Resolution No. 2023-152, Approving a ReLeaf Grant Agreement with the MnDNR
Resolution No. 2023-152
Approving a ReLeaf Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Whereas, a large number of ash trees in the City of Fridley (City) are becoming hazardous as a
result of Emerald Ash Borer; and
Whereas, removing ash trees carries a large financial and ecological cost, and
Whereas, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources made funding available through the
ReLeaf grant to mitigate these costs.
Whereas, the City applied for and was awarded $420,550 in funding to remove and replace ash
trees on income-qualified properties, plant new trees, and provide chemical treatment of high-
quality ash trees in the City.
Now, therefore be it resolved, that the City Council of the City of Fridley hereby authorizes the
signature of the ReLeaf grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fridley this 18 day of December,
Scott J. Lund – Mayor
Melissa Moore – City Clerk