Ordinance No. 0001 07-01-1949.y.,r+r"y�i �, f�. , i _r__ / .� c�u�ar�c� r�o, a AN O:YJ�ANCE Ta ESTABI.S.,°S RUZES GOVF�'�?^SG Ti� QF �i Q� �� '�gDT�i a Z4se 9S9? roo Council 04 �r��+�y do araain a� Yal%oxas �,' , )# _,__tt w.n.,'FT.�Tii �CT10N l. 't"ae %33,a�4..� a�� aa r�r ord3r cusd procodurs ebati gavex'n tlam da. iib�ratioom ared u,�o�3nga of tf:e vi2iago ^ounc3i �nd ot c+�mittea thereoit 8ule 1. Regv2rr me�iinga o? tho vi''�2s�ro cvunciZ shell be held oa ths first MondeJ evoning oi oach co2ssvder �or.'�h �t t�e hour oi 8i00 P.M, As►� r�+u]ar m�a6- qng ta11in8 up� m 1�. Fnoli ci4y �?i� � 1 bo hald on tke neat tol].owiag qcul.ar dsy at tho � hour aind placo. A�? rcc�•:.,�gs oY tho ewatci2 shaZ1 bo h•]d ixi the eSl3ags hall, ine2u�.ng �ee'us? � :d �d;;o::•�ned raooii.�a. Rvla 2. Spdc31t3. x�CeLSogID oY Cke �•4�:tn,�a cOt�3c13 ffiAAy be t81]�!1 6y 7R;4 L790 roemb•ss fn xriting, Pi.Zed trSth thm c3es.._ e� tc�:E�� to�.�t�-finetr k�aur� prios to the Li� mpoeiSi.�tt YOr esuaL �in,�0 2`izL elvr'_', e?:e?:. x��:ista7y amti£y etch mmmibos ot th� fc3me �d pur�oao a� �rach �ceW�n�.by c,�,��=� a wr&t�� n�ticv LhoraoY ta be d�lSeerecP to aach ���� �crem^��,;� •i�' h� c�:. ;x .'ou�d .^wnd� ii ho ca�ot bs fo�da •Lhaa by I�►g as c�^� ef cL��. r.o��ca at ��i:e ��r:e o3 oueh m�Uor 3n tha greeeaee vt en a duZL �r aY t2ie �'c.: � 7�� of' ��j�e ��.-�;e.. The elarlc etta22 e�o ati afS2d- orit aiaowing servi.co mY �?� r.�"�3.co a� r�r�ia proriciad tm bm 1�11ad 9a l�i.s aPtice psSor eo the Li�e Yiaud _*cr cL�cL �pccrz�:z��ng. Sgaciel mea�E3ngs ma� be hal�d xitboui anch rYOLSco erh�n a13- z,�srs oQ th� ;,i73ago coumci7. are preea�t ia �arit- ing to thm �old3ng oi �a2d a�aGi�„y a�eh crr3tLe� cona�.t to ba tiled ldth the m�rta pr�or to �v� bcegis�n,� o� iho :�ia,o,. Rs� �c3sl moatSng atte�dod bY a11 the mm3�aro rhall bo a��mr s�ee24.�g 4or the transaction ot ��s E�ISt �IDI� COIDR DOSOTi s1iCl1 L'+0t7`SYig. .. Ails 3. �a cc�cu�c:1.7� may, h� a mnjorAty vote e� tho�� pzos�t, adjourn trom ti� ta t3mo to a opocitSc d,nY.� and hov.a. R�x�s q. Zhe buDinooa of tha cs�scit sdia3l bo cand�ted 3a► '�he Yoll�wr9.ng ordar: (1) Callad ta osd�r bg pres4�� o.�Ficac. (2) Roll Call. {If s qta�r�m 3v nm� pw�aent' tflo m0et3ng ahall ii�rauPoa ad�ourn' rhieh mqy be to a spacit3.e d�to puYr,n:��t Lo ru3.ea 3)• �3) �8 ths mietut� c* tca }*_•cc!�< ��3 ��;i1c, &nd sppsoviag tho same i! coi+ sNt� aad r�+aLitying adeCa�,s� ff :s� e:�i.�t. 4 �st• coat�tt�o. . S� Uaiiaiah�d basiaas:t Ys�o� psoeYaus �ce2in�. 