Ordinance No. 0113 12-11-1958� � � � � Page 1 of 2 Pages OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OIIll71PASCE NO. 113 An Ox'clinance relating to and reg- lating Che use oP wa[er flnd sewer in lhe C9ty of T'ritlley. eStaLli�hing ru]es aritl reguLations Lor Lhe a[I- ministeation oC [he wacer ard sewer s'}°eterns in 6he Cltti ol Fridley and matters' relating Lheeeto incluQinS a➢ Droperties, mains, a'a�les, and ch2rges 9n cuiuiection therewith; and repoaling Or3lnaucv Vo. 63, 77 xnd 96. Yneion 1. 'Phe Ci[V ➢3anagm' in che City of 1'riAley ah�71 have the [esPO��5ibility of the msnagement anti op racio�i ol the muulci��al �ea- ter sr te�-�, sanitary �e�.ver and smc� au�cr spste�� m tiie C�ity of L'eidtey He shall havc i'�n�ediata control nd cuscod o- It D���Pertiey. bo ree]o�;WLe [or LYelo :afekeeU���S aud Llteir V�'�Oer storage av3 <a[e, xnA �h211 prnalde Lnr Cha lcecOfnF of x I'WI and sa'curate rocord oY all woNc Sone �vith reeper[ [hore[o, the cont thereof, [he �ia-.es o! men e.•�- ploy'etl, hours workerl, ant] s'urh other in'or �ation and remrds as r ay be requ'red by fhe Clty Coun- cil. FurLher. he shalL Lace immeAia�e char6e ot :�Il emploYe.^.s neceasary to Che ot�eratiou of the said utilities oC the Clty. Sec(ion 2. Fo person shaLL i�ake any tyPe �� inevLiou [o the r icvici- �� . paL �c&Le[ 9y�teiq Lhe x2�tt'1&ry ee�ver syater� oe' the gtorm sr.vec 5 sy�te�n esecpt uPOn - a'-i��g an ai� pli� aHmi cFiere2m-. on a f�s � provGl- ed by the C3:y, anil receiving a per� �it f.sued b� tl�u Ci[c for Su��}� ryir- pose. The appllraLion Sh:ill iurlm�e xn es� c[ de=•.r'ition ol Lhe PTOP�eLy to be �erced, tha uses foc �o12[ch thr. r nnieclinn � 3quested, 2-'i9 �he 51P.e . �. oP the sevciiw lines requested or to u o=e 4t r� ii e of i6 i�. anrh a�PD���'���on �heee h211 be pf.id [o the Cfri Irens-3'�r th� fol o��c��, �eex which eha7L be applied W, pa'��1 over nT, �crcived by tha City for tlie Pur- Tnsas ir�dCcated: � (a) _\'o ennnectio� shnll ba made or coininued in uso at any tin;e with resnect W a�y aewe� or e�ate,r � mecCmn se� mg pmper- � tv oi 2 S Peeson <� o�cupants of th� la.n �, oflrrel m pro-�ises aY- fecte� have �oE �naid or L�wvida�l loe Ufe p! yrv 5nt Of -CFT�dII and p�oi�_ouate pharc oP [he sys- terzy�i, �ai'vTces ar improve^.ent ta be un°d xs deler���ined bY Oie City Cbune'�1, �vhich share ok [he rost of said sYSte'�, service o[ _ im�vovement sLall be payable as (1) l�br service to pmPecty Lo �chfrh service lines haac nol been p�'evbusl➢ �vn I'rcri U�e et�'eet Iater:Jy Lo [he propvty Ilne, tlic oanep orcuPant or user shali �NrY a,, 1� Se �r ��I'tiCrfe�lcary. (P: a- md). au amount no[ lesr than the cos[ oC e,�:iu� Lhe ar.essmeY wund« tlon�, laps 8nd ins4wlLtiGO�� of neoessa�'Y D1Pe �nd aOD��rtefr xnuce to pe'oride aeivice to tFe pr'onerty au3 neceseavy st�eet renalr5. (:.) l or service to pmperty to whi�t se�vice lines h�,ve been rvn pre�lously W the property line LuG ha.re not been paid Cor. Lhc o�cncr, oernpauL ar uset ahall P�Y »� cash oe agree to pay ��hni'Ges in the form nP Sper.ial Asee55i^ents to be levied again<_[ the property to be spread over n nu'^ber of years coincidenC with the ' �nturity rer;'.Heements of any