Ordinance No. 0207 04-02-1962i • ORDIN.t$CPS NO. 907-106° , AN ORDINANI`E .1111N:NIlINI: OlL- DL.tiANCC YO. Yi OF'1'11.A CPl`Y Ol' ]:'R1lll.F,Y �\TITI.ED •'PliA'P7'ISu OliLLNASOL"" AND iEELATISU :CU fiOSLIVI�IOA' UF LAND. :CH,iy' COUNCLL OP TF,IE Ci'PY Ol�' L'PIDI.LY ll0 ORDAIN: S�iCTIOK 1: Tiiat Ordivance Vo. Y6 o�t Lhe City of NY�irtLey en[itled "Ylat�ivg Ordivance" aelo�pted ihe IIi'd day of July, 1956, and as a�nended b[✓ oi'diaance No. 168 adoptad tha 7L7� d.ay of Fe�bx'uary, 15�61 be an�l Is zmended by ad3ing Lhereto at thc end �oY Section 6 che Yollo�wing ,9uL- division "1J" aYtex' anQ Ya➢nwina eu�- divieiom `C" LhereoY, namely: "D". ��]�en Lhe lancla ol the subdi- �ision oonLain 24,0�40 squax'e ,I'eat in srca, or more, bu[ no[ in etce�s ul' one (1) acre; a,nd Che eubdivision con�Lain5 s2y�iarato p�anoels (ea,d2 paroel of whir,h neverthelass con�� taina at least 9;000� spuare Eee[), end such swbdiVision la.nds ay'e themselves mntained in. and ace � p,arC or a P1at already apnTOVed by clte C'ity, or if not aPPt'��'eci ar� oll a pLat vecorded a�uong tl�e C'quvty reuon'd9 Drioa Lo and without Ll�e necesslty �oC appinral bY tUe City, oc o1 a regis[eired lauQ snx'vey re- corded �.monh the Countv serords as procided by Lxw a.nd�the suU- division is in {act �. '4ut split° Witn TeeyecL to one ol' Llie same. WYienever such suUdiviaion of la!id (includinn any "loL aplit") le bo� be made under (C} or (D) he[eoY, auch suhdivision oan be ma&e withouC 'fun•cher p1a�Lling with a.�Uroval oF khe Co�noil iF ttie Cemmil sh�all Lind 'Ohat sach 5mbftIDieion ,[aoillAies and does not hindan' Ohe transfer and ,conceyance of the land, daea noti h'ind5�' [he ma]Siug of asses'ameM.s and kee➢���R of reno�rds coimecced thex'ewiCh, that i[ does not e'os�ult in tho craat9on of u�ny parcel lwiUi- ln or without q�e subdiviaion) 08 a size in area or Franl�3o whiCh is less than ia requirad for Purposos oC consllructiom o� a building on guch parcol under th.o zoning la,ws and Uuilding regnlations of �he City, and th�a.k Clte aubQivleion to ba made i.v- not madc for Lhe pnrpo�n.c of avoiding sucli condil',ions and restr'iclions with reapect to ihe lau[t as m3ght be imPOSed upan a, plla.t- LinS"� S,�CTION 2. TTat tYtie Ordinanoe and Ame-ndment co�rlained Ll�erein ehall ba in Foree and eiPecL feom and afCer publtoaEion. ADOt'T��ll THI�S 3�1 DA.i' pF APP.1L, 19G�, RY TT3P COIINCIl. OS' THE CITY OF P7tTD7.AlY. M'AYOR - T. etg, ATTe^,ST �{ � �� CI,TF CL�RK - Miarvin ly runsel Piret Re�ading Marcdi 19, 1A62 9econd Feading A�ril 2, 1962 NEW9: bia5 17, 19G2 - � �