6 Nar b�saea� i.txluding ths fi1LFC�F:.C�_en ef or31n�:.ees and roaol�iona. 7 a�post� oi s�illags oSYicars. �8 CCl�nieat�oe aud ffieceZ.ter.ECize i.ts�r.�;,�. 9 Coa1�E� and au�gseLions Yr�r: C::+�z2cns p:-essnt. T» W» abNne� o! tho cicr;: t;:a r:c:;�d:s:'� cim71 appoint a al�rk pru i�m. ltuls 5. fi� pro�ident at a a�:'c:a3 hour :r2�L call th� m�etiag t� osdrs. . ��hsll psee�s'te ortWr st�d c'eco.-u�a, �ec_r�� nll qusatiosu of orAsr� aud emdaat !be p�oE�is� ot th� meating s:;.oco�:e::cc saith Lhe parlt,�to�Lary :uIM e0�f� LatWd ia 8ob�st�e "8ulea o O:;:cr� unle:.n othenri�s prwided DY �Eatus oT bpr tiNN ru1M. Aeq► mlmber � i�.nve ti2e ��ig�t of app�al il�oet a d�ei/!pa o�t t� pa+.dasn� oss3,alr. N. app�at .na.0 be aebatabl. .aa te. .�y.al a.� b..o.tain.e ���i6.�It f�D� P�'ai�tE L�ibst�raL aZ an� daig�t�d��ta� �q a�E�1t� i!r OL�arlts ot !O Mt abNOa�. the Ne►ior tsurE� px�E �as�d 1et t� dd� at Lh��EOwoil �h� 1� moWoa s�l�et � � te� tbd �.� Ru].s 7. Wh.nesss Cha ps�id3�; o9�3�r-,s :f aZl dae�re to spsak upon asyy' qnNtLon or to mok� aitY metioa, flo :.hai1. c�ct u 2ho ehair Qnd dNl.goat� a trur Les to pre�ids t�olal"1],Y. Rn7.e 8. qhe foll,o�lr� co�.t�.� �haLL �, 3ppoixited bq the psaaid�nt at tha fir�t ragular meet3ng la dataxxxy. (1) Cemnitt«s on tSomrtCO (3nelud3ng licer.cu�) � (2) Coom�ittea on �eb31c wvrk��lx►c3ucliazg c; :c ces, e�ro, lighting��eater� etc. t3) Coaittee on pnblia :..'�".t'y(inc�udii�;; ; a'_ieuj firo, bssi2ding ��la�s��) (�3 c�tte� on pubZ3e eroZimra('�:�,,,tui�:;;' ;;alth� r��.r, �, «co. fieeh eomotittes ehr►l.l cansist ot tlisee �,=' � ru and tho pzmsidem �t►all eoc ofilel+o bs chairm�n of the co�.ttca on 13n�crr� a?e�3 othes�aise ordered by suepeaud.ea oS th� svlp. Yhe P*IIR �»�� of othmr eo,:. t; �sca shal]. be dsaignat.d by the pa+�.. ldent . Each me�nber �iall �arvc a3 a�'��e� 4nlesa e�cue�i by a majority ot tho m�bsra ot tho cotmc37., Rna.s 9. All crdiu.sncca� r.a;,oluf;ior�,, cc:>:y:u:icat•�ans and other mntters aib- mitbed to tho village eoz�c:l?. �hL2� Lc .�c�d Ly 'c�t1e and author referrsd to the appropr4ato e�it�ea by ii:.1.e pre�i:.;rnt:. TL� n}��k eha71 read aatd reeord eaeh ench re2arenee by thet £itle, ;=.��7 ::c9Scr o3 iho cauncil m�y bequire the readistg in ful7. oi a�y mattsr o�c a� i::i;ao i� i:.