Spcelal ImProvemyn[ Ronds soLd fm� [he purposa ot finaucing Ihe coimL^uaLion o£ surh water anfl se�wer lhies s�nd Sevvice con- neetiona sceving the U�'opertv. F�.'d �;wh ��ay-�cnt n. Acse�s- mevt charge shall be iu princiPal a ount unS ics� L'�nn the pay- ments made hy or charges placed aRairigt coinpaeable pro- pertieg Pm' li�r¢ ?ercices oP such water or sewer, i.e_, Por an "equivatent lateral as3e=sment" or an amount as may be estab- ]isqed by the Ctty Council. In the inatance of services run to the proDerLy 11nes as prnvided uuder (1) hereinaboe�e, Che payment to Che CiLy 'PCaasury of any of any amoun[ r�quired uncler item (L) ahaR be ret3uee[1 bv the amounL �ai3 ta [he City under ite�n Q) horeoY. Pxymcut Co the City 'Preasury in Ihe for�n nf a Spe- cial Assess�nent charge �hail be in thc forin of eU�31 an�maL in- 9[all�nents together with inter- est on tf�e u�pai�9 halsnce trom year to tiear'. u�hlch i�tierest =_ha1L be coo�pulPA at thc r3te of si�c (G) yee ee�t Per annum. (b7 I'rloo to the constructing oi repair of any wacer or sewer line camerCin� [tie existing �nnn- iriyvl sS�tam a��d avy house oe I mid ng lo� which tl�e a(�lics a�� �= nade. tpe ow��ex' or co�rv t�a��mr elia.11 be rog��ired [o ob- Cain a Oe�'..il Por such co�inec- tioei, and 5haL1 Pay a l�ermif Y�e iu tho amounr oP .$10 tnr ssny wa- ter eonneetion, and $20J10 tor avy vewer canneu[:oti. After s'ueh corwesdio� has been in¢rle, [he �A'acer anrl Sewer De�aartment sh2➢ be �mtiiied. I( shall be un- luwl'nl to cocei anY mnnoCLing line un[il an lu�pecemi has been i ade and such ��onncc[iori aud IY�e �vmi< inciAen[ there[o has been aDProre�l bS tlic CiIY d= � pwper an<1 aui[nGle com�ectlon. (c) liu:orc any �v,arer��c1'eA [hn�v� tl�e municlpal wa[er s-yste�—sha1T be�used or utllized"^ ou ihe i3ntl o� p[f -��ises ol 3nY person. Ln'.i or mquiru[ion. there yhall lieat be In=[xiled a water i-eter tbat �ci❑ accvrately mea- ..vre tlie �.ater em���umed an tlie peemises, escept and unless such Ii151A��b' LIOYI 9�1H1� LlC 2XCITIpCyQ by the Cit}'. The apP��cant tor watee service sha1L deposit in the_City 7'reas�ry at Uie tl. o ot itls au0��eation tor per¢uc as set forth aboce, an amom�t �tleter- i i�e:1 �y tl e C�ity ss in 5ufficient cu c �rei' t�e o't �I' saitl ���eter. Su<1 mo�ie} ilePOStYEd ��ill � be usad by llie City to nrocure such ineLeq xnd th¢ City may r¢- turn [he tlnpoelt to Ihe nwner o[ lhe I>[emf>es there32Ler in 8c virSance wifh the regulatfm�a hereiva:ter so[ [octh. � r�ion 3. _VI eater i eGers in- t211ed under Ne procis:onv of th�a <ull �au�e sh111 remain [i�e yivVerty oP [he Cicy of i'cidlev. '�hey shall be reP��recl from time to [ime as ia uecessary co ina�re acwrate i:�ea- suring of the i9aw of �•:aver, excen� [I�BL �chenecar a �neter t�5a been �3amageA due Lo negligenee mi the pert of per'�ons other than employees of the .catec Aepartment, the o�cner, oceupan( oe u.ser of the pra�niaea or such other pP.rson des'ii'ing use of the �vate� shall reimhurse tho �caLer depa�Wnenc �or tl�e �r,�ense oP re- palnug 2ny such ineter. l'pon [uil- ure tr� rei �bur,�e [he «ater doF�1rt- meni wiNin a re;ieonable time and upon demand there(or, Ihe wacer aervive mid supply Lo said premleea r^ac be shui-nft or diecontinued as drter�nlned to be Ui2 Dast inLerest of the City. � 6ection 4. Aftrr the initial con- nec[im� has been made to the curb stoP or che sewer lea.