Ordinance No. 0118 03-12-1959� � � � � onnixa�c� xo �is A_1' -0RDIIIANCI7 1EH]7,4TINQ T9 1ND A}TE_\"DIN� OIEDINANCL NO, ll9� EN'C1TLI;P� ".iN ORDl N9NOL�' RL'LATIVC� TO AN➢ REGULATL�Gf TIIF U5G Ol' {M1'�TER 9ND FE�{"F.Ii, IN TI3E N A'1^PN.2S INCT,IIT S \iA11V 5 S iN l'OhT I[ ANll 11{'L�` NU "Tho City o[ Fudley does oidam 8ection 1 Oidmance \0 113, eu- tilled, "An Oxdnnance rela6ing to anci �e6ulaCmg the use oL water an�l sew- cr m tne C�Ly of Fitdley, astabhsh- mg �ules and regulat�m�s lor [he ad- rmmakration oL the wa,cei a.�d seao� sys6ems m the CiEy ot Pxullay and matteis relatmg thex�CO, mcLUdins atl piopaitios, matne, rates and charges' m connertton theieaith, and �epeahng Ordm�.nce No G3, 77 and 9G, ydoPtad and aDProvod llecember 11, 1958, is hereby and shall Ue amended ae lollows 1 FoIlOw�ng Lhe LiHe, an�l pie- cedmg "Scchoei 1', tlieieoL, there �s mserte3 an enactrug cla,use m con- ioxmity w�th Se1mn 305 of 1He Charter oL tl�e Ciri el H'r�Aley, and �yhich enachng cleuse is made an�l shall be a pari of Ihe Otdmanoe e�. �F ortgmally contamed Lherem, nnd wh�ch sRall read as Pollows 'LL�e Crty of Fridley doee msam 2 6achon 7(a) tHexeoY, �s amend- ed and hereaPtei sha.11 read ae toI- ION3 "Sect�on 7 Ca) The City may pro��de a sysLem o. waLei mete� veadmg bv post o2�rd, metei-man, or anS othe� method deomes sui6abLO Lo the PurpoSe Uy the Council The Ci[v may also eetabIlSh b�llmS aieas or d�str�o6s and pio��do Lor thn read�ng of ineter5 and billuig of cha�gua bv calendai quartars or monthly quar- Lers, or auch periodi� inteicala as tl�e Council ahall determme suitable and necessary Itom time Lo Lune to the needs of the City In the ease ol a Post-card meLer read�ng, each con- auroer s7�all ma�l ar return the met- er card on or beYOCe the last Qay of the bilLng Per�oc7 PLach consumei shall retwn the meteF card on or betore the last day m each calends� quarter Lach consumer shall be assessed a&1Ly (5U) cent PenalLy for any card not seLUrne3 on Lhc due date Such pcnalLy and any use cha�gos (ba�sed on an estimate o1 the aatee coi�suniod) mav be �nclufted on the next b�]lmg aud Lhereattei unt�l pa�Q The wate� raLe chargPS cLiall be cmni�letied gims cha�gos ami shall be Llie chat�e., p.�yaLle alte� the last clay ot chc monUi ox bilhng Paiiod ok wlnch Llie bill�ugs are sont out Yaymei�ts I�ai�L belme the last day of tho monLh m bi1Ln6 Pei�od may be Pa¢7 m� Llie uec ohaiFe dee�s ahs.h ehall bo tl�e g�oes chaege less fifL� (60) cax�ts J SuLOn 4(o) LheieoS �s amond- oil nnd he�oaltei [thn]] �ea�d a�s fol- lo �� s "(c) ln Lhe e�ent a wate� or sawer b�ll �e tinP��1 at Lhe end oL Lhe ca]enAa[ ynarcei oi Lho bilhng peiwtl undei whmli Lho b�➢mg is seut out, tlie U�ll s1�a1L be cons�dered de�inquent a.id the ee�v��e m,�y bo disem�bimed as peo��ded m(b) aboee an[L tl�e Citv Counwl may cause the �a.rgos no�ad m suaL bCpm€ lo be- come a]�e�i 6�au�st the prollelty seu ed by ceitll• mg W Lhe Gaunty Ll1e amount ol Daad deLnquent bIll m ac�mdan�e �*�Lti Sochons 1F215 and 143 16 01 Lhe Sca[uue5 ot 61m 6La[o of Mimiesota � Sect�on S�s amonded and kie�e- aCtet eha�l reaS as follows "Sechon 8 �4 atei consumpt�on and seHe� use cha��es to Llie con- svmar aha,ll becooie duo and payable r�ua�6ei]y each Soai ou a calendae schedvile oi by i�mulhly �nte�vals o� �euo[Ls ot L�me m a<co�dance with a s�l�edulo Prepa,xe� by Llie WLy Mai� gei (a� Wafe� Rntas per calendai gua[lor shq,l] Le as toliowe K300 mtmmmm lm up Lo B4OUO sal- ]m�e, Pe�YtiUle m adeai�ce 02� i,000 gallons lu� neef 4¢,000 galL lons 0 LS �ei 1 000 vallons lor nexL 50,0�0 gallons, 03G Per 1,009 gallons Lox next 300,000 gallons, 020 per 1,0�0 vallmis lo� al] over 200,OU0 gallons A �urcharge oC $126 Per quaztei, p�.vabe m adia,nce �s �etamed and shal] be ��nPoeed tor eac7� qua�ter vea� m the b�llmg ��euod oC each year after Sanuaiy 1, IBaB unless the net xevonuat, nf[er tieduobng all ex- penses of operat�ou and mamtenanee 01 the l.Sty �a2,ta[ and seaem syste�n m Lhe p�ecedm� calendaa year shal] ha�e cxceeded $I},00000 (bl 9amL�,ry sawer se�v�ce chargea shall be Baul at the rate ot $6 00 per quarte� )azi, m tl�e btlline per- mil, payable m ad�ance, Por oach dmneeLic eam�ar� sewer user In- dus6rial, commeie�al and m�16�p]e dwellu�g se�vme use charges shal] 6e a[ a rate determmed by the C�ty Coune�i by resolut�on as Se[ forth upon a schedule on [�le with the CLLy RIanagei b Section 8 tha�eot �s forlher amended bv a�ldmg [hereto a new subsect�on 'c' 6o Ue �nserte� at the end ot the preoenl sectmn and to read as follows "(c) Whe�evo� We penod af bifl- �ng o1 chaiges'for either water or sewer or both �s altered o� changed, U�e m�mmtim charge payable Cor such �ia[er ar se�ver may and ehall be P�o-ra[ed as necessary in eqmty [a the consumei Lom any perio<7 ot time le5s or more than a full quarter year aF any per�od of bill�ng used ' Eecuon 2 The Lerms and nrovo- s�ons of Otdmance No 113 a�e oUi- erNise confvmed m all respects PASSLD TSY TH� CITY COUNCIL � TIIIS Y� O�' /b9ARCH, l� / 1969 r— �, C,9 �q,- , � C� L�a��C}RAyfG , � �-� ATT�ST 4A '�1f5`C II � S L C�ty Cler1. Publ�shed m Frtidley NEWS, �farch 19 1959