PL SUBCOM 10/03/1968 - 31066PLATS & SUBDIVISIONS- STREETS & UTILITTES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 3, 1968 PAGE 1 ROLL CALL• The meeting was called to arder by Chairman Jensen at 7:30 P.M. Members Pxesent: Myhra, Jensen, Schmedeke Member Absent: Nagel � � Others Presentt Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant ORDER OF AGENDA: The decision was to take the Agenda in the order it was wxitten. rl. TABLED• LOT SPLIT REQUEST• L S ��'68-03; JOSEPH ZIZAK: Lots 6 through 9, Block 27, Hyde Park Addition. �r Mr. Zizak informed the Commission he was unable to have new infoxmation at this time, but wauld appreciate keeping his petition open. This item was tabled until Mr. Zizak requested it be put on the Agenda again. � 2, TABLED• PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT: P.S. ��68-03, SOUTHH.AMPTON 2ND ADDITION, JULIAN M. JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION CO.: Outlot 2, Worrel's 2nd Addition. J� No one was present. Tabled. 3. VACATION REQUEST• SAV ��68-06. ViLAS M. NAGEL: Lots 1 to 4, Block 1, Nagel's Woodlandsa Vacation of drainage and utility easement between above lots, togethex with easement on south line of Outlat ��1. (970 Osborne Road) Darrel Clark informed the Commissian that letters had been received from the Minneapolis Gas Company and Northern States Power Company stating they would have no objecti.ons to the vacation. He called Mr. Bailey of the Telephone Company who agxeed verbally to the vacation, but he would verify it bg letter. Mr. Nagel was present. Referring to the drawing on Page 5 of the Agenda, Chairman Jensen asked the significance of the ward "sewer" in parenthesis between Lots 4 and 5. Darrel Clark stated it was for a sanitary sewer already constructed and Mx. Nage1 had dedicated a 20 foot easement over these lots. It was noted on Page 6 of the Agenda that the 20 foot dedication shown between Lots 4 and 5 took 10 feet fxom each lot. At this time mention was made of the lot split request (Item 4 on Agenda) that the line between Lots l and 2 will extend through Lot 4 and that these two requests are tied together and should be considered together. The area is zoned M-1, light industrial. � { Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Mtg. - Oct. 3, 1968 Page 2 I Referring to �he job at Lot 9, Mr. Nagel said there was a sort of an alley from Lot 9 down to Lots 24, 25 and 26, but since the middle lots had been sold to the Trailer Court, that part was closed off so that now it is non-existant. The only place that is being used is between Lots 24 and 27 and it is used as a sort of alley way. On the east side of Lot 1 there is a six foot drainage easement and the Telephone Company decided ta locate their building on the west line of Lot 1 and the easement area will be for parking. Referring to sewer, Mr. Nagel said originally it was to be put on the south Tine of Lots 1, 2 and 3, but they are only 188 feet deep and he was afraid with the setback, you would not be able to get much of a building on these lots. He then suggested the sewer be moved down to the south Iine of Lot 4 so that there would be more space for buildings. There is a 10 inch watermain on Qsborne Road, but if they had tried to put sewer alongside the watermain, there probably wouldn't have been enough segara- tion as he understood there is a 10 foot separation required. Chairma.n Jensen said these two items should be considered in the course o£ discussion as a combination. He asked if the Engineering Department had studied the need for changing the easement and Darrel Clark answered that they agreed with Mr. Nagel as there would be no percentage having the sewer on the south line of Lots 1, 2 and 3. The method of describing the split was discussed. Mr. Nagel stated that he thought the description would read "Zot 4, except the westerly 216 feet". He was asked if he envisioned another lot split in the future hetween "� Lots 2 and 3 and Mr. Nagel said he wouldn't even want this to happen as he would rather sell as a whole block. He didn't think he would consider sel- ling these lots separately. MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plats & Subdivisions- �. Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the Planning Commission approval of the Vacation (SAV ��68-06) V. M. Nagel, of the utility easement on the south line of Lots 1, 2, 3 and Outlot ��1 contingent upon receiving written approval from the Northwestern Bell Telephone Companyo Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. ��6$-15, V. M. NAGEL: Lot 4, Block l, Nagel's Wood- �' lands. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Myhra, that the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcormnittee recommend approval of Lot Split ��68-15, V.�M. Nagel, splitting off 216 feet from the West and that the Easterly por- tion of Lot 4 and Lot l must be maintained under single ownership. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. y 5. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT: P.S. ��68-06, THOMAS E. MARXEN: North 464 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision ��108. Mr. John Paone and Mr, and Mrs. Thoma:s Marxen were present. Mr. Marxen distributed copies of the proposed plat of Marxen Terrace. The Subcommittee used the letter Mr. Maxxen had written regarding the reasons � Plats & Subs -Str. & Util. Mtg - Oct 3, 1968 Page__3 for his platting. Item ��l showed that Mr. Maxxen had talked ta the neighbor to the�west for the possible puxchase of the easterly 12 feet, but the price - was exorbitant. Item ��2, the neighbor, Mr. Zwicki, is agreeable to selling the amount of land Mro Ma.rxen needs, but is not ready at this time to plat his land and go through with the sale. Ztem ��3, Mro Marxen sited several instances of houses being built on lots the size �f those on the proposed p1aC. He felt this could be done and still have a nice loo�ing house. Mr. Paone showed the Subcommittee pictures of the proposed homes on a 66 foot lot. Darxel Clark braught out the overall stxeet plan for this area which the Planning Commis- sion had made several years ago. He was asked about the extension of Lake- side. According to the master plan, Lakeside would go to 73� Avenue. Item ��4, Mr. Maxxen had written that an additional $765.00 special assessments had been levied against this land without legal written notice to him. The Subcommittee was told the fee owner was notified and that Mr. Ma�en is the Contract pur- chaser. Mr. Myhra questioned if they would permit the 66 foot lots on Onondaga,and then plat the remainder into two 132 foot lots facing 73z Avenue, He said he did not want the lots to be of substandard size. He wondered if they would not compound the problem by approval as it is a case of substandard 1ots. Mr. Schmedeke stated he understood Mr. Maxxen's posifiion and did not want to held him up. Mr. Marxen said he would like to He could not guarantee that there is land. see the plat go through as proposed. possibility of purchasing additional MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the Planning Conani.ssian approval of the preli.minary p1at, P.S. ��68-06, Ma.rxen Terrace by Thomas E. Marxen of the North 464 feet of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision ��108 subject to changing indicated Lots 3 and 4 in Block 1 to be a single lot and changing indicated Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 to a single 1ot. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. him Mr. Ma.xxen agxeed that this would permit� to utilize the land on Onondaga and leave the other area until more development in this area became necessaryo ADJOURNMENT• ' MOTION by Myhra, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Subcommittee meeting be adjourned. Chairman Jensen declared the meeting of October 3, 1968 be adjourned at 8:50 P.M. R ectfull �submitted �����-� Haz 0`Brian Recording Secretary