Ordinance No. 1294 03-26-2012ORDINANCE NO. 1294 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE CHAPTER 1. LEGISLATIVE BODY, PERTAINING TO WARD AND PRECINCT BOUNDARIES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY HEREBY FINDS AND ORDAINS, AFTER REVIEW, EXAMINATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT CHAPTER 1, LEGISLATIVE BODY, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.02 WARD BOUNDARIES Pursuant to the City of Fridley Charter, Chapter 2.03, which requires the Council to redetermine Ward Boundaries after each decennial census of the United States, and at other times as the City Council may determine, the Ward and Precinct Boundaries of the City are redetermined and hereafter are established as follows: (Ref. 987) �'� 1. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 1 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Starting at the northern City Limits (approximately 255 feet north of the intersection of Osborne Road and T.H. #47 Avenue) go east on the northern City Limits to Baker Street. EAST: Using Baker Street and starting at the northern City Limits, go south on Baker Street to 73rd Avenue, then go east on 73rd Avenue to Highway #65, then go south on Highway #65 to Rice Creek Terrace. SOUTH: Using Rice Creek Terrace and starting T.H. #65, go west on Rice Creek Terrace to Madison Street, then go south on Madison Street to 7th Street, then go south on 7th Street to 67th Avenue, then go west on 67th Avenue to 4th Street, then go north on 4th Street to Rice Creek Terrace, then go northwest on Rice Creek Terrace to T.H. #47. WEST: Using T.H. #47 and starting at Rice Creek Terrace, go north on T.H. #47 to the northern City Limits (Osborne Road and T.H. #47). 2. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 2 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using T.H. #47 and starting at Rice Creek Terrace, go southeast on Rice Creek Terrace to 4th Street, then go south on 4th Street to 67th Avenue, then go east on 67tn Avenue to 7th Street, then go northeast on 7th Street to Madison Street, then go north on Madison Street to Rice Creek Terrace, then go east on Rice Creek Terrace to Highway #65. EAST: Using T.H. #65 and starting at Rice Creek Terrace, go south on Highway #65 to Mississippi Street, then go west on Mississippi Street to Van Buren Street, then go south on Van Buren Street to Carol Drive, then go Southwest on Carol Drive to West Moore Lake Drive. SOUTH: Using West Moore Lake Drive and starting at Carol Drive, go southwest on West Moore Lake Drive to 61st Avenue, then go west on 61st Avenue to 7tn Street, then go north on 7th Street to Mississippi Street, then go west on Mississippi Street to T.H. #47. WEST: Using T.H. #47 and starting at Mississippi Street, go north on T.H. #47 to Rice Creek Terrace. Ordinance No. 1294 Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 3 is established as the area bounded as follows: Page 2 NORTH: Using Mississippi Street and starting at the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, go east on Mississippi Street to 7th Street. EAST: Using 7th Street and starting at Mississippi Street, go south on 7th Street to 57th Avenue. SOUTH: Using 57tn Avenue and starting at 7th Street, go west on 57th Avenue to T.H. #47. WEST: Using T.H. #47 and starting at 57th Avenue, go north on T.H. #47 to 59th Avenue, then go west on 59th Avenue to Main Street, then go north on Main Street to 61st Avenue, then go west on 61st Avenue to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, then go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of way to Mississippi Street. 4. Ward No. 1, Precinct No. 4 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using 61st Avenue and starting at 7th Street, go east on 61st Avenue to West Moore Lake Drive. EAST: Using West Moore Lake Drive and starting at 61st Avenue, go southeast on West Moore Lake Drive to T. H. #65, then go south on T.H. #65 to T. H. #694, then go east on T.H. #694 to Matterhorn Drive, then go south on Matterhorn Drive to the southern City Limits. SOUTH: Using the southern City Limits and starting at Matterhorn Drive, go west on the southern City Limits to T.H. #47. WEST: Using T.H. #47 and starting at the southern City Limits, go north on T.H. #47 to 57th Avenue, then go east on 57th Avenue to 7th Street, then go north on 7th Street to 61st Avenue. 