City Council Meeting
October 23, 2023
7:00 PM
Fridley City Hall, 7071 University Avenue NE
Call to Order
Mayor Lund called the City Council Meeting of October 23, 2023, to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Scott Lund
Councilmember Dave Ostwald
Councilmember Tom Tillberry
Councilmember Ryan Evanson
Councilmember Ann Bolkcom
Others Present
Walter Wysopal, City Manager
Brandon Brodhag, Assistant City Engineer
Pledge Of Allegiance
Approval of Proposed Consent Agenda
Motion made by Councilmember Bolkcom to adopt the proposed Consent Agenda. Seconded by
Councilmember Tillberry.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
Approval/Receipt of Minutes
1. Approve the Minutes from the Special City Council Meeting of October 9, 2023.
2. Approve the Minutes from the City Council Meeting of October 9, 2023.
3. Receive the Minutes from the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of September 5, 2023.
4. Receive the Minutes from the Environmental Quality and Energy Commission (EQEC) Meeting of
September 12, 2023.
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New Business
5. Resolution No. 2023-125, Accepting and Confirming Statutory Tort Limits.
6. Resolution No. 2023-129, Approving Gifts, Donations and Sponsorships Received Between
September 16, 2023 and October 13, 2023.
7. Resolution No. 2023-126, Approving Claims for the Period Ending October 18, 2023.
Open Forum, Visitors: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda – 15 minutes.)
No one from the audience spoke.
Adoption of Regular Agenda
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to adopt the regular agenda. Seconded by Councilmember
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
Regular Agenda
New Business
8. Resolution No. 2023-127, Approving Change Order No. 1 (Final) for West Moore Lake Mill and
Overlay Project
Brandon Brodhag, Assistant City Engineer, provided background information on the project noting
that substantial completion of the project occurred in September. He provided a summary of the
change order in the total amount of $12,771.20 which increases the contract amount by 7.7 percent
but is still within the budget for the project. He provided additional details of the change order items
including adjust gate valve and manhole castings, pavement striping, and bituminous wear course.
Staff recommends approval of the resolution as presented.
Mayor Lund commented that it was a worthwhile project to do.
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to adopt Resolution No. 2023-127, Approving Change
Order No. 1 (Final) for West Moore Lake Mill and Overlay Project. Seconded by
Councilmember Bolkcom.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
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9. Resolution No. 2023-128, Awarding 61 Avenue Parklet Project
Mr. Brodhag provided background information on the process leading to this project. He stated that
the City received $704,668 in federal grant funds from Anoka County through the Community
Development Block Grant program for this project. He displayed the preferred concept for the site
and information on the proposed site features for the site. He provided details on the project bidding,
noting the low bid of $444,452.17 by Winberg Companies. He noted that although the bid is 5.6
percent above the engineer’s estimate, they are still well within budget of the grant funds received.
He reviewed the tentative project schedule and stated that staff recommends approval of the
resolution as proposed.
Mayor Lund asked about the excess grant funds above the bid price and whether the City would have
to return unused funds.
Mr. Brodhag replied that the City will be maximizing the grant funds by purchasing the site features.
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to adopt Resolution No. 2023-128, Awarding 61 Avenue
Parklet Project. Seconded by Councilmember Bolkcom.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
Open Forum, Visitors: (Continued)
Ruqiya Jama, a Brooklyn Park resident, expressed concern about mental health and policing. She
provided details on a mental health crisis that occurred with her sister on September 16, 2023. She
explained that they decided to send her sister to the closest hospital, which was Mercy Unity campus.
She spoke about mistreatment of her sister and her family, and the injuries sustained by her sister from
those providing her care at the hospital. She commented that there is a current investigation by the
Fridley Police Department, but only a fraction of the violations are being investigated. She stated that
the State and City have failed her sister by not completing a thorough investigation. She asked the
Council for assistance and provided some suggestions.
Mayor Lund commented that he would be happy to look into the issue to gain more information and
follow up with Ms. Jama.
Informal Status Reports
Councilmember Bolkcom thanked all the volunteers and staff who assisted with Pumpkin Night in the
Motion made by Councilmember Ostwald to adjourn. Seconded by Councilmember Evanson.
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Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously and the meeting
adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Melissa Moore Scott J. Lund
City Clerk Mayor