Ordinance No. 0221 11-19-1962� • � 1. . _ ORDINAWCF NO. ?91 AN O1tllTNANOI; REL4TLVQ TO �F]HIOLTB� P}LUVITICNQ� PENAL- TSF]B FOIt VIOI,A'P10N, A�D PRU- l�-IPINfx FWt RETfOVAL OF T11F. 1'F.FIICLE. ..The Cauncil aP the City oP Frid- ey m'clains: SECTION 1: So Ocrson sl2all drive, operate or be in ac[ual phpsieal oontrol of anY vehicle concrary Co state la�v; nor 51�a11 viY o�vncr, or person having custody or con- tro] o£ any vehiele lviowingy allou any other yerson to drive, opaca[e or be i[i acWO,l physical cm�tc'ol nC a vehiole� ronlraay Lo 5tata ]am. BECTION 2: No Persmi aliall. stoP� leave standing or Dftt'1. a vchiole. whether a¢ended or unatten3ed, uPOn Che paced, or imP�'ovcd, or main traveled portioii oY a higtnvay wr street when it is nTar.cica] to stap, park ox' lesve suoh vehicle ofE such partimi o