Ordinance No. 0205 02-05-1962. ORDINANCE NO. 205 AN OROINP.NCE TO AM.ErJD THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MIN- NESOTA, BY MAKING A CHANGE IN ZONING DIS- TR I CTS. The Council of the City af Fridley do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Ordinan�ce Na. 70 of the City oP Fridley, known as the Zoning Ordinance and adopt- ed on December 29, 1955, is amended as hereinafter in3icated. SECTION 2. The tract or area within the County of Amoka and City of Fridley and described as: AR that part of Auditor's 5'ub- division No. 39, east of a line drawn parallel to and distant 165 feet west of the east line of said Lot 6, measured along . the north line thereof except that part thereof described as follows: �Commcncing at the nortl�east corner of said Lot 6; thence west on the north line of said Lot 6, a distance of 1G5 feet; thei�ce south on a line paxallel with the east 1i,ne of said �Lot 6y a distance oF 132 feet; ihence east on a line par- allel with the north line oY said Lot 165 feet to the east line of said Lot 6; thence nortli on the east line of said Lot, 1;2 feet to the place of beginning: all lying in Auditar's Subdivision No. "a9, in the North one-half (N7� ) of Section ;4, T-30, R-24, Anotca Countl', Minne- sota. i� hereby deeignated to be in the Zoned District Irnown as M-7. pight industriall, conditioned upon and provided that within one (1) year fxom khe effective date of t�his aznendment, szid premises are appropriated to, and in fact, used by Yhe owner for a purpose petinitted within said M-1 Zoned District, and in' ar cordance with the ticrms and pro- visions of �the permits issued for any structure erected thereon, within such period of tLne; and failing therein that said chau,Pe o` designation be termv�ated, and the zoning revert and remain as heretofore made. That escept upon thc further approval of the Counci7, then made, no permit shall be issued for any structurc tn be erected tl�ereon uuless sucn structw�e is the same, or sui�- stantially the same, as that now pronosed ta be erer,ted, thereon, and made a part of the applica- tion for the zoning change here- in, a copy of whir_h shall be filed as an �hibit with such applica- tion in the offices of the City Clerk. SECTIO�N� 3. That thc 7nnin� Administrater is direcCed to change the official zonina map to Show 5aid tract or area from zoned district P-1 fresidrntiall to zoned diskrict M-1 fli�ht in- daatriall, and to no�ts the condi- tions, and provision,, of the ChanQe made herein. PASSED EY THE CTTY COUN- �CIL OF THE CTTY OF iTSD- LEY TI3IS ST7I DAY O ER-� RUARY, 1962. � F,� GreiP MAYOFL A.1"i'EST: �(:�(%tni 1„wu/ Marvin C. runsell F' ����� CTTY CL�RK First �Reading: Jan. 75, 1952 Second Reading: Feb. 5, ]962 News: Feb. 15, 1962