Ordinance No. 0220 11-05-1962� � � O1tDIN.lICF, NO. 440 Q,N ORDIIITANCF. IINLFR SECTION 1?A7 UJ? T1iE CITY C]iARTEII '1'U V,ICATE A POHTION OF GAIi� DEId AVRNIIF LOf3'CEI1 iN AUDITOR'B 8i7BDIVI3fON N'O. 98 1'Le Counci] oP tlie City of Fridley do ordain as Pollows: e�CTION 1, That all of Gardena Avenue described as Pollows: All that Part aY Gardena Avenue in Auditor's Subdivisi�on No. 92 llhat lies south and eaet oP the fol- ]owing described line: ]3eginnirig at a Doint thirry feet (30') e�ast of the west line of A.uditor's Subdivl- sion Ro. 92 and on the cen[erlina of Gardena Avenue, ae lafd out iii Meloland Gardens extended eas[- erly; thence in a n�orthewsllerly di- rection in a straight line to & Point located in the east line of Lot Cmanty�ight (381, AuditoNS 8ub- division No. 93. of which is located ,sisty-three Paot (63') measured aotrtl�ei9y along said lot ]ine from tha oenterline oT Ga�'dana Avenua as dedicated a.r�d Shown in said Auditor's Bubdivision No. 9� thence terminiating. All lying in the North an�halP (N?/m) of section 24, T-30, 2-°t, Anolca County, StaIe oF Minnas-ota. be and is hereby vacatod. Si'CTION 2. [Che said vacation haa been made a£ter Notice oP Public Heari�g in c�onYOrmanee wiLh ASin- neaota Etatutes and Pursua,nt :o 3ection 1,'3.U7 of Lhe City Charter. Passed by the. City Council ol the CitY of i'ridley, this 6th day of No- vember, 196°; T. F, �1:1G r Y1- � _1TTPST: ,r � /anE' � Marvin C�. � ell City Clerk Firat Reading: t ez 16, 19G3 5econd Reading: no✓zmber 6, 19�3 \L�'vSS: Nov. 16, 1963