Ordinance No. 0106 09-11-1958� �. • � � C � OFFICIAL PUBLICAT�ON 07Li11N9NCF. NO. l06 OitS oC Fridley A1C ORDINdNCP HF.LATISI} TO ASD CRP:YL'ISG A BLi7.D1515 B01};D AvD FROFIDISI} POH Ii�GULATIOS OF F.X'P�AIOR DESl[;� ASD 3PPF'AP,AACED OF 5'P72CCCCRIiS. AND PKOGID1rG A YItiNALTY H'OH tiIOLATIO�. The City Council of the Clty o[ l�'ridtey Tlo Ordain: GIiC'PIUiY 1. lhere is hereb} e��- actel for anfl �vithin the City oC f'r'�I�Y, x Huilding Ttoard. The 6�aii shall vonefst of fouc regulav �mbecs and one non-r�gulae mem- bcr who are as follows: Itf]GU].AIE �IN.MBF.R6: (u) n recber of the [l�y CounciL�' (b) A mernber of lhe linp�eer- iag Depar[-xieeit of [he Clty, nuch as Lhc Engine�', lue as�iefan[, the - Dieecior oP Pnbtic �i'm'Lc., or othet' eo�:Petent ieyresent¢tive o[ the: C:ll'. (e) A me�-'ber oP the City Ylan- ning Commisston. (�l) .Vn archirect [including in th�a trr �, Inndscape a1�h�tecry, cotr � .rructu i n;�neer bulder, or other si itirly co-�pete��t Persou, �e �dir.e �_ Lhe City_ FUN.ii}:(,}l'LAA }f]iRiRF,l2S: (a) d iae�nDee of [he dlsCeict ci- � ti �en . co_ m. i¢ee, residen[ in Che ilistrfrl, w-ho fi�ts v.'idi au�l �e d r-ember of lh:� Builclin� I:oard o�ily ml[I. rcaDea[ to a et�urmre to be lorata:l w5thin his own ��mu'i.��. I 0'he r�e T�rs oY Lhe B�,.ilding B�aatl �n� the d'sLrrt vI[izeon � - � ittae nre :�,>poinLed by tlie 3Tayu� . wtth the aPi�T��'aL nt Lhe Ciq� Coun- cil Me bcr,ehip is Por a[or'� � uf one year c¢m a c�ng on [te ]5ID dac oh Ianu&n oi ee�ch year exrept IhaL the tirst Ro2�d and d»ll ct c�tl¢en� s uu�n—�ittee ,v-Ha➢ he aGl�ouried �cithin thirty 130) 2ays oY tha astablieh- ment ot che L�oard and the eo�nm�t- Cca um�ler this nrdinnn<e, anrl ea<�h renbrr tliereof sl�:�ll Yold xmm�Gec-. 'hip unill tho Yotlt inr o( Jaamarp � nec[ Follo��ing an� thereafter Irom �lay (o �ay until each o; thefr re- spective eucreswors is appohi[ed aod pualifies. A vacancy on the l:oard or - .�ti�e�s' oo�mmttee aei, n�, h} ileath, lemuval. rC��R�ali:n or' -L�erivise is fi1133 bY appointment a; abo¢e to� the remainder oF thu unaspirecl Lern� nf such �ne.-.ibe.r. I�or the pu.poses oF [he tlistnct ei[izens' coavniiiec thn City is divided into di:trict� a��cord- ing to chc Wards. 'L'he first distrivt compr[ses tlie fire[ Ward; p�e sev- ond Ais[rlct oornprises the s'erond Ward; and [he thirci tlistrirC com- prises thc LhirQ �l'ani. Frrnn earh of satd diSErivlc there sha➢ be ap- pnin[eJ t. n�'���'i]ed aboce one resi- aent H�LO shall be a r�o�-ber o[ the i9.atr'rr ���tizcn.s' eormniUee and who :haLl serve �ciCt: an[i be a member oY Ihe B_�i:ding SoarA when the � P,oe¢d is' onnsiderin.� a.rig strueture � .oca[ed or to Ge Inrate3 will�lu h�s own t]fstr'ieC PxcePt in sucL inseance n member of the �ilscrict ciuzen-' i� ittee -v not v �ne -b<r of the [ n I1 _- 13>1�d The r�c it ers of Lhe 1 u I li� . I'�aul sml ❑ cl :[ric[ c�- t �n�-rr,.i :t'ee scrcc �ithom eom- poneavon, but �r.ay be eeimbursed ;or e�:Vensee imvrred pi [he perv f�.o^anca oP I.heir duHes. �F.C'P10S ?. A ��ajarity of such I iar�l shall ronstitute a quocum and Lhe Buard sha➢ elert its own chc.irman and s'ecretary. 