December 6, 2021
7:00 PM
Fridley Civic Campus, 7071 University Avenue N.E.
Chair Heinz called the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mike Heintz
EB Graham
Eric Evanson
Peter Borman
Ryan Gerhard
Ken Schultz
Shanna Larson
Mike Maher, Community Services Director
Cody Rossetti, Springbrook Nature Center Interpretive Program Coordinator
MOTION by Commissioner Schultz to APPROVE the December 6, 2021 meeting agenda.
SECONDED by Commissioner Larson. The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
MOTION by Commissioner Larson to APPROVE the November 1, 2021 meeting minutes.
SECONDED by Commissioner Evanson. The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
A. Introduction to Springbrook Nature Center Interpretive Program Coordinator, Cody
Community Services Director Mike Maher stated that tonight he will continue to introduce
new staff members that have joined the team and introduced Springbrook Nature Center
Interpretive Program Coordinator Cody Rossetti.
Mr. Rossetti introduced himself to the Commission and stated that he has been in the field
of environmental education for the past 13 years. He provided details on his education and
career experience. He reviewed his program responsibilities noting that he coordinates the
partnership with the School District, the volunteers, and the special events. He provided
additional details on the partnership with the School District. He stated that volunteers are
a critical element of the work that is done at Springbrook ranging from animal care, junior
leaders, invasive species removal, special events and reception. He highlighted some of the
special events, noting that typically there is a special event for each season including
Pumpkin Night in the Park, Winterfest, Candlelight Hikes, and Migration Celebration.
The Commission welcomed Mr. Rossetti.
Chair Heintz thanked Mr. Rossetti for the work he has been doing and will continue to do.
Mr. Maher commented that Mr. Rossetti does an excellent job in all his duties but shines
working with young children. He noted that staff is excited to have him on the team.
B. Adopt-a-Park Update, Questions and Commission Director for 2022
Mr. Maher commented that there has been a transition in the oversight/management of the
Adopt-a-Park program with the staffing changes that have occurred. He stated that this duty
will then fall to the Parks and Recreation team and his department. He asked if the
Commission has input for the program moving forward. He stated that the program has
been running for the past 18 months and almost all the parks have been adopted. He noted
that during the winter months staff reached out to those that have adopted parks to
determine if they would like to continue.
Chair Heintz asked if there is volunteer recognition for those that adopt a park, similar to
what is done for volunteers at Springbrook.
Mr. Maher commented that in the past they have done a volunteer recognition event at
Springbrook. He stated that staff has been discussing some type of recognition, such as a
certificate that could be mailed out. He agreed that perhaps a summer gathering would be
a nice addition to the program to recognize those that participate in the program and are
working to improve the parks.
Commissioner Schultz asked if there has been an effort to have those leaving the program
assist in finding a replacement.
Mr. Maher replied that at this point, staff is just beginning to reach out to folks in the
program. He noted that could be a good tactic to pursue. He stated that from his experience
the people that participate in these types of activities are often involved with others that
volunteer and could perhaps provide recommendations.
Commissioner Borman asked if there has been feedback from parks maintenance staff as a
result of the program.
Mr. Maher stated that he has had a number of conversations with the Parks Operations
Supervisor and Lead Parks Maintenance staff and both of them have expressed appreciation
and support for the program and the contributions of the program. He commented that
staff has stated that the program has helped to keep the parks cleaner and also to have eyes
and ears on the parks. He stated that generally speaking, those that adopt a park tend to
live in the vicinity of the park and tend to check on them more than the four clean-up events
per year.
Commissioner Larson asked if the participants are provided with tools, or if they supply their
own materials.
Mr. Maher commented that it is his understanding that once an application is accepted, parks
maintenance staff meet the group in the park and they bring some materials that the group
can use during the year, such as gloves and trash bags. He did not believe tools were
provided such as rakes. He stated that the participants typically pickup litter and alert staff
to any maintenance issues. He stated that requests could be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis for groups that desire to do additional work, such as invasive species removal.
Commissioner Schultz stated that there is often graffiti on bike trails near his home and asked
if that cleanup could be included in the program.
Mr. Maher asked and received confirmation that the trail mentioned in a County trail and
maintenance for that would typically be done by Anoka County. He stated that if a resident
were to reach out to City staff, staff could reach out to Anoka County to alert them to what
needs to be done.
Commissioner Evanson asked if there has been any feedback from the volunteers that
participate in the program.
Mr. Maher stated that he has limited experience with the program but has had some
conversations with those participating in the program. He commented that the program has
allowed residents to take the next step in helping to improve their community and people
have appreciated that opportunity. He acknowledged that there is frustration related to
vandalism and things of that nature.
Commissioner Evanson stated that he was approached with an opportunity to clean up the
park at Moore Lake. He asked if the participants in the program would be comfortable
organizing those types of activities or whether there could be some steps outlined that would
assist participants in that process.
Mr. Maher commented that is the type of idea he was hoping to receive tonight. He agreed
that it could be helpful to develop a quick how to guide that could be used by participants
to engage their neighborhood or community for a clean up event. He reviewed details on
an Adopt-a-Park success story.
Chair Heintz thanked the participants for their hard work. He noted that perhaps those that
have been successful in the program could be mentors for new participants joining the
Commissioner Evanson asked how this program is being broadcast. He noted that perhaps
this success story could be shared with the public to market the program.
Mr. Maher commented that the project was recently completed in the last month and he has
plans to highlight this story in an upcoming City newsletter to residents.
C. Park System Improvement Plan Task Force Progress Update and Discussion
Mr. Maher stated that the packet included the most recent sets of minutes from the task
force meetings and other related committees. He stated that they have worked with a group
of resident volunteers to refine down the neighborhood park plans that had been developed.
He stated that the task force was pleased with the resident engagement on those park plans.
He stated that the input received has been reflected in the plans for the neighborhood parks.
He noted that most recent discussions have focused on three of the larger community parks
and provided an update on that process. He stated that the concept plans for those parks
are available on the City website for those that would like to review them. He noted that the
group will next meeting on Thursday, December 9 and the meeting is open to the public.
A. Springbrook Nature Center
Mr. Maher commented on the success of the Pumpkin Night in the Park. He commented
that snowshoes are available for rent at Springbrook. He provided details on the Christmas
Bird Count event. He advised of a new exhibit that will be added to the facility through
partnerships with grants received from other entities.
B. Fridley Parks and Recreation Division Report
Mr. Maher stated that enrollment numbers were included for programming and staff is
working to finalize the winter and spring brochures. He stated that staff has been discussing
developing mission, vision and value statements for the department in order to create a
focus and ensure that everyone is on the same page in types of programs that should be
offered to the community. He stated that the finalists for different contests were included
in the report and thanked residents that participated in the events.
C. Park Maintenance and Construction Report
Mr. Maher noted that an update was submitted within the report. He stated that staff has
transitioned from summer/fall to prepare for winter activities and duties.
Commissioner Graham made the MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m., SECONDED
by Commissioner Larson. The MOTION PASSED unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Amanda Staple
Recording Secretary