Housing and Redevelopment Authority
May 4, 2023
7:00 PM
Fridley City Hall, 7071 University Avenue NE
Call to Order
Chairperson Showalter called the Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Elizabeth Showalter
Gordon Backlund
Troy Brueggemeier
Rachel Schwankl
Kyle Mulrooney
Others Present
Paul Bolin, HRA Assistant Executive Director
Action Items
1. Approval of Expenditures
Motion by Commissioner Brueggemeier to approve the expenditures. Seconded by Commissioner
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chair Showalter declared the motion carried unanimously.
2. Approval of April 6, 2023, Meeting Minutes
Motion by Commissioner Backlund to approve the meeting minutes of April 6, 2023, as presented.
Seconded by Commissioner Brueggemeier.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chair Showalter declared the motion carried unanimously.
3. Approval of Resolution No. 2023-11, Approving Purchase of Lot 18, Block 1, Spring Valley
Paul Bolin, HRA Assistant Executive Director, provided background information on the HRA
acquisition of property in the area of discussion. He stated that after negotiation, an agrement has
been reached to purchase the proposed property which would add to the contiguous area.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority 5/4/2023 Minutes Page 2
Motion by Commissioner Bruggemeier to approve HRA Resolution No. 2023-11, approving the
purchase agreement and authorizing the Assistant Executive Director to sign documents needed to
close on the property legally described as Lot 18, Block 1, Spring Valley, Anoka County, Minnesota.
Seconded by Commissioner Schwankl.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chair Showalter declared the motion carried unanimously.
Informational Items
4. Update on Housing Program
Mr. Bolin provided an update on the different housing programs as well as year-to-date participation
Action Items (Continued)
2. Approval of April 6, 2023, Meeting Minutes (Continued).
The Commission asked to reconsider the minutes and two non-substantive changes were provided.
Motion by Commissioner Backlund to approve the meeting minutes of April 6, 2023, as amended.
Seconded by Commissioner Schwankl.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chair Showalter declared the motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Commissioner Brueggemeier to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Schwankl.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Showalter declared the motion carried and the meeting
adjourned at 7:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Moore
City Clerk