'fhe Boaed shall I=eep a rewrd oP fts pmcee3� in4:,, sh211 AAoVt �ules and regula- t�ons Fuverin^ Sts proceeduigs, a�id +h;111 reivrd th¢ vote of e3clt meni- bor nri its findings aut] its tleter- �nivatiuns. �n case of a�s3eire ar d�sabil�ty o" eifhar Lhe rha[rm�tn or the stcrecary, Ui° T�oazd mac e]ect auy �nc �bex' x> actin� chnir�uan oc accinR serrcLa�:�. �-�ho ehnL] act dut'- Ing such »eriod of absonce or dis- ability. The Board sha11 meet in the tirct instance at the call of tha City Clerk a�id ChereafLec sh¢II meel as often aa necessary tn YecPor�n its dufies. flF.f"L']O!N 3. �Cheue�er a� appl�- as.tion i5 filed e'iih the C(Ty for a buildinn peemit Yo� any structure [o be bu�lr, enlacged, m� al[eeed wlthin, or movad in or into the City, and the buildni6 ����Pector Sinde s.ii3 ap- pliration, plans aud 56ecificationa, and the plot plan submitted chere- �vith, hceefnafter termed the aPP����- tion Papees, cnmply �th x1L Lhe nrNnances, and rwnlu!imie ol the Cltl escePt this s°e.tiou: but that said apPllcation PaPeTS V�'ocide for x e��ucture, [he �sterio[ design, ap- pearance and [unc[ional plau o1 which in the oPjnion of the� bulldmg inspec[oc anrl [he Citp illanab"�' �nny be, �vhen eiecle�l, so it a'a �e oe so similar wftli the e1[ i'or iesgn. apu��'ance �nd funCturz�aL ❑litu o: strncWeas rnnstructed * ��� thx 0 eourse of cons[�vctlon � the neigh- borhood of said pmpo'cA suvcmce wh'ch are in ihe s�me zoning diz- trict as the proposetl structw�e a= co cause a ma[erial deFTeeia[ion gen- e[ally to �n'opertY' in �he ueighboc- hnotl, theu the buildin� Jnapector 5halL �a'ithin ten (101 days aicee lhe reccipt of the apPlir2tion P�Vers. filt the same ncA surL onin+on in �cri�- ing. sicned b�' the bul3in': insP'cmr �nd [he C t� Mana^er Lh [he se- creta�l' of tli� Builfling L•oai'3 fiF.CfTUY �. �L'`�[I�in [ktree (31 dnys af[er the receipt o� such apP��' e ition pa� e anA opui o. the se- c�etarp ahaLL R��'e n<t�ce to earn me-n6er d tl:e i3ui7di��F; Boar[t !o Ihe r-e-•bers oP the distrirt citlzene' r r> -, -�itt�e in v.-}���e dictetict ffie p�uehie Is lc ..tn� oe to be lora[e�i, ro the anP�ic�nt, aoil [n any olhet' � rrs�ir: he d° r--� advieable, nJ a h�zu':,•^ in b, iel9 hc t��e 13nilfl7nK i: �^�d ._i�h ' dpe��[ ro surh atPnhca- fio�i. 'Che n-t�o^. =hx77 �tate che pux- p�se of thr qearinc anfl the locatimi � � ;,rr rture Aotire to the ap- nl'oant ahzll Le by rey,istered rnail .! least ch�ee (37 da�� �n ��lvance 04 surh hearin�. Procidetl xnUear- a�ice at tho hearinc shall corieLimte a w�i�-er o� am' �lePe��[ in [he votice thereoC 'Che heseing on surh aD���- cation �hall be helA not les� [hu�� �.�e �cerl, nnr ��m'e [}��n t��o wee!;a Ferer rereiot ,f snch nDDlicatim� by i`�e se�r�,tury oI the Roart3. ST:C'P10S F Re"m�e ar �luring the h'•arin^, ex��h me hcr �n)' vie�� ihe pre i.es upon �chioh lhe euvc[ure �. lo��aicrl or t� be 1-cated: and a� ih? hearing [he ltoard shall e�amine the aoP�[ca!ion papers an[7 F�rg� the RF>P�=�'flnt T[ n-ap alsu hear any ne'nbara oP Cho ei[izens' com�nittee and aay other Pe!'son who requesis lo be heard, The Roard may adlourn I'rom tt^ie �o ti-e but withiu 38 h,urs oY the elose o[ the hcaring th= Bnard sha71, pm�cuant to a ina�- nritv vote o[ ql! fhe me-;bere af the l�loard, f'le mrit[e�� FicdinRS oP the fav[ fh:tt the ast.erine rlesign, ap- peart�nre an�7 fu�ettm�al Dlan ot guch �trnrtive is nc is noE at so af vari- anae or so �i"ilar �viM the estetior d'*sfmi. anpeacxnre au�l f�mriioval P���� �t sVUr[uree ron=truc[eA�or In the rnurse of conctructian in the neighboehond of said proposed sfeuc� Tures- ahich are in the sx^�e zoning M1istriet as the Pmnoeed =lrvrture as �o c•ime mltenal dep�e iatim� 6�n- erslly [a ❑rnnerty in ,ui reiqhbor- hood- 9'ha ]i�an9 nhall furihrr enalce a r'ecm7mevdaiion that the apptica- [inn be acrm�rlinGly gYanterl or A_n el Such C[nAinG, deCenuivatioi� and rsco� mendatlon shalt be in �er�t�n„ si�,.nei9 on behalC of the Idnldine P.oard bc i[s rhairazan anrt seeretary. The seere[ar}• shall file a roVy the��enf, rertiPied bp him. ��'�h tl�e hniidl-�g iuvpecmr arid the ('it�✓ Clcrk, and ?hall mnil a vopy LhereoC to the aoplirant. 