Ordinance No. 0123 07-23-1959_ 1'�(0 � • � •, T..� . v CITY OF FHIDLEY ORDINAi"i CE NO. LS AN ORDINANCE 1LF.S,ATITG TO AAD AMTLNDING O1LDIRANCL NO. 113y ENTI7'LPD, "AS OIL� DISANOF. ]tPUliA'PINQ 'f0 .1SD REGULATIS�� PIiR IIFF. UP �Y'�• 1'EIE AVD 3F.WEIL LN'PHE CPCY OP l�ltiDI.ET� E87ABLL�SII_A"lk $CLF,9 ANL RE(lII7.ATIJiN P'O& TRF, ADHIftISTRA730S OF' 'PkIN: {�ATRIt AND BEWI:il JSb'Pi;Hi.y IN THFi CITY OP F111UL�N:Y ANU �IfATTERS ILEI,A'C1Nt:'F1IF.7LL+T0 1NCI.IIDISG ALL PiJ)PY;3LTIEB n1AIN9. RATE�, 23D {�IL07EU`F.b� IA CONSECTI(iS TIIT:2T:tSITA: A'_QD H6Y£ALffi(k 03LD1NANCE 50, f8� 77 A�L 9C�" 36 A4LE511- 19D I3Y OIiUINAFCE AO. 118. . `^Phe City of Fridlay does o[dain: Sceflon 1. Ortlinance No. 113, ea- tifle3, "An Ordinanee relating to an3 regul�,ting the u=e ot �a°atea and sew- er in the Ci[y of I�'ridley, es-rablish- ing rules anrl revolactons Yor [he ad- mini'ntratton of the �ratee and sewer "aysteme in Lhe City of F�9dley ant3 mattera relati��g thereto, f�mluding ap pro➢erties, mains, rates and chat'gex in cnnnection therervi�h; and rene:!linS ��'���ance Ko. 6S, 44 and 96," as a�nenciecl by Ordi�iance IDo. 118, adoD�ed and aeprove3 B1a�ch 13, 1969, is hereby tund shall be amende�� as follows: 1. 6ectim• 8 is amended and here- after shall read as tollows: Section 8. Watec conemnption and ae�ver use charges to the cax�aumer ehall Gecome due and payab!e quyrt- erly each year on a calendar sched- ule ar by monthly intercxils or Peo- iods of eime in iemrdanc:e with a schedule Urepared by cha Cify r4an- a6ea (a) Commencing on a:tid atter Au°- ust 1, 1959, [he water ratea Dar quar- tar aha11 be as Pollowa: $3.OD ruinimu.� fcr up [o 6,`JDO gal- lons, T�avable [n acicaace: 045 Per 1,000 KallOn6 for all Oves G,000 €al- lonc, (D) Sanitary se�.ver service ehaeges ehall be pait3 at fhe rate of go.06 Vec quarte[ year, in the billing Poriod, payable in ryQvance, for each c:or.i- estic sanitary s-e�ver user. Inclustrial. oommeraial aud multiple dwelling service use chacges ahall be at v rate determined by the City Council by resolucon aa set forth uPon a aehedule mi fi7e with che City �ian- ager. (c) Whe��ever t}�e perlad a.° bili- ing of charges Por either mater or aewer or both is altered or cliangeii, the minimnm charge P�Yable for auch �cater or sewer r.ney and sha17 be Prorated as necessarp in equity to the conamner tor ai�y Period of Cme less or rc�ore than a full quarter year oi any Period ueecl. Such ➢to- rating is nlso autheri�ed �vhenevex the rate, mi�imom nr othev�viee, Por either water or eewer services ox both, is changed. Sectlon 2. The [erms and provisimia oi Ordinance ro. 113, 2s amenderl by Ordinance 118, are uthenvise cmi- Eir'<ed in all re,spoets. YA58PD AY TFiP C1TY COL':�GIL 3I5 ..� DAP OP JIILY, 1959. �/`'' F�ft'jA,,N�I{ C'. LA(xRASGLi`. JR. i�-���a��� � `�'�'"' � �\'C'fEST: I Y� (y 7/J�� 1AR�'IN C. GP.liNBDLL Cierk APDroved as to fm�;��: . � ANDP.F.W C KOHLqN C�W Atorney July 30�. t959 �.