PL SUBCOM 06/19/1968 - 31061/'� BUILDING �T.I�9ARDS�DESTGN �OI�I.'ROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 199 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Chai�man Erickson at 8013 P.Mo MII�ERS PRESEIV'I': Erickson y Tonco , Dittes , Hauge MII`��ERS ABSENT o Biermann 1. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FO�t CONSTRUCTION OF AN AD�ITION OF 28 81 SQTJARE FEET TO THE EXI�TING BUII,DING QN PART OF LOT 8 PARCEL 1300 AUDITORoS SUBDIVISIO�T ANOKA. COUNTY MII�II�TESOTA THE SAI`�� BEI�TG 80 �' AVENUE NoE FRIDLEY, MI1�TbV�ESOTAo REQUEST BY MID-COIV'�'INENT �GINEII�II�IG, 80 44 AVENUE IVORTHEAST , FFtIDLE'i 9 MII�IEESOTA o Art Popehn and �ames :;rowley we�°e at the Meeting representing Mid-Contine�to a. Trees to be maintained along Main Street except those which are ne�es�a�cy fo� �onstruction of building. No additional landscaping requirea exe:�pt suriaces to be grassed in, not to be crushed rock. b. Conarete block to be painted. MOTION by Dittes to recommend approval of builditlg permit with the above stipulations. r,,,\ Seconded by Tonco. LT�on. a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimousl,y. 2. HOU�E ON 4020 MAIN STREE�"I', FRIDLEY, WHICH WAS �UTTID BY FIRE SOME TIlKE AGOo House to be in�pected and possibly condemned as a hazardous dwelling and remova� thereof° to be ardered. 3. CAR WASH AT SUPER AMFftICA STATION AT 7449 �sT Rzvgt RoA�,�FRIDLEY9 MINNESOTA, Building Inspector to write a letter asking for compliance with provisions oi the building permit. � 1 • ' 1'�I The Meeting adjourned at 9:52 P,Mo Respectfull,y submitted9 CARROL HAUGE A�ting Secretary � �