� iey'c±'3 �Z10 CdiII12AI.. Al]. bills and other fitteucial C2s9ms �sin�'t tt2o vi33.;.; c�:•:.x �1 uyctt �-scaipt thsx�sof be immsdiete�Y ayfors�d Dy Ljse cbrk to tha ca�ittco uz Fi��,:,nco 4ar rapoat thereon at the etr- suiqg mpEing oY ths bo�ard. "a.ah cacr�i`tee �he11 at i:he n�a[t regular m�stls+8 eubndt a rritt�► ivporL cn a7.1 rk.ttcrc� rcica..rYc:d to ita �m}as� a]�ottger time b� granted b9 a rote ot tho coar.cil aaad ac:ch rarozt aha11 bo aitered in the Proaeed- lags. �ch rsport ehol]. racoic�nd c taf9afee s,ation by the eatuicil oa e�ch iLem� shall bt ai�ed by a msjority of thr oo�s3tt�e� and shall b� i'11�d with the el�rtc prior to N�eh �eating. MSnor3�.� :�epozta a�y h� submlttsd. Psa►imu aotice ot ' aaeh e o a m l t t s o m� r t i n g s h a l l b o f i l s d s� i L h t he c l er k a n d � a o h m m s t i n 8 s h a l 2 L+ open to the public. Atry ea�it�ca .�ay req�siro a� vi3lage oiFLcer to ooafrr-�iith it tmd au�p]y information na¢dod ��: caunsccElea arith tas�y matter pending baiors ths co�lLtso. R� I0. An aeyo�' aud :rna;�°t �raba eiie3l. h� takcn aa saeh cae�dttas rrporE ln�dista]y folLwisg 3t �F,s;ie�ie i provicbed thet �y member msy req�ds� a�r parate trate on ar;p or�Li.neccs� raeo?,�.*t�.t�n or �othor mrttor Sn a�► rsp�rE.A�ctiau AeLion up� a�paeiPic m�tta� Sucl�a'ed 3n :mr� oomoiLtee r�poorL aba]1 M d�f�a�- red �mtil tho a�sL rogalar rteecrtin� :023.o�ing �ho ctu�ml.ea�3,om o! th� r�port �pms ths tsqusst of u4y t� m�bors. fiac a;ys�rc;ca 1 oi m co�nit'teo rrport 9a rhieL the adoptYon ot an oid9.t:or�ce or r�::i ?t:�ic�n i:. ��co�dod sh411 o�api�Ls-t1�►a7. aaLi,on an eueh ordinaiwa or ressc�lu2,•lou .^xd ?i?<cu5.cc fvr othea' aio03� iroeam- mepd by the cosmtttes am s� zsattc.•, Hnle 11. No or�inanca or resol2�ioz �hc?1 be eonaid�rsd by ths bNrd uos- l�rs pr�d by ane of tho ����, �vcrg orcl�iiuu:oe and r�soluctioII �tial]. bs ia nrfting. Rulo 12. Tks daliber�tian or tY,c co�=ci�. �ha7.1 be conduet.ed Sa ths tblLo�- m«Lt�r: (� Ne �p� ahal], ad6reas th� coL.�c3I uutil he haa been r�eo�sisei b,� � I�'�' dEing otticer. tf� �hsll therougon eGdreae bimeelf to the predd�nL arid cao- � hL s�rin to tha qu�atiort undor 8t3ccuealoa and at�oid all p�ssonilities. (b) WMa t�a ar eser� m�mbsra alaultanceus7.y aaeic reeogniti�on th� pa�dmn6 ot- tioes� sh�ll tums tbe mrmb�r xho S.r Lo sp�alc iisait. (s) So pason otha� Ll�n a m�ber atwll ad�ese ths eomail �� wR� es a a41ar1ty o! th� m�bsr� ps�snaiE. __ id) Ide ma61m shall be disc�sed or �eLed e� ruil.geo and nnti2 ft pas b�ma nem�d� m7.ae� the rulee p�ar,�xt on� �er to initiats aetion. No motion dull b� �d.thdra�m or �mw'adai rai.�t�..�ut tl�s ooa�mm�t of the psrson �dng Lhs a�mr and the p�reon �dlag it. (•) Whsn s qo�estian•Ss wider c#iacu::s3,cm no �ctian �ail be ia orclar, saoept {1) t. .aj�a, (x) to lq7 �t cho tmb�o, (3) t�o pra.