'Phe anP��ca- �`��� napers. tho �critten opinione, and the tindings, demrr+�ieiatimis a.nd reco��n:endatonr of the I3vildin@ Roard shall thereupon be U�esented hy (he City, �Ianager [o Lhe Ci[y Council at ite nest reqular meeting. Further action alth respeCt to the granring or refusing of a permit with reepec[ ID such application chall t�e held in abe9auce Pe«ding urdec an�l dir'eccion oP the Council. ln suvh case, no narmit wiOi respecE m[hc a�pl7caHon shall Le 3as�ed exrent. upon apP�'oval of che Build- ing LioarA and orUer and d3rection of the City CounciL. NPC'CIQY 6. U��on ceceipt ot the �PF��cation �,apees, Oie written opio- ion o[ Lie ouilding in�pector anrl the Cit3' -'�4xn;.ger anti the f'mdin,�',s, de- [er��in�tiona and recnminendatfons o: lhe Bulldirr; }3oard, tl�e Council sh,�ll revie•n� atl of ffie same. Shc ('r.vmc�.l may upon request of the appiieanC or any olher persoq or in i[s o�en i7'moretioq grant and orrlec a rehearirig hefore the BuPiding lioard with or without tlirectione, auil reque.[ o[her oe fiarther tind- �n a ot Pacc a:d det�r �.inalions by [ht 3oard a_ riay be �leemeA by the Counrii to be in the best inLerest oC [he Clly fI a reheari�e 1s held the a�ip]-oacou qipers, the �aritten opii�- inn and [he t�n�iu�'s, d.ter�ninailionn and reco���mendatione n[ the L'utld- in�+ 13uard upon Lhe rehenring are theu a�ain eubmittetl tu the Coae�eil. �'p?n complelion nf reciew by the Cnunril. the Councfl rna} approve avd y�lopt tl�e Plndinx=s, de[ermina- Li �n= :url reco^meudationE of the F3uilAing Boar�l in �ahole or in pari, ir r n� reect :�II of the ,ame The �ou il r-�:n �*iant or ielu'c to grant th ner�IL a� ol��tely or i i mocl�fted 1�� m' - a �rant rt upm rmidi- t a. Thc ocdzr and dime��[io�, 'f 7be tians' iltcd m the Ruildin{�D is , aP tl c Pnuneil sha1L thereuPO�L1 1:'���e�l i`pou rere�pt o( pn¢li acdex and dYection, It anv, nf lhe Council, ❑�e secre[nry o[ Uie }3u:iding Buard �^❑ n'-e the same a pact of the �*ne'•e�'iu„ of Ne lioard and shau t�tti �a�- it an aothen[irated coPti t`�r^n' to ihe B�-i7dinS Inepectm' and ta rge a»plieant 9'ha. Iiuil<liug Ir� .opector ch2L1 LhereuPnn iesue or ee- f^�'P L^ �s:�ue �he hulitli�ig perinit in a cor-I, ra ��tTh sucL �rdee �nn di- t ��ons. a thc �aFe m�� be. Tu euch cases co hu]dmq or ,[�o�ture shail he ererleA, enlae�eri, alterefl o[ r�nved �ow m' �vithYn the Ciry -�th^�-t a Termit being first so oA- taineq. � FFCTtOS On hearing pefore Uie Stuildin,� �Boax�d amA on review' b�• the Counoil, in the abseure oC proof tn the r-+ntrary, a refuyal ro Kra�nt Lhe bnildinG peemiT Cs A¢emed tn 1 ha9ed uGOn fa�t_ v�PPOrting the conrinvion Lhat the ec�crior de- . ,n, annearanre and 'ninctiona! p'an o! thc &ll'ucture ac ootetl in the ^nplir'atimi O�PB�s iv go ak vaPi3nCe rr �.n sim'lar �t�ith [tie esterioi de- sfen, ar�Pearance ancl functional plan of ptructures eonc.�ructed or m the rourse ot ronstructlon in the neighborl�o�i nf sglil proposecl atruo- ture a�hieh are in the s¢me zoning dlet��t as [he proposed structure as to raivaz a maLeciul depreclation t�enerally to property in CLie neigh- horlooii. Fl9C`-705 A. Thia ordinance and ils �'osnP�'tive parts, including thz sen[enres and rlauhea thereoY, shall Le con,tr��e�l a3 separate and sever- uhle: an�1 the invalidity of one parl shall �mt affect the validiGy of any o[her. 5EC'19UN l. This ordivwnce Shall [ake ¢ffect froin and after its Uub- IicaCion. 4 ciulation of thie ovdinan:e is p����sM1able as a misdemeanor. Passed and a+loPtod thie lY day of September, 1968. FRA.�'Fi Q LaGRANGE, TR., biayor Published in Fridley NEWS Sept. iS, 1958 � � ��� v