Speed Limit • III RESOLUTION From minutes of the July 24th, 1951 meeting of the Fridley Village Council WHEREAS the speed limit on the East River Road within the Village of Fridley has been zoned for a 30 mile/hour speed from Hayes' corner through the Craig farm; whereas such speed or re— duced speed has been necessary because of the curves and the condition of the road; whereas the project is now under way to take out the curves on said road, to widen the road, and finish it with an asphalt cement surface; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Village Council of Fridley acting at a regular and special meeting of the Village Council at the School District Number 23 school house in the Village of Fridley on the 24th day of July, 1951, that the commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota is solicited to designate the speed on the East River Road within the Village of Fridley according to the safety standards established by his department when the construction work now under way is complete. I hereby certify the above to be a correct resolution taken from the minutes of the meeting of July 24, 1951 of the Village of Fridley Council. Ward Norling, Village C, k VILLAGE SEAL