Ordinance No. 0171 02-21-1961I� �� � 'I -i ' ry , � i � OHDIAABCE NO. 171 � AF ORDINANCE DETERMINIRQ . AN EMEILGENCY ARD THE NEED F'O& IMMF.➢IA'PE Pil6• CHABE OF CER'PAIA b'IHE DE- '�. PARTffiENT AYPA&ATIIB. , Be it ordained by the City of � '. FridleY: ���. Sec[ion 3. That the Counei! finda �. that the engi� in the SeaSrave PumDer, (Seagrave Apparatua SeNal I, No. B u865 originallY sotd to the I U. S. Navy in May 1963) �is no longer ieliable and safe Yor continued use and aperation by the N'ire Deparb ment; and that there ia imminent . dangei of £ailure af the engine and af loss ta the pubtic if the� same is � not immediately replaced. That ae- cordins�Y an emergency exis[s an3 � any delay in [he purchase of a re- placemen[ enS�ne as may be caused by advertising tor blds is a serious �, hazard to the aafety of the pnblic; � Section 2. That it ia deemed ner,es- eary thereEOre [hat Lhe City purehane - � euch replacement engme fmmediately' without advertising for bida and ob- taln the same by negOtiatione at the best avat7able pric¢ to [,yg City. . PASSED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL, CITT OF FRInT;EY. THIS 21ST DAY OF FE&1tUAEtY, 1961. MAYOF.-T. �, Gre�R � CITY CLERB • Marvin Q Bru[�aell Fews. March 16, 1961 � � �. / • 1