Ordinance No. 0129 09-10-1959� � � . /SZ � O&➢INANCE NO. 188 � AR OHDINAACE TO AffiEND TIiE Z,ONNING ORDINANCF OF TFiE � CITY OF F&IDLEY PIIDTSESO'CA . BT %A%INC1 A C1I�NG� IN THE ZONISG D16THICTB. � � The Couneii of the City of Fridley do orduin as follows-: Secflon 1. Ordinanc.e Vo. 70 of the .. Citp oE I?ridley l:nown aa the Zom ing Ordin�nce and adop[ed on Dec- ember 2J, :95u. is amende3 as here- inafter indicated. Secttun E. The tract or area with- in the councy oP Anoka and City of � Fridley and deacribed ae: � . Lat 9, Auditor's Subdicision No. 103 is hereby designated to be in the � voned district ]mown as R- 2. ��1 �a flection 5. That the Zoning Admin- :� tatrator is directed to change the official zoniug maP to ehow said. tcaet or area Prom zoned diatricte � � R- 1 to zonod �listrict R- 2. P SN HP. CiTI J 'CIT, THI D �QP' I3liR, �. 1969 � r / h C I.. GH �� � �TTEST: �y.;c�,.'� ' CLAREnCL�F.. � AD C1TY bLdAAGLR � E\ti 5 Sept. 17, 1969 � � � � s