Ordinance No. 0183 07-18-1961� • . ORDINANCE NO. 189 AF ORDINANC� LICFN9IFb AND EEGLPLATI9Q CERTAIA VEADINCi OPERA'PIONB ON PIIBLIC ' BTH.EETB. [CHE C,i,7'Y OI� FP.IALI;F does or'- eain: Seation 1. S,ICliNSL HliQUIl:li- MI��NTS: LTxcepit o�dar a license as Provided herein, m pereon ahall oDerate a veliiele in the CiLy of L+'ridlpy foi the nurgose of disPensinS or vending con- fer.tfons or okher goods dlrectly from swoh vehiGe, and it in unlfl,wYN Im' any Person Lo vend or dispensn any cmifeetione pr okher gnocle divectly .from a vehicle without a license �o to da first beinR ob[ainefl, or con- trary to [he terms of such lieense. This ordinance does not a-pply, ho���- ever, fo any Person ne�ng a vahiel�e for the delivary of goods or servicen djreptly to homes or eatahlielonents when Ghe 600ds �.re tal;eo Dy the oyzia,tor of tt�e vehivle mito Pri�ate praPer[y Por such dclivcry. Sectian 8. AI'1'LICA[PION T'OR LICT,1� S�: lhe ap�plicatio� Fer 8, licanse .linll be �na[ie to the Qity C9erlc and eha11 describe the vehifle ar veliicles from whiuh snch cendiug oPer2tions ax�e to be carr�e� on, 2s� well as the names and addresses oP nll Lersons interested in said businoss an�l il.s ope��ation. The a➢D�Ic�tion shnLL also describe the typee ok uonYactione nr oCher goode which are to be eold Go�rn eaid vehiale, �cl t1�e aeea�s ol' the City in which the Uusiness is' proposed to be earried on. The anD>>- r.ation sha17 also sie�t Porth the na'� es of Yhe insurers pnroviding litidi]ity coverage on the vehiole or vehicles to be ¢sed and the amount of [he cov- erage carrizd. The nPP��cation sha7. be aocompa�i�ad bY the annual licenee fee which shall ba ae pro- vided hereln. The liccnse ehall run Yrom APril 1 ta bfarch 31 af the fol- ]owing year. IE an anPlication for a ]icense is denied, the fee s-hall be reyunded to the apNivant. Sectiom 3. ROUTDB AND FIOIIRS OF' Ol-'ERATION: No Pereon ]icensed under this ard- inanCe �shall carry on a vending op- eration u�o�n anv srtreet or public iilaco whiclt 1s oth,er than as pro- vided mider [he Garm6 uf such license. Such oPPratlon may Ue !carxied on only between the hours ol' lO:On A.bi, to };30 P.M.. a.nfl fi'00 P.M., fo 9:00 P.M., in any area ionecl corn- me[cla] ox induspcial, and only be- t�ween Che houra af 1:0� Y.�., ta 4:36 P.M., and G:30 P.M., fo 9:00 P.M., in anq area zo�nec7 resld�nLin.l or oGher than commerciad nr indias- trial. At least tan (10) <luys beCare the commexmement of o�pern[ions, fhe licensee shal] fi]e with ll�e CiPy ior a�xova] by khe Cify Manager, the Qro➢used �area in which the vehial=s so licensed will travel ea,ch dag whiAe within Yhe City. The lice�nse,e shall a,l. alI times whiLe oTeratiny mif,hin 9he City aee streets only a5 are approve�l wi[hin such areas; xad r,hanges in the area ahall be P�i]ed witli tha CitV ffianager at least ton (10) days in advance of makiei� any chanee. SP Che City Manuger shall deny use o[ any atreat within the area, the licen- -see may a�peal tho puling of the Qity Manager to the City Council for �determination. �11 nn fime, however, shall the liceneee opes'ate his vehicle on and ovee any sllqoeY that is not ap�roved. Only such streets within the area shall be appraced as mini- miae the danger a£ injurg by the hazards of. traS1'i�c Lo� persnns who may be customers of. snch vehicle, and als'o ae minimize t,ratfic diffi- 'culties as may arise out of the operation of the cehicle for such Pur- poees. 