
what the Charter Commission voted on in September. So to now say we are to pass this
ordinance, it’s completely different than what the Commission agreed to move forward.
Chair Rolstad says going line for line the City Attorney is only clarifying and capitalization, and
named the particular Statute.
Commissioner Reynolds reminded the Commission the language prior to the City Attorney was
what was approved. Staff don’t get to make changes to the draft, they weren’t asked to.
Chair Rolstad contended the changes were grammatical.
Commissioner Reiland clarified that if the red-lined text was taken out and back to the original,
that’s what was passed by the Commission. She would like to vote on it and move forward.
Commissioner Reynolds MOVED and Commissioner Braam seconded a motion for staff to bring
back draft language of 6.05 from the September 3, 2019 meeting, which is found on attachment
A of the September minutes, and it should not include 6.07.
Commissioner Rick Nelson asked if the group wanted to work on 6.07. The group agreed to
focus on 6.05.
Commissioner Findell asked Commissioner Reynolds to work on a draft of 6.05. She is
requesting a document that reflects what should have been included with the agenda packet for
this evening: the approved language from 6.05 as found in appendix A from the September
Agenda packet that was voted to be approved into draft by a vote of 6 to 5.
Chair Rolstad asked Mr. Tienter to recap the discussion. He responded saying if Commissioner
Reynold’s motion prevails then staff will revise the draft ordinance to reflect the language
brought forth at the September meeting, and only that language that was approved. All red-
lined language would be removed as a suggested ordinance. Chair Rolstad reminded the group
this red-lined text came from the City Attorney. Staff distributed that text as a suggestion.
Commissioner Reiland wanted to paraphrase: all language from 6.07 will be removed. All
language of 6.05, without any red-lined language, will be the draft ordinance the Commission
wants to move forward.
Mr. Tienter further clarified that 6.07 would be removed completely. He was asked to re-state
the motion. The motion is to direct staff to revise or prepare a recommended Charter
amendment using the language that was accepted at the September meeting, and to remove all
red-lined language from the city attorney and prepare that for approval at the November
meeting. This would also include eliminating 6.07 draft language.
Commissioner Rick Nelson clarified that in November the Commission may go back to this
language. But it needs to go through the process the proper way.
B. Discussion Chapter 10
Mr. Tienter recommend the Charter Commission further table the discussion on Chapter 10 due
to additional FCC rule 621, which modifies how franchises function and provide certain
additional rules for municipalities. A lot of that language is still being worked out. There are
possibly pending class action lawsuit. Therefore, no further modifications to Chapter 10 are
recommended. He noted the process could take several years until it finishes through the
judicial process. The group agreed the topic should remain on the table.
C. Discussion Chapter 12
Mr. Tienter stated that given the circumstances of Chapter 6, he recommended the discussion of
Chapter 12 continue to be tabled. Chair Rolstad asked if the changes to Chapter 6 would reflect
in Chapter 12? Mr. Tienter said not necessarily, but given the length and depth of the discussion
that happen related individual chapters, for the sake of time and efficiency that the group take
on one chapter at a time. But that decision is up to the Commission to decide.
Commissioner Reynolds noted that on October 14 there will be a Public Hearing in front of the
Council regarding the Comcast franchise.
A. Discussion of Chapter 2
Commissioner Reynolds reported on research she had done on Chapter 2. When the group
redid Chapter 2, it changed the numbers, and that was all part of changing that ordinance. Deb
Skogen did update the numbers on the web site. But in Chapter 2, section 2.07, item #3 calls out
2.06.2, which should be changed to 2.07. Can this be changed without an ordinance? Chapter 4,
section 4.04 lists 2.06 as a reference, that also needs to be changed to 2.07. Deb Skogen sent
Commissioner Reynolds an email saying that would have to be changed by ordinance. Chair
Rolstad that is a house-keeping item, but does require an Ordinance.
Mr. Tienter agreed to have staff look into this question and report back.
Commissioner Reynolds reported when the City Manager created a memo for the vacancy and
that procedure, he had the wrong numbers listed, he still had the 2013 version. In Chapter 4, she
thinks it requires an ordinance. Chapter 2 shouldn’t need an Ordinance because it was already
Commissioner Findell asked if the Chapter online is interactive. Commissioner Reynolds said no,
and the 2013 version is on the web-site. The Commission discussed their various versions of the
Charter that they have hard copies of. Mr. Tienter agreed to have staff send a list to the
commission of the latest revision dates of each chapter and make hard copies for whomever
needs an update. Chair Rolstad noted this topic will be placed in the Future Meeting Topics.
Commissioner Reynolds made the recommendation that the Commission go through each
chapter to look where cross-references are made and make any updates that are needed.
Mr. Tienter added that for Future Meeting Topics in November meeting staff will provide a
suggested list of meeting dates for 2020. Commissioner Findell confirmed that the November
meeting will be the last one for 2019.
Commissioner Kranz MOVED and Commissioner Reynolds seconded a motion to adjourn the
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel Tienter
Finance Director/City Treasurer/City Clerk/Staff Liaison
Commissioner Bruce Nelson, Secretary