Ordinance No. 0013 08-01-1949�. . . � � � , I� � . , � OI�INANCE NO. 13 AN ORDItiANCE REGULATING FUR FARMS The Council of the Villege of Sridle9 do or�dnin as fallows: � � , SecUon 1. The tecma "Fur farma", . �. . xs u9ed herein, mezms an9 place � .. _ � wLere fur-bearing animals are bred, ��. � raised, cared for and Ped fox finan- eial pro�Yit, and shall include the keeping of mink, fos, mvskrnte, � beaccY, rabbits, chlnchillas, and t6 nny other animal with valuable I�elt. �ection 2. Ao Pe�rson, Persome, fiem or coiparation sha➢ maintaixi, . operate �or cause to 62 condocted, ivaintainetl or operated uny fuc fflrm, ar herein definrvl, �cithrruC having first been granted a license so to da b9 the cfllage couocil: Sectioo 3. A license to o��ate n far fnrm �Lall be granted only uFron ap�lication made to and file[l � n�iYh the coaneil oi the Fillage ot Fi�d1eS. The applierition for u lie- � ense shall be fn writing, si�,'ned bv the a�rPlicn❑t, nng filecl with the cillage recocder. It ehail state tLe applicanYs firll namz. his nge, occ- . np:ition and �vLece he. has resided during tbe S�2r nest preeerling the . date of filing the� anplication;it shnll nlso state e�hether or not thc apir ]SCant is a eitizen of the IInited � State�. 8ecriau �. The fee Por�a license issned purasant to t6e proviaions � o2 this ordinance chall be $17A.00 per annum. all licensee granted � under the provisions of this ord- inxnce sball eapire on the 3(Ith i7ay af April neat after the date of issue. Section 5. The person, perr,one, firm or corporation who ahall maiu- � tain euch fur farm within the Vill- age oP Fridle9 shall nat allom odars and smells mhieh xre aFfensive to the olfactpry senses of tLe people inhabiting the Village to be emitted from tLe fur fnrm, but shall keep the pcemises frec of smelis and a7ors. Organic matter shaR not be, � allo�wed to derap, and shxll kre Land- led mith sanitary precautions. � Sectinn 6. Any Persan mho vio- lates anp of the provisions oP tDis ordinonce, shall be guilty of a mis- � demeanor and apon conviction therenf, shall be punLhed bg a fine of not more than $lfl(Y or by im- nriconment for nnt more than nin- ety (�JO) dxys, tonzther with Phe � costs of prosecation in eitl�er case, Passed by tLe Village CoanrIl � this lst daS oP AnKnrt, 1949. CARL H!�RTIIA\ 3faror ( SE'�AL)'��L� .att�t: �i'9RD y0� G < Clerk rl% Pnblished in the Calumtr3a elgLta RF.CQ�RD on AuKUSt S, 194D.