[l, Ihe a1�Ulicant. owner ur tY e occu»2nt oe user of u�h Preriaeti shy]l be IiabJe Cor aIl �ePaics requir�d Lo nny waLer line or any se�cee' tiues necessa�y for COnn2CtIVt1 Of thB Pramiees t0 th0 xtreet v�.ains, indnding a�ry rnp¢ira neceseaxry- Lo the curb stup bux and a��v neressarv etreet repairs, it shall be the revponsibiL[y of the aPN���t, oo�vnr, ucciipant or user to �naintain [he sto]� bos at such a height as will invre thac it remains aboce the 5nished geade o[ the lq.nl oc P�o- perty. fiecLlon 5. It shall be u�ila.vPUl Por a�y peraon to tamper with, alter, by-pa9E, or in any manner wh&FPO- evcr intNrfere w�th the proper use and Iunrtioning oP any wator metex ow�ied hy the City. Section 6. Pvery Person apP�Ying for water or se�aer service, and nvery o�vner of properEy for �vhich any suuh a5�piication is made shall Ae deemed upon making such ap- plicatiw� m consent to all rulea, regutations, an[l rates set tovth in this orclinance, and euch Yw�[Li�r rules, regultitions a��d ra�es as n.ay tLeruaile� Le set ioetli antl adopm�3 try the CiLY Counuil by resolution or f1YY�lIId[1[:(:. tiection 2 (a) The Citv may p�o- viQe a eystem of water me[at' road- ing by pus[ card. In such case, eaoh cmisu..:er shaLl ieturn the meter card ov u� Getiore Che Last �iay in each ralentlai' 9ua�ter. PaCh en�s'uen- ur �Lall be aseeescd a 14fty (50) cont penal[y lor ar�y card �ot relurned mi ihe due da[e. Such llet�alty and nny u.e charges (based m� an enfi- i. a[c uf the watee coe�suxued) may be inrluded on Lhe noxL billina a�itl �hieroa.ter uuLil pyltl_ Yhe wate� rate nc�trges ehall be cone��de �'1 ro a charges aud aha1L Lu [hc <I tr e� payable attcr [k�e las[ das �f Lne - ouch ol wltifc� tha bill- c;a a� wnt o�at Yay. nte P=utl Le[ore �he iyat day of the �..nu[h �.ay be Pald ou thc n„t rharge Oasis, which shatl bc the pc� ehar,�o lese �i-ty (50) ccnL�. (b7 'Lhc CiLy reservos tlie rtght [o ds�oot9ime set'vicz to any custamer o� 6he � r,.cor 'siT aewer systU_� wi[t�- out noCwe wh�i uecesoary Lar ee- pai�s, &dtlitional connection o� re- o�miecc��,u or fm' noo-PaymenL of c.zu��sa or bills or foe disregard of au➢ rules or rcBUlaTious in ammec- tlnn �c1ih Lho uec or operatio�� oC ea d 5yste. �. ��'henecm' auY service han beeu dlt+continuc�l [m� non-pay- m�uG o chaqrps or bllls- or [oc d1s- IC'jHI'il �Q =llty 1'Ule O[ [fguldt�ong. it shNl not Le resu aed, except upon p;_Y.-�ent ot [he eharges o� blls ao- c�ved [a;�eB�er wiCh iute�'est Chereon in U�e a..nunt nt 6�, per xunum, �r �'�-+P��s��ce nith the rules a� cegu- latlons Preamue]Y eiolC.terl und I�ay- � eut Lo the Cfty of a restoration fee o[ [he 5u�.n oP $6.0�. (r) [n 8re even� a�vate� or eewer hlil 1= unpxi�l at the end oP the cnlen- ilar qo � tc� LhWG cha b�Ilivg �s eent uuL, L �']l shall be �ons-idered de- ]mq�euc anc� the �e��ice may be tli5continuezl a5 provl�ed in @) ubove aed the CSty Com�ril may rau�e Ihe <�I�ar;es notecl in such bil- ling tq bzco .