1. �' � 5. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. I is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using the northern City Limits (Osborne Road) starting at Baker Street, go east on the northern City Limits to the eastern City Limits. EAST: Using the eastern City Limits, go south on the eastern City Limits to 69th Avenue. SOUTH: Using 69th Avenue and starting at the eastern City Limits, go west on 69th Avenue to Central Avenue, then go south on Central Avenue to Rice Creek, then go west on Rice Creek To T.H. #65. WEST: Using T.H. #65 and starting at Rice Creek, go north on T.H. #65 to 73rd Avenue, then go west on 73rd Avenue to Baker Street, then go north on Baker Street to the northern City Limits. 6. Ward No. 2 Precinct No. 2 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using Rice Creek and starting at T.H. #65, go east on Rice Creek to Central Avenue, then go north on Central Avenue to 69th Avenue, then go east on 69th Avenue to the eastern City Limits. EAST: Using eastern City Limits and starting at 69th Avenue, go south on the eastern City Limits to 66th Avenue. SOUTH: Using 66th Avenue and starting the eastern City Limits, go west on 66th Avenue to Arthur Street, then go south on Arthur Street to Mississippi Street, then go west on Mississippi Street to Central Avenue, then go south on Central Avenue to East Moore Lake Drive, then go southwest on East Moore Lake Drive/West Moore Lake Drive to Able Street. WEST: Using Able Ordinance No. 1294 Page 3 Street and starting at West Moore Lake Drive, go north on Able Street to Carol Drive, then go west on Carol Drive to Van Buren Street, then go north on VanBuren Street to Mississippi Street, then go east on Mississippi Street to T.H. #65, then go north on T.H. #65 to Rice Creek. 7. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 3 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using Able Street and starting at Carol Drive, go south on Able Street to West Moore Lake Drive, then go east and northeast on West Moore Lake Drive/East Moore Lake Drive to Central Avenue, then go north on Central Avenue to Mississippi Street, then go east on Mississippi Street to Arthur Street, then go north on Arthur Street to 66th Avenue, then go east on 66th Avenue to the eastern City Limits. EAST: Using the eastern City Limits and starting at 66th Avenue, go south on the eastern City Limits to Gardena Avenue. SOUTH: Using Gardena Avenue and starting at the eastern City Limits, go west on Gardena Avenue to Matterhorn Drive, then go south on Matterhorn Drive to the e�tension of Hathaway Lane, then go west on Hathaway Lane and its e�tension to Regis Drive, then go south on Regis Drive to Lynde Drive, then go west on Lynde Drive and its e�tension to T.H. #65: WEST: Using T.H. #65 and starting at the e�tension Lynde Drive, go north on T.H. #65 to West Moore Lake Drive, then go northwest on West Moore Lake Drive to 61st Avenue, then go northeast on West Moore Lake Drive to Carol Drive, then go northeast on Carol Drive to Able Street. 8. Ward No. 2, Precinct No. 4 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using the e�tension of Lynde Drive and starting at T.H. #65, go east on Lynde Drive and its e�tension to Regis Drive, then go north on Regis Drive to Hathaway Lane, then go east on Hathaway Lane and its e�tension to Matterhorn Drive, then go north se�l� on Matterhorn Drive to Gardena Avenue "T. T��°'����'� T'r���°, then go east on Gardena Avenue "T. T��°'����'� T'r���° to the eastern City Limits �;'.'�����r��� ��°° *'�°� � � . , . , . .. , .,�� ,,,, m u-uti�n �„ ��,o o.,��o,-„ r;�., r;,�,;+� EAST: Using the eastern City Limits and starting at Gardena Avenue �'.�Tgo south on the eastern City Limits to the southern City Limits. SOUTH: Using the southern City Limits and starting at the eastern City Limits, go west on the southern City Limits to Matterhorn Drive. WEST: Using Matterhorn Drive and starting at the southern City Limits, go north on Matterhorn Drive to T.H. #694, then go west on T.H. #694 to T.H. #65, then go north on T.H. #65 to the extension of Lynde Drive. r.�eev: , . . , . :sers�n:�res��:*ese��:r.�:�r.E�rr.�ssr.s . •• . �� � ' -' - - . _�i • _�i _�i . � . � ��. .. ��. � _ - Ordinance No. 1294 . . . . . � . � �� � .�_ �� � . � �� � . ��''� 9�9. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 1 is established as the area bounded as follows: Page 4 NORTH: Beginning at the Mississippi River and the northern city limits, then follow the northern city limits east to the Burlington Northern right-of-way, then go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way (City Limits) to 85th Avenue (City Limits), then go east on 85th Avenue (City Limits) to T.H. #47 (City Limits). EAST: Using T.H. #47 (City Limits) and starting at 85th Avenue go south on T.H. #47 (City Limits) to Osborne Road. SOUTH: Using Osborne Road and starting at T.H. #47, go southwest on Osborne Road to Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, then go north on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way to 79th Way, then go west on 79th Way to the western City Limits (Mississippi River). WEST: Using the western City Limits and starting at 79th Way, go north to the northern City Limits. 10�_ Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 2 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using the western City Limits and starting at 79th Way, go east on 79th Way to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, then go south on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way to Osborne Road, then go northeast on Osborne Road to T.H. #47. EAST: Using T.H. #47 and starting at Osborne Road, go south on T.H. #47 to Mississippi Street. SOUTH: Using Mississippi Street and starting at T.H. #47, go west on Mississippi Street to East River Road. WEST: Using East River Road and starting at Mississippi Way, go north on East River Road to Rice Creek, then go west on Rice Creek to the western City Limits, then go north on the western City Limits to 79th Way. 11� Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 3 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using the western City Limits and starting at Rice Creek, go east on Rice Creek to East River Road, then go south on East River Road to Mississippi Way, then go east on Mississippi Way to the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way. EAST: Using the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way and starting at Mississippi Way, go south on the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of -way to the e�tension of 61st Avenue, then go east on 61st Avenue and its e�tension to Main Street, then go south on Main Street to T.H. #694. SOUTH: Using T.H. #694 and starting at Main Street, go west to the western City Limits. WEST: Starting at T.H. #694 on the western City Limits, go north on the western City Limits from T. H. #694 to Rice Creek. 12�. Ward No. 3, Precinct No. 4 is established as the area bounded as follows: NORTH: Using the western City Limits and starting at T.H. #694, go east on T.H. #694 to Main Street, then go north on Main Street to 59�' Avenue, then go east on 59th Avenue Ordinance Na. 1294 Page 5 ta T.H. #47. EAST: Using T.H. #47 and starting at 59'� Avenue ga sauth an T.H. #47 ta the City Limits and cantinuing an ta the sauthern City Limits. SOUTH: Using the sauthern City Limits ga west ta the western City Limits. WEST: Using the western City Limits, starting at the sauthern City Limits, ga narth an the western City Limits ta T.H. #694. 1.03. WARD MAP Ward and Precinct Baundaries are further herein established and delineated as shawn an the map hereaf. Attached hereta is Exhibit "A" and made a part hereaf by reference; and whenever and wherever a canflict sha11 appear between the baundaries as nated and pravided an said map and the lines nated and described in Sectian 1.02, then the baundaries as nated in said map sha11 prevail. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CIT� COUNCIL OF THE CIT� OF FRIDLEY THIS 26TH DAY OF MARCH 2O12. � SCOTT . LUND — MA�OR ATTEST: DEBRA A. SKOGEN ITY CLERK First Reading: March 12, 2012 Secand Reading: March 26, 2012 Publicatian: Apri1 5, 2012 C}rditl���� Nc�. »Li ��►�.' W1 P1 ;Exhibit A � �� Fl�;II�LE� � vater l��Iap Legislative Hause District 41A L E G E N D � Precinct Boundary Legislative Boundary wa Pa Ward ! Precinct Designation � Palling Lacatian 0 o.s 1 Miles Sources: Fridley Elections Fridley GIS Qate: February 2Q12