Ordinance No. 0153 10-04-1960� .. . . � ' � i � � � � '� `� ��+ ; ;� F.C- HT• The Cwncit of the Clty o1 Fridiey � do ord�a.in as followe: Seetimi 1. 'ChaL aU of the watkway deecribed as followa: _ The Lwenty (20) foot wfde w�]k- way betwcen Blocka Three (3) and Four f4), from Unlveraity Acenue an the weet to Fourth $treet N.E., on the east; all pying in the Bennett _ Palmer 3ddltion in the North one- half (N�5) oG Section 23, T-30, R-:4, � Anoka County, M}nneeota be and are hereby vatated, aubject to a cnnstruction easement 4p feet ,. in width and a permanent easement � � 2d feet in widtL thereon . Sectlon 2. The said vdcatio� has Dee¢ made a[tar Notice o[ Public � Headng in conformance with Minne- eotb 3tatute� aM purauant to Sec- tion 12.07 of fhe Clty Charter. � PA89ED SY THE CITY COL'\CIL, CLTY OF FRIDLF.Y, THIS 4TFI DAY OF Octaber, 1960. � MAYOH - T. re g �� ATTFST: ����.(p CITY CLERK�vih C. 13kuns¢li Firet Readln4 6epL 27, 1960 J - 9econd Reading OcG 4, 196Qy'��' Nawe: OcG 6, 1960 /�, � �l�(