Ordinance No. 0105 07-24-1958� • . • � . ,�,.�t' ,� ��.- , � : � ���' �� ,_. �z7 OfFICIAL PUBLICATION oiinixa�c� xo, ine An ordinance unSer 8ection 1E.07 of the Clty Churter, to vucate s[ceete wnd alleys in Pa�'1 of I[evixed Audl• Wre Snb-divisiou No�uber 33 nnd part oi Priflie)' Pnrk, more purtl� enlurly dn�erihnd. The City oF Fridley do oxdain as folLOwe: 9ection 1. That ail of We s[reets nnd ai]eys lyins within the followi�g deaux'ibed Lract of land: That part oi Lnte Three (3). and '1`�venty-one (21), Eteviaed Anciitor's Bubdivielon \umber 33, acmrdinR to the maP or plat thereof on file and of eerqrd in [he office of the Register oE lleeds i�� and Poe Anol:a Counry, ➢linnesota and all that part oP Blocks 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, fying in l�`ridleY i'n�rl<, ace,ordiiig io the maP �r plat thereoC on file and of recorcl in the office of the Registec of Deede in and for� Anolm Cnunty, bfinriesota, to- gethor with all streets and a11eYs ]ying wiNin thc Lollowing clv scribed traet clescr�bed as 1'0l- ION v: Commencing aE the inteesec- tion oP the So[th Iine of n4issis- sipP� ��reet a�d the Westet'ly rigl�t oP way line of GreaE Nm'Lh- ern Raitroud; the�ce TL'est :�long the North line af 11iss-issiPP� Street a clist�:.nce ot 750.71 Ceet to its intersa�Bon wich thc J�:asP edy Lirie o[ U`rancl Avenue aa D�atted in PridleV Park; thence Northwesterly along the L;asL erlY line of Grand Avenoe and escension thereoY to i[� interseo- tion �cith the nor[herly line of La,L:eshore :lcevue v.a pla[ted in Fridley Parlc [heuw Westerly a]o*ig Nortl� ]ine of said Lake- shore dce�ue to its lntereoction with [he �aeteNy Line of �nst River Road, ao calie�l, as [he eame is no�c laid out and travel- ed; thei�ce Nm'therl9 aLOng tl�e Easterly line of saia Paet River Ro.�.d to the Southerly line af Sclierer Adrlition, thence LasP erly almi,g the Southedy line of Baherer AddiHon to the Shore of Locke i.alze; thence vori]�- eaeterly and Easte�9y along the ehore of Locice Lalee to its in- teisection wiffi the WesteNy rigtit oP way Line of Great NorUiern Railroad; thence Southerly along said 49esterly right of way line to tlie point of beginnine_ IDsceP[ lote 1 [hrough 9, inclusive, Block 10, Pridley Parl:, to3etl�er with adjaeent alley thereto. be and are herehy vacated. Passed by the City Council oY the C1ty of Fridley this 29th day oY Suly. 1958. . FRANK 0. LaGRANGE, JR., Mayor Atteat: SU7.AKNE MISKOWIC, Cif,y Clerk lst Reaciing Tuly 30, 1958 2nd Heading .iuly 24, 1968 . Publiahed in Fridley NEWS 74y 31, 1958 . �