$avequeat son, (1►) Lo P�P� to a certatn d4Ys fi � to s�ofar i;a a cE+�aftteei (b) te aaieod� i7i te peotpaa� ind�tiuits�}r, ZYsoao sa�t� aha31 have precederu� 4a the ard�r 7S�Lid. (!) Aqy ma�oro deaas+ous o% tc�r�.�ctiin� Lhe debate may mova the p�rsolous qawtioas ia ahieh aesmt th� ps^�z+ir9�!�*.. Bhr.e7� aeruaouuco the question as "8ha11 �ha mdn qaseELon nwer be put?e If m mejarl.:� vi th8 m�ob�ra � troL� iet tk►� a!lirmstivei tho main que�tsntt s!:rli ue �G�km xithout 1'nrthe! debsEo� 3ts dieet bring to put an end to all dob��c �ncl b13n� tfia Couneil to a diredt �L�+ t3rst upon asq. BencYls►S mmcr�nb�, and tRen uYwn tlu main que�tl�on. (g) A� m�ba� ma,q demand aat s�o and axip vctc on aap� mabLes aad suah wts s$iil b� �utelyd in the proce�dinge. Eeery �mber a1ta17. vo2s �hen s 4�t� � P� mq1N� the cosaicil � a ma,�ority Bota o4 LPm,�e pmsorit sh�11 mosus� h2m Paa' �poeial canse. A ms,'joriLy'oLe eF a11 a�^+mbere ot tho co�axsil in taror of a�p P�P�� ordinonoa� raaoae�Llon or mp;oiat�t aha71 bo aeeeeeary for g�sag� or appYVRal tm]esa a 2ergsr rnmtibes� io requir�d by atatn0. Sbapt as otAe:xi�s proTld�d a m�,jor3ty v�nte ot those pzesent ehall prerail 3n o�Eher oaw. (h) A motion to ad�ourn al�il. aiWeys be iss ordor, and a mo�tlan to a�,�onrn� te 1qr an the taWs, and a ea71 4or Lhv prsr3c�us qwstion �ha]S be Beel,�sd �dth- ou6 8eb��. RoL� ]3. A11 oir3inaaaas or reaolctt9ona appiopriating moaey or ereatiag �► eharg� agalruit tha ai7lap,e otha� t� tho pnymeaeE of elalme or wrk pr�vi�s� a�Ehorised by the cotmei2 eha}1 or�g bo �cted upan by thv co�ci7. at the t� r�gnlar mwt3ag pravlded Lhat �hAe piov9.�.toa ms,y Eo aaepa�dsa by arrirmati.. saLSou 6pr thros-Yoas�hs ot all m�aeL�rs o* ths eer�1l. A roll. ca71 e�t� �hall bs t�lCen and rec�x�d on all apyaoprSmtion�. Rule 11►. It aMll bs ln crrIer toz• soy xeuber votiag iu the majority to mws fer a sw:oaddmration oY ths vo4�a an �y c_ueaLioa at ths� meeting or d th� sueeesding regu2ar m�eting. !! r_otie� to •reccnsi�r betn� paL �d 3esE �h�71 not ba rreiaaewd. A m�mber a�y noi ctiu��e Fzia vote on m,y questiae� alt�tr the resu7.t hso b�n s�anaimeod. �1� 35. 7lfaas ivi7.ea or rasLy �rL tlte�seof mqp be Leanporati7y �Eaarpmded itt oora��etio� rith aot�p auttsr under cons4c:c:�at3oa by a racor�ad soto oS t�a-Lhirds of tdis m�ere p�.�ait. SBCTD�1 x. �i� erdixisaeo ahcel3. tsko effac� aul be itt toreo !Yar aad a!'te! it• p�sage �nd publieation. Fa�ssd by tha eounc�ii thiffi 2et d�,p oY Ju],p, 1949. , _- ��� ��� "Att�ts+— " - wat't Nol3ltlg Q:�sk Cs rl F. Hart�► �W�' (Pnhuehea sn th. col��sa Hei�ts liecora, av7,�► 15tn, 1W►9.)