Gordon Backlund, HRA CommissionerName:
City of Fridley
Public Disclosure Statement
By Members of Advisory Bodies
Gordon Backlund
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Date 1-3-2022
Position Title: HRA Commissioner
Pursuant to Section 5.05 of the Fridley City Code, I hereby make the following declarations regarding my
financial and personal interests :
1. Names of all business corporations, partnerships, other business enterprises, or governmenta l agencies
doing business with the City of Fridley or located within the City of Fridley.
a) With which I have a financial interest
As used in Chapter 5, the term financial interest shall be deemed to include ownership of more than
10% of: the outstanding stock in a corporation, an interest in a partnership, proprietorship, or other
business entity, or an interest in real property. Financial interest shall apply to real or personal
properties owned by one person making the disclosure and by said person's spouse .
b) With which I have a personal interest
As used in Chapter 5, the term personal interest shall be deemed to apply whenever a person
required to make a disclosure under this code of ethics shall be assoc iated with a business as an
employee, officer, director, trustee, partner, advisor or consultant.
Name of Business, Address Financ ial Interest Personal Interest
Partnership, Etc.
(use additional paper if necessary)
2. A list of the non-homestead real property located within the City of Frid ley in which I currently have a
financial interest
Non-Homestead Rea l Property Address
(use additional paper if necessary)
I do swear (or affirm) that this report is a full and true statement pursuan t to Sect ion 5.05 of the Fridley City
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This statement must be filed upon appointment or reappointment to an adv isory committee or material
changes in financial interest while on an advisory committee. Please submit a signed Public Disclosure Form
to the City Clerk's Office. Thank you.