Ordinance No. 0159 10-04-1960i �� W � � ' ^� .,, oxmxaxcE xo. �sa � AR ORPIAANCE ADOPTIN(3 TAE � AIJDGET NOR I+I9CAi. Y};ptt ]pgl, r 'CHE CITY OC' FRID1d�;C OR- PAT�IS: Section 1. That Lhe annuad budge[ of Lhe City af Fridley for the fiscal � 3^ear beginning .T4�.nuary 1, 79fi1 . which has been submitted by [he City Manaqer and mo�3ified and ap- proverl by the City Councii is here- � �y adopted; the to[al of the aa38 budFet and the major �3iriciona there- of being a.s follows: RF.VF.YI"}; .1PATLAAF,R CURHF.VT RP�'EI�UP: General Property Taac ...F:'.'-?.13100 Lieensea and Permits .... 46,500.q1 Fines and Forfeiturea .... 9,010.00 From Othei Agencies .... 24,000.00 Fervice Charges ....._.... fi,310,00 �°J Non-ktevenue Reeei�ts . .. 32,650.110 Unappropriated SurPlue .. 13,000.00 .............. . �e;::. 7'01`Ai . ..................$363.491.00 � GENDRAL PROPTt'RTY TAXES FOR OTHF.R FUNDS: � � DebG Service Fund ......$ 3,095.00 Pubtic Employeee Retirement Fand .......... ......... 9.804.00 � Fire�nan Relief Fund .... 8,575.00 State A.id - Highwaya .... 60,000.00 TOTAL dLL FUND9 ....$434�9fifi.nn � l:N:\I!;HAL Fii.'�*D; � Finance ...$ 36,780.00 � Pub]IC R'orks ............ 63,056.00 � Police .................... 41,061.00 Fire ...................... 3?.OF7.00 City �Ianager .......,.... 17,369.00 F.ngineering .............. 2A,9S1.D0 Dfu�icipal Court .......... 11,386.00 i.effied ..................... A.500.00 Buitding Inepection ...... 26,192.00 City Cauneii .............. 8,910.00 � � Elec[ions and FCegistra.tion 1,L5A0 Parkc & Recreation ...... 30,419.00 � 3an�itlation & Health ...... 3.210.W � Auditing ................. 4.200 00 .f�uildinga ................. 10.325.00 Cicil llefense ............ 1,675.00 Street Lighflng .......... 3,6np.po Commissions .............. 486.00 � Health & Hoepital Inaurance .... .. .. ................ 1.920.00 Raserve .................. 11,500.00 .............. � TOTAL GENERAL FUND . ............. ;363.491.00 OTISE$ FIIVDBs � Debt Service ............E R.095.00 `'. P:E.R.A . . ........... 9.804.00 Flramen's Re11ef ..... ... 8,575.00 State Aid - HlgAways .... 50,OOO.W : 1'OTAL AI.I. F[TNDS ,�..$43Z,965.00 . Sectfon 2. That the City nianager De directed to cause the appropriate aecount(ng erttries to be made tn the . baoks of the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED�BY•THE CITY COUNCII. '£3��AY OF October, 19fi0. bfAYOft - Greig ATTFST: CITY MANAGF.R - Earl P. n Newa: Oct. fi. 1960 V" '