Ordinance No. 0126 08-13-1959`J . i:� u 6 ORDIFANCE FO. 148 AN O]LDIIC4NON: AhfENDINC} 7'Al; PLAT'PiTI6 ORDIN L.A I;FI NO. 76 RF 'L`HE A➢IPTiU37PSl` Uk CF,TE'G�IN 9N:0'CIONS .A_Sil SUR• flL�'CPiON7 IiET,A'PIV(} TO 'CAE 1�II.IN�. PFF TO ACCODIPANY A PRQP09}:D ]'L4'L`. T7�e City of Fridley doee orQgin: Seetion I. (SUb-3ection ') of � Seo- tion G of Ordinance No. 7a" shall be amended to read ac follows: (2.) The subdivider ehall next cause n preliminary P�'�t to bo pre- pared in aecordance mith Lhe re- qni�ements nf Section 'J hereal, and shall file said plat ¢nd re- quired aceo�npanying dxta, �.vith ooP�es as reguix�ed, and �vith a minin�um Plat filine fee of i�ccnty- five <lollars ($?5.00) D��' p1at, ptus hw �ollxrs ($2_00) per• ]ot avee Len (10) lots. �vith [he City Clerlt, who st�:�ll no[ify the Rltansegor af the recaiPt of tEe D7a.L Prior to the Planiiing Coinmis�ion's ae[ion on thc prelhninary Nflc, the \fao- ager shall a:cer[yin w'helhex' ue not his requiee�nents ani9 snKSea- tions hare been suNStanTjg,lly com- plied �vith and sh:�il c8➢ all de- ciations Lo Uie a�[tentiOn oP Cl�e PlwnninQ Comn:isnion." 9netion Y. The �.hird anA Pinal paragraDh of Section 10 nf Ordinanee Ko. 75 5haI1 be ¢mendul to read as follon s: `14 minimum fiat filing Cae of hqe�ty-:i�e dollnrs (S3fi,^0) per plaq plue hvo dolla[s {p2.00) Fe[ lot over ten fIp) loty sha[I be paid by the Snb�icicler at the tiine oP Piling and shall be �ased to helP defray exPenSes o° gi�'iu�; notice oP the hearin�, distrihuLin/; cot��t.� oP the ➢reiirninary p1�t, alieNrin;; the Plat, mid nther ct��enseu in conneetion there�vith A>c,' a3�3i- tional espenses of cherkinS �>>e prelim_3nary and PinN n�at shall he charKeci the sn��livider and shall be D3id befoee approeal of th�- final Plat.•, .4eetion d. The last Para�raph nF Sertion 11 of Ordina.noe No. 76 shall be amended to ccad as Polloiqe: "Whenever a final P1a,t aed not a Feeliminaey p1aL i6 requiced. as provtded m Section 1S hereof, a �niaiMUrn 1'Lat flins fec of tm'eiiGV- five 4ollar9 (SdK.00) Den p1:it, plus two dollars (S'? 0�) Der lnt over ten (10) lntn ehall be baid at Lhe tin-e of Piliug and shall be uscd to hel� r]efrzig esP<<�s'ec of giving no- Lice Of tli� heatinF,' �nd othee ex- penses,� $eetion 4. Thie Ordinnnr.e shal! ha,l:e e£iect fiPteen Q5) daye after publication as Provided by the City Chartex, !�9 PASSF.D AY THT: CPCY COi'.�� �T� � TH H-tY8 1 II9T, 190 _iTr{ �.�3 . �'J� T. .;2; L��f .�T'I���Y%� • . CT,AEtF,1�Cti is'. biADDY � City A4anager � . � Aug. ?0, 1959