'A vehfc]e rnay be ]icensed to oFlerate excWSively in areas of the City zoned "Commeqcial" or "Indus- trial"; ar it may be licensed to on- era,te exclusively in areas zoned "Reeidantial" or "OTlier than Com- mercial or Indus[rial"; or iC may be Iloen�ed to operate in all areae oP. the City. No vehicle, howeveq ahal] be onerated in any are�a of the Ci[y whieh is zoned different than that far wh1rL the r:am� in Lren�setl. In tlie a�acnre ol' Viroo�r m[ne r<�nira,ru'. a vehipLe parknLL ur lei1. nnaudluK ou anti Street or public iHxce is de9*�ed Lo be Uiete I'or Uunineas aper�,tians. Seation 4. L1CLN51: FLti: The tinnual licenae I'ee tm' a vehi- nle to Le oPerated esclnsively ia ares zmies "l'o�nmeroiaC' or '7n1u5Vi21" ,is $10.00. The •sumaa7 lioen,e Pee f��r a, veLleJe �to be rzpora[�1 eX<9usively iu �vaLLS �anetl "Yenidential" ar area emietl "OLhc� thfln Cominerciod ac hiduntria]" Is ALI1.00: e.n[1 the annual ]LCeuse fee fm' a vehiala to be operat- ed ttu�oug'houL tlle Cily �.s a who,le is �30.00. SacLian �. R.4GI,PCV lil]GZCIRL- S1�NTS: Pvepy linen,�ae shal] mainto.in lia- Lili�lV Lnsuranuc with resGCrL I� Lhe o,pe�'ation of any vehitle used in sucli business. The� lia�Aili�y r.overa;;c rl suuh insueanse shall be iv an arnpu�t oC at leas-t $50,n0400 for sinole ini��'i�e�s and al ]eae[ $Lf111,009�.00 fox enrth acoiclent witl� respeat to pe�'eonal hijux'ias, LogeLher vrith at least $5.00�090 fur nTOI%erly da ia,�e_ i�irhen cngay;'ed in unY ceu�in+: �I���'��' 11on, Llie ve1�ICLe used shall be par"��d at the eurb oL auy street uPOn �vLich the cehlcle stan�ls, and tBe vend�n•t nhall be dmie orily at ❑�e cux'b sido oC vuhicle. L\IDen the venilinn is r�r- rled on nea-e any school or nther slinilar place. Lhe veh]cle usecl p.hvll be Parl<oft at tha curb on the sdc oP phe steaet vearest the achool, m� al a, Place nest Ln sucli s��hnol oe� nllier S9mllar nublic pl�ee ae i,s sa�l'e anft maJ:es it eeasonahly iinneeessary for a cus�coaner Lo ci�uss sLroaL m� tlinrouglifar'e u➢on �chlrli there is Lraffic to �ee,ch anoh trhirle Pi�i � Ihe schoo] or such other =i'�nilxr n ��u P1aCe. .At all Limes fl�e vehic7�� w,od shall ba sGO�pPed and n�.�'lceil mi1Y in such a P�aca ne� will im[ nbstrou[ or ca�use a hazard ta Ceo1'- fio 2nd w}��ich rr�ataF no rla.nr'^r o�' injury to custamers oC the vehiale. luryrh shal] be equippetl �cilh Plavhing lighpe mi ho-Lh lhe Ymnf aeid renr oY the vehicle, �vhich li�-ti•; sh�.�❑ hc cloa,r'Iv vishlP. tu onicmning trafLic in 1`u]] dayli:,rht. To vehiGe used in :uch vendinR m�erntion in any plaoe at �vhidi . �h^re is congreR�ted a sube�tantial mr�byr oR peoPle or a�t whiah P�ace Lliere emn reasonably be 2epectod iri and abouL the vehicla Pei's-ons oC i 1n�r age, m� InFirm�iLy o� disability, 51ia11 L° rnvad baN,nvarl 'o�r in sueh �lirac�cion aG to threaten injury Lo any persoo in and near .aoch vehia9e: and all Ltmes f,o vive adequate war�nings vehiole shall acR to k-eep all persmi� clear of such vehir,le wRi]e tha same is in mwement. The vehicle used, shall oarey suah si�'nal]ing or rv�a�tting devicee as� wjll enmble the attanda�nt reasona�bly a[ a,ll [imes to givo aequ�.te wanings as requireft hencin. Sec[ion fi. l-TOI.A'CSONS: Any ax'san vi�la,ting any Provi- 610p8 p� Lhl2 O[(]iRft�10E Rl&y LLp09 conviotion thereo'F he p+inished by a fine not to e.eceefl 5100!10 or confine- meri[ for not m�o�re tha-n ni�cty (90) �ays impris'o-nment. Any licen.v-ee �vha vioiutes any provisioei of tltis oed- inlnice or who drives or operates his vchicle in a careles= and negli:en[ faahion may in addiG'von to the fore- R'oing' penalties, have hie license re- vnlced atter a heaa�ing before the Cit9 Council, upon xe�uso�nable notioe. Sectian 7. This ordinance shall be in fuil f.orcc antl ePfec�t q➢on i�ts atlop[ion and PvUlication. PA,98fCD AND ADOPTED 1`HI9 I.STH D.AV OF .1'ULY, 19f1, BY THE C[TF COUNCIL OF 773H CSTY O➢' P1tIDLEY. MAYOp.� reig- ATTLST: ) CITF CLLRIi—biarvin P.: �� ncel First ,Reading Suly,S, 19G1. Seaomd Re�ar]tng J�il. 18, 19ft1. � q�� NPWS: Suly 37/, �196�1 ' ) /� �,(�1�•"l ' ' l��Rr4,.� _