¢ a lieu a!i"�ins[ the property ee�'ceil b} certifying to Glie CounCY H�e smount of sai11 de]in- qnen[ bilL in armrdance wilh Seo- bun� 1-1� 15 arid �H3.lfi of Lhe J[a- tutes �Y t �e State of D1im�esota. 5ue[fuu Y. Wa[er consumPtion antl �ee'm� u E .har4e; to cnnsmnnr shail Lacorue �luc autl P�yabie Guaeterty un a valondar srheduLe Prepuretl by tlie City V�1ana;'er. (a) bVA'Cl!:R 1Ll'CI]S: Pa� calem dac quarter ehxll Uc as Yollo�vs: S3_Ofi iuf �u�n [or up to 8,000 getllons, ❑ayable in advanca. ,30 per 1.000 gnlions fer next it.000 °a�lone. �YS �;er 1,000 ga1LO��s for next 5(I,U00 :allons. O.J6 per 1,000 h�sllmis for next 100.000 °�ullnna. �.°U P�' 1,000 Sallons for ai] over G00�,6UU ;;a➢ons. A sm�charge of $1.25 Fler quarter, nay;eLlo in adcanez is retai��ed and shalt be iinpoSed for oach calentlar yuarter :�fter .lanuavy 1, 1'J58 in ��ach yc2,c u�ess t➢e net reve�ues, alter deduo[in� all esF�ensee of op- eratfon uil iruiint.nance of Ihe City water 1 id aerver syetem in the pre- cedinfi ralendar year shall have es- ceedea $t-f.nOn. (Ll Banitary smvor service chargen >hall �� pald a[ thc rnte of $5A� per calcuder quarler, nayabte in ndcance, Por each domestic sani- tary se�aer user. lndvstria7, com- meriral nnd vultiple Q�velli�g service use ehaiges shall be at a rate dctermined hy the Ciry Coun- cil by ee�olution as set forCh upon a sche3ule on file ivith ttie City bta.nlcer. $ectim� 9. If a me[er fails to reg- ister or accuratety measure the wa- ter, ffie charRe Poi water conaumed shall be naid for at the eatabliehed rate base-d upon past aaerage billings as deterrnined by the City �fanager. Section 10. Any owner, eceunant m' vser of o Premiees who shall dis- � , \ � . � � /,�',(/�� �xj�/' V� .�' age 2 of 2 Pa9es I/� V V ,/ cover a lealc in a service lirie lo the premises shalt notify the Water De- parcment within 21 hours. A�y wa,- ter wasted due to Iailure of euch per::on lo comP�Y with this re�'ulation sHx1L be eatimatecl by [he City I�1an- . agegr aud be chaeget3 for agninet lhe o���uar of such geemises aL the uelabl�shed rate. 6cetiun ll. 'Phere sha]l he insta7l- ed in eve�y eonnectien to Lhe City we,tf)i Sy6L¢m O[I¢ SCOO 5LLd W35t0 v:�lve i°h3ch shaLl be mslalleil at a point bebveen tM1e curb slop and the meter so lha� che watax' may be � turned oEf and thn �x�eter and house ; ❑IwnbinS eutlrely dralned. 9`here Fhall be Inetalla3 anotLer elop and wa8te coek in the pi»o on the house stile oi ihe eter. 4I3 �, rcice pipos connected [o the (`¢y y tems sha❑ �e uC a l.1]!; 1C u�Pe� oc Its a� � . ��roced equ21 sna Shall be la�d at 3 depth ao[ less [hau fi_5 beLOw [he .�li a�:I grade, m� as low as [he stroet mains. . '-cLi i 1. Any a�pLLCant, owuer, � <,� W,a-it or aser m aDPlvin° for per- i.�Iaeion to mnvec[ to the Cltp «'a[ec 2nd a'ewer sy�lems shall have ali � :m�l: in� connecLien therewith per- � fue �ecl nnder Lhe supervisim� ot a ❑lu�_.ber, Lcensed to do �luml�ing Sn � @ie City of I`ridLey, cscepc that noll�iug in Lhis ordinanoe shail be enns(�vul as to proliiblt an iudivld- ual o�vner trnm oblaie�iug a permit � � O�.erePm� yroviAecl Lha6 the peraon, fir.0 or corporation actually ye1'- � foriniuK Lhe u�o�9c be a pluinber li- censed La perf.>r',n sueh cro�9c m the � CitY. � FeeCou 18. Any appli��ant, owner, . occuPau� or user �chu ehall aDP�Y fo� a emmction [a Lbe City wxter naine mdiich cormect�on �hall be opan at aLl tines for We purpose of � 1'ii'e p>>tv.G�cn shadL ayD7Y in wrib �� �n=, Cn G� waLe_r tleDarCnent giving �lecnile�l in[m .ss[ioi� ns Co the size o[ � i n'.ii repm �c�3. locatio�� uC main. an3 . � a copY �� Lhe plans cf the ays[em �ha�[ ehxil tie aeei.S b� such eon- � uectlmt tin�Y apnh�ant shatl iurnieh a�id instnll at tlie point oY cornee- tiou tu Lhc City �rinin a shut otf ��alve in :i navhole or iT the sa�ne be � inst:�lled Dy the City the cos-t thera of shall be paid by the saiQ apuh- curtt Sucti ranhole shall aC at7 tlmes be open for inSl�ce[ion Pm'poses tn . w¢tur rlepnrteien4 personnel, but n-�aiu�ai��eucc antl cost of reuair ur 6he csh�e a��d �ai shall be the eole re�ponsibil'',ry oY the apD��cant clesir- � iny, auoh ercice. Such Uermit may be gra,nted D9 the Cfly uPO�� such . conditio��s as may bc cloemeti by the CounclL m be fn tlio best in[er- � est o' ihe City ivelutling the reguire- � e�[ by the City aY the ins[411ation �� of any ealve anA �neLer for water use iletcrtion Pueposas. Beetiun l�f, lt shaLi �o unfawful fm' unY Peesm�, fit'm or c`i[Pm'ation havin'3 auch ap open uiain for the ��urpose ot fire protection, to malce � any connection to such main Ler any Uuc»ose othce th&n tLie o�e not�d in tne origina] request to [he - water de�artme�t. Heetion L6. T}te CiLg shall not be . held Iiahle a,t any ti�ne Coi any de- � ficiee�ev oe Yailm�e iv the cupV�Y of . water m ffic custoenor wLetl�er Che sa e be oceasion�rl Uy stmtting oCf the �v�.[ex' 1'm' re�aire or eonnections, of ('oi any c`duS2 Why,tEVBT. Seetiou ]fi. The Ciry Couneil shall have ❑ie acLhoriGy W prescvibe che rates m bc char6'��1 fer watar and � sawer s'ervlet [o che ecntomee, from . tir e lo L� e�nd rc.ay presertbe the . t3ate �f F'➢�ig a discount (oc [he Payn�ent o' 1ny bill within reasoo- �. . al I- h i*h of [i�ne, and such further�. rulEh 2�d rP ulafions relarive to the \ u�e and oliP�'aGov oL such systems � n�--it—�a"➢ dee�niteeessarY_.Rrosi . ime to time. Fcrtio�� t7. The deposit for the water n.eter made to the City 8s provided bereinabove for tha purpose oP the Instullation oT sur.h wate� � rceLer sttall be retnrne�l m the per-� � eon clepositina such money when- evor such pecaov shall leave the, � premises and the wafec se�vice i§ c7ivconnected, aud ffie � meter return- ed in good wndition and no[ da-•.aKed� P�ov�ded further th8t theee are no de7iuquent or �npaid water or sewer charges or biLts ac- cu-.�ulated to the date of Lhe torm- inatlon ot su�h se� [.e. II [heee ace uuf���.l bills o . 2rges Lhe.e mt�et fu�e_t be det3uct�1 Yi'oin �he depoelt. ��henevec a cou�umei sht11 bo- �•a.�e cleCUiqnent '.0 pap�re, t of anV b.11, the Cf[y �liall he enLtled to rls- duc[ irom sa�d depou;t thc, imoun[ ut tiie nnPaid bill a::1 �� t� 9i8con- hnue seccfee to the r.ons�ciet until thc dcple[ed i t.o.it snm shall be in- <iFnsetl to th_ origiea] amount rG uu�red under tl's oi'dinairee 7he ]a_tnlity of tl�e C.9ty [or Lhe reG�rn o[ gn'd deno=i[ however ahall Ue limited to the funds ae_ are available in tne water 3opart^�ent an3 sliall noG constitute a general oTligat.ou o� [he City. I[ an o'.cne� shxll se]I e nsCer ti p�emnes C. anothcr � r i Lhe �ur hi �u' Lt reoi �huil 1� � uLlai [o Lhe. �eturu of vnid rle- i'[ i� lieu C the migis-1 xipLcavt i]>o the (o➢i 'i g condit�o�s� (a) Upmi eaCefac[ory 4:�'oof of trans�er ot title and L�-� e'sion of -aid pee' i- a[ leasC si� �ionths pr',oe to a� P��cadon fo� tl � rePun�: or (b) �P the »rim' mvner shall hace fai�Fd to apply �or such refund. Suvh re'un��, hov.-ever shall be eub- jert to all other restrirtione of this ordinau��e. fiert:m� IB. Tt shall he u�lau-lul tor any pei�on m t¢ iper �vith, uae, altcr nr �;a a°e any mat�' lirie oe ronnectioei of any type or rart [hero- of or any iire hydrxnG, curn or valve boz or street ��ah�es oe any sewer I'ne nr c�nnecFbn of nny type m• �art thereo[ �rithnu[ autliority of the CI[y. Any pe�son who shall da a•�e an�� part of the mnnicinal w3tei Sy\(E']. 3ny pip0 Ot LOnuCC- tion ot any typo ot' pact �hereo.`, in- cludin[; airy hvi9.an[ or �yhe or an}� par[ ot the � umr�Pal se er ,'=to•'�, any nipe or .onnevtion of any type or part thereoi, shall be Liable [or th da a;;e cr lues to Lhe C'.i[y � tiu r 1 [hcret.v. e Ymi lU IC �hall be unlawful Eoe ary ov:nec, oocupant or user of any pre�� i9es Co dicer_L lnto oe allow a,v 'or ' ���at�r or surl=ece z��aCer to drain into the sanitaiy se�ver sys- te' n� the Cfty oF Fridlcy. 6ocHnn 211 fs) _A❑ insta➢a[ion worK or repair of aanneeCOUS bi the A'Cunieip¢I sem- er and �cater syatem, incltiding �xades, bends xnd back-filling shall be pm'formed under the directinn nnd sunerci_ion of the CitS' insPector. No i�rork Shetll be wcered oe baelc-filLed u:itil �ireeted bp said inppccloc Nl �vor': and esra�.itions �hall Ge pro- teeted 69 barricades anft warning r�arL-ers and lights reaso�iable anrl suitahle Go the [urposq TYie Cit� shl�ll be ha'd h �r �le s o' suxiS cla�m, or loes aa miuht otliertti=e arise ibr da°�atto, loss oc fnjur9 �uked by or arisirig by reason of =uch worlc beinR peeSOr �ed: and the aonliranT, own- ef, m o.ser Per(m^^ing o[ causing =u��h ��-cr': to be Pone shall e ve un[lert¢kinF to the Ciry mith ro�P�t LFrraro (b) no dig�ine m� any perma�ient [ene strert shall he per-�itted escept tiy sPer�al permission from the CiLy. (c] �1'heneaer a water user qnes- tl�us the accurary of Qie meter, and rlesir� ttat his r•etcr b� Le=Led, he sha❑ pay a fee n[ Q500 if the meter [e=.ts aerurate witliin a range oC m3nus R P�T ce�rt W P�ua onc and mie half per re�its Tt it is not ac- �urnfe witl�in Ihis range, no charAe will be mxde 1'or testing and an ad- 7 i t t n Ih ��;tler h II wi❑ be m2de for the peno�l of t�me tha[ th0 � etex v issu e�l tn��be ina.ceuxate. CeeL.n t in or�3er to i���ure an 1Atquate �c�ter s,.iPPY tor humau ebnSUrziitiou, sanitary purposee and lfire ft°hting purPO=ea, wa[er eqn- aercatlmi reeulatlons shali be in eP- fect each year frmn D4ay 15 to C�pb e�ber 30, both inclusiro, as follo�vs: To persnn, firm or corporation �whose premises is assigned an odd umbemrl Imuse nvmber or adaress �haLl use water from the muvicinal _h syRt,em fm the PurUOSe ot lawn �pri�dcLi�g oc irrigacion uf other -____ ---.. vegetat�o�i except o� o3d nu�nbered calendur days. Fo pe[sori, firm, or eoq�oralion �rhose premisee is �as- s-igned sn eren mm�berad houae lmmber or atlQr'c?s s¢:ill use wacer -F�om che �nuniciV�� yte�n ior tha I VDnse c[ l&�a-n .('�nklinS or ic- ��F,ntloei uf oGhcr vogetation excepe �� ; ou even vumbeped calendae daye. � �'Phe Utv inay imp�:.e ad�itional e� crgcncy regulation� by r'eeolution '� of I.lie Councll a�nd Ly giving notice �h}' pu'_1Pr�tion theceol oe by posting i�i the Clty Aall av3 sucti 7�ublw,` � I ves t the Counc�l may d'u�ec[... �cetlon �� Requts[ 'nr turn1ng �tR yhe � ite[ hall bE m yio in -writ- m�- $Y ��..s prim� 1v ELio time lo� which ��ayment � �hae Ueen made: othcrwise, che o�vner of pre�uisea shall be liable for water ren[ lor the nest ucriod. tioctiuu L'3. 'ihe Ci[y managor, or -� Y:���tlimt,ea e n k v e or a�cut of the City -hall have Lhe righl to enter a d b� ...ilml[tod to avy IanQs snd pt�perL m Lre Clcv T>r [hc p�[DOS¢ c T�i,.i W > >i c.�tc�: 41�� ❑luibing v:�or'". 1 d lnc.res of all Ichme use[] Gc or in commctioa e�lth I.he waler .r�tl se � er � ystems. Snefio� 24. \.henever [���y P�e- c�.iees are connecfetl W tYie e�,unicipal caier :n[en, tl�yx'e sh+ill be maiu- Lained ��a co.iplctn Dh1's9ral ,eP:ll'a- ��nri he'�vac�i the ���unicipal tvltei wpli y syete �-�,�d the Private �vatec :np-�h' svs'te'�, so th¢t i[ is i:aP-os- nible [o fntsnUonally oe unietentiou- ; II�� xllow nny water prot3ueed by a private sysr.e o lo Ge iNroducul in �hc vuppl,v line frme [ho mnnicipal te ��Fe�tlou Any watec ob[ained 'LF. br any Persoq firm oc eorporation 1'ro � the nunictpal water system �� Ifch 1= npt paid fo[ bY the com au �ar m t e uses thereof by PaY- menL � �� i?r rhati�,es or ratES de- ter ined 1� n ret�r �� �all be ch i.ged at an4 I. �id loe Dy such consuinee o[ u rr u ov '�n csCimate oP the quznti- [y oi [e� i sed ae ro �puted at the c�rC�' ���i race for suah [�urPO�e o� u.e, a��ent that ��e Cowmil may � live p v ent nf such d�nrge ��'here 9�. �rl � a the Council w be in [1�.e ui "o't n' tl�e City. Secienn °6. Any owiior of [�roper- [y uo�J ronnectad to the mnnfuipaL :cste �'�'hn does have a direct con- ne°C'on hebvecu the mnnicip�.l ayg- t° ' 2��d any P�vate supplY sysLem livailahle on Lhe G*'e�niszc shall im- �^edia�tely uPon the date of pass'ave pf this ordinance cauec sueh ptivate : �t° .v�:t tocnection to be se�a- ra,tel fro-� the inu�icipal enuo7➢ � Fce[im� 37. if any Do�'tion of this ^rdhinnre shall be held incalia, th0 invaliility of suctt portien shal] not n'.�,.L the v.�1lM1ity of tha othcr Pro- cici�nc or th�s orAinan�x wRlrh shall rontinna in fiill Ym�ce and effcet. Seetiun YS, 7'his ordinance shall ��.pF�i ; i P�❑ the Ordinance No. 63 ns aiocvided by Ordinance ne 77, as a—ended by Ordinance No. 96. BeoGimi 99. Any pereon �cho shatl do oi mm'.nit uuy act tTat is Corv biiiden Ly the provisions a[ this nrdinunee shall be�°,uilty ot a m1s- domea*�or, and upon conviction cM1roreo2 y_hall be punished bp a Cine noG to esceed $190.00 or be im- prieoned fua a period nnt to cxceed eiinetY f90) days. Passed this Il[h day of December, 195R_ RRA\*K C. LaGRANGE, SR., Il4ayor ACCesC SU'7,ANnE MTSKOWIC, City Clerlc PoblisheA Columbia Heigl�ts Record .Jan, 1�95C'%�LfIYCI.. �Y���6