City Council Meeting
February 12, 2024
7:00 PM
Fridley City Hall, 7071 University Avenue NE
Call to Order
Mayor Lund called the City Council Meeting of February 12, 2024, to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Scott Lund
Councilmember Dave Ostwald
Councilmember Tom Tillberry
Councilmember Ryan Evanson
Councilmember Ann Bolkcom
Others Present
Walter Wysopal, City Manager
Scott Hickok, Community Development Director
Sarah Sonsalla, City Attorney
Mike Maher, Parks and Recreation Director
Pledge Of Allegiance
Approval of Proposed Consent Agenda
Harland Prine referenced the item related to building inspections and expressed concern with the
sweeping inspections that are done in apartments, and said it was a violation for the residents living in
apartments. He asked the number of arrests or warrants that are issued based on the things seen by
apartment inspections. He stated that a person should be able to opt out of the inspection.
Mayor Lund requested that Item 4 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and
consideration. It was noted that it will become Item 12 on the Regular Agenda.
Scott Hickock, Community Development Director, explained that item is strictly related to the electrical
fees within the electrical code inspection for electrical inspections, not rental inspections.
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to adopt the proposed Consent Agenda, as amended.
Seconded by Councilmember Ostwald.
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Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
Approval/Receipt of Minutes
1. Approve the Minutes from the City Council Meeting of January 22, 2024.
2. Receive the Minutes from the City Council Conference Meeting of January 22, 2024.
3. Receive the Minutes from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting of December 7,
New Business
4. Ordinance No. 1418, Amending the Fridley City Code Chapter 209, Fees, to Update Building and
Inspection Fees.
5. Resolution No. 2024-16, Scheduling a Public Hearing on February 26, 2024 to Consider
Ordinance No. 1419, Creating Title No. 5 (Lands and Buildings) of the Fridley City Code and the
Chapters Contained Therein.
6. Resolution No. 2024-17, Approving an Agreement Between the City of Fridley and the
Minnesota Department of Public Safety – Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) for
Participation in the Violent Crimes Reduction Unit (VCRU).
7. Resolution No. 2024-18, Approving Change Order No. 2 for 53 Avenue Trail and Walk
Improvements Project No. ST2023-21.
8. Resolution No. 2024-21, Approving an Exemption to Terms of the Temporary Intoxicating Liquor
Permit for the Fridley Fire Division for an Event to be Held on March 16, 2024 at the Springbrook
Nature Center.
9. Resolution No. 2024-22 Approving Claims for the Period Ending February 7, 2024.
Adoption of Regular Agenda
Item No. 4 was removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda as Item No. 12.
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to adopt the regular agenda with the addition of Item 12 as
discussed. Seconded by Councilmember Evanson.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
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Open Forum, Visitors: (Consideration of Items not on Agenda – 15 minutes.)
Jake Karnopp stated that originally, they planned to be in attendance at the Parks and Recreation
meeting last week but there was an error in the date. He stated that he is a Fridley resident, School
Board member, and member of the Fridley Youth Sports Association Board. He provided data on
participation numbers for youth sports in Fridley. He also spoke about the partnership the association
has with the City. He commented on the value that the association provides to the City of Fridley and
its youth, regardless of the school they attend, their home address, or the money they can contribute.
He provided details on the scholarship program that the association offers, noting that a child has never
been turned away for inability to pay. He also noted funds that are solicited from organizations and
businesses to assist in providing equipment and uniforms. He stated that they are present tonight to
express concern with the current park plan. He explained that the current plan would eliminate one of
the two main fields at Commons Park. He commented that they would like those two fields to remain,
although they could use some updating. He noted that there are no plans to update the football field,
although that could use updating as well. He stated that soccer currently uses Community Park and if a
baseball field is removed from Commons, baseball will need to move to Community Park which will
then impact soccer. He asked that the association be kept in the loop and be provided the opportunity
to continue to provide input before an updated concept is developed, and also asked that the School
District be kept in the loop as well.
Mayor Lund commented that he looked at the fields earlier this summer and also at the concept, noting
that he already expressed concern with the fields, as he is aware of the demand for more fields. He
agreed that the School District should be a part of this process as there is also underutilized land on the
school property.
Mr. Karnopp said he believes that there is a way for everyone to get what they want from the concept.
Mayor Lund commented that a consultant has been hired to redesign the concept plan for the park.
Mike Maher, Parks and Recreation Director, commented that staff has had a series of meetings with the
consultant and expect to have a number of options to consider which will be reviewed with the
stakeholders from the association and School District at the meeting on February 26.
Mayor Lund commented on the extensive outreach that was done during the Parks master planning
process. He stated that they are working with the consultant to update that concept in order to meet
the needs of the community and provide a more diverse set of offerings within the parks. He noted
that there are community fields that can also be used, although they may not be as desirable.
Mr. Karnopp commented on the loss of participation in the baseball program if those community fields
have to be used, as many children come from the school after school is over and will not have
Councilmember Tillberry commented that he coached for FSYA in the past and recognized the demand
for space at that time. He stated that they would like to have a plan that works for everyone which is
why they are going back to the drawing board to find a concept that works, while addressing the
responsibility for all taxpayers.
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Nikki Auna, Fridley Heights Soccer, stated that her family has been a part of the association since 2014,
and she has served on the Board since 2017. She provided information on the Fridley-Heights Soccer
Club and how it has grown over the years to the point of having a wait list. She stated that if field two
is eliminated for baseball at Commons Park, the soccer program would need to be cut in half because
of the impacts of baseball having to move to Community Park. She reiterated that a hockey rink is not
needed for this community, noting the short season compared to the longer season and more use that
other space could provide.
Children from Fridley Heights Soccer Club spoke about their positive experiences playing soccer.
Mr. Karnopp invited members of the Council to come and check out the use of the fields during this
upcoming season.
The Council recognized and thanked everyone who came to the meeting, and commented that they do
want to find a concept that works for the most people.
Another resident spoke about his experience with his kids playing hockey for a few years, noting that it
was through a larger organization with multiple communities. He said that organization had disbanded
because there was not enough participation and therefore his kids play in Mounds View.
Wally Wysopal, City Manager, commented that staff will continue to communicate with Mr. Karnopp for
this stakeholder group.
Regular Agenda
Public Hearing(s)
10. Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-20, Approving an Alley and Easement
Vacation Request, SAV #23-04 for the City’s Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA),
Generally Located on the Southeast Corner of Mississippi Street and Central Avenue N.E.
(Ward 2)
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to open the public hearing. Seconded by
Councilmember Ostwald.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Hickok presented a request relating to the space located at the southeast corner of Mississippi
Street and Central Avenue N.E. which is part of the larger area that has been acquired by the HRA
for redevelopment. He stated that in order for the parcels to be joined for future development,
there would need to be vacation of a small alley area that runs north/south. He asked Council to
consider the vacation of that area noting that staff supports the request as presented.
Councilmember Ostwald asked if the alley extends to 64Avenue.
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Mr. Hickok replied that it does not and explained that the alley stops midblock. He explained that
the gaps in the survey will be corrected as part of the larger plat that will follow.
Glen Weiner commented that he lives on the north side of Mississippi and stated that his concern is
with a potential project that could be developed on the property in the future. He commented on
the water issues that exist in that area, noting that he and a neighbor have both had feet of water in
their basement at different times. He asked how the drainage could be managed.
Mayor Lund explained that when a development occurs, they must engineer stormwater
management, noting that the same requirements did not exist decades ago when some of these
properties were developed.
Jim Steigauf, 1361 Mississippi Street N.E., commented that he spoke with Mr. Kosluchar about the
issues and was made aware of a drainage problem that developed when the school property was
converted to residential. He commented on the conditions that they experience on their properties
in that area.
Mayor Lund said the vacation would remove the alley on the plat, explaining that there is not an
actual alley in that place. He explained there are no development plans before the Council for this
site. He explained that any potential development would go through the typical planning process
which would allow for public comment.
Mr. Hickok provided additional details on the future process that will occur relating to platting of
the land, confirming that notice would be provided to residents within 350 feet as well as published
in the typical manners. He stated that because the property is owned by the HRA, the City would
have control in reviewing the potential proposals that could come forward in the future.
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to close the public hearing, Seconded by Councilmember
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Councilmember Evanson to adopt Resolution No. 2024-20, Approving an Alley and
Easement Vacation Request, SAV #23-04, for the City’s Housing and Redevelopment Authority
(HRA), generally located on the southeast corner of Mississippi Street and Central Avenue N.E.
(Ward 2). Seconded by Councilmember Ostwald.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
New Business
11. Resolution No. 2024-19, Authorizing Staff to Resubmit a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to
the Metropolitan Council to Change the Future Land Use Designation from C – Commercial to
P – Parks and Recreation, for the Land Generally Located at 6101 University Avenue N.E.
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Mr. Hickok presented a request for staff to resubmit a Comprehensive Plan amendment to the
Metropolitan Council. He explained that this would change the underlying land designation for the
property located at 6101 University Avenue N.E.
Mayor Lund commented that the change would make sense.
Motion made by Councilmember Tillberry to adopt Resolution No. 2024-19, Authorizing Staff to
Resubmit a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Metropolitan Council to Change the Future
Land Use Designation from C – Commercial to P – Parks and Recreation for the Land Generally
Located at 6101 University Avenue N.E. Seconded by Councilmember Evanson.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously.
12. Ordinance No. 1418, Amending the Fridley City Code Chapter 209, Fees, to Update Building and
Inspection Fees.
Mr. Wysopal asked that staff review the proposed changes to fees to ensure that the comments
received are related to the specific changes.
Mr. Hickok stated that this is the second reading of an Ordinance amendment that would adjust the
electrical inspection fee charge. He stated that the plumbing and construction inspections are
completed by City staff while the electrical inspections are completed by a contracted inspector. He
explained the proposed changes to the fees related to the electrical inspections.
Harland Prine commented on the fee for items under 50 volts. He also asked when the issue of
rental inspections could be further discussed. Mayor Lund suggested that the resident make an
appointment with staff to further discuss the topic.
Councilmember Ostwald acknowledged that rental inspections are completed every three years and
that is the item the resident has concern with. He also suggested that the resident follow up with
Motion made by Councilmember Ostwald to adopt Ordinance No. 1418, Amending the Fridley City
Code Chapter 209, Fees, to Update Building and Inspection Fees. Seconded by
Councilmember Evanson.
Informal Status Reports
Councilmember Evanson commented that he has lived near Moore Lake Park for eight years and has
never seen more kids at the playground than he has the past two Sundays. He stated that it is a success
that the City and staff should be proud of.
Councilmember Tillberry commented that it was great to see the kids in attendance tonight, especially
those who spoke to provide input to the Council.
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Motion made by Councilmember Ostwald to adjourn. Seconded by Councilmember Evanson.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Lund declared the motion carried unanimously and the
meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Melissa Moore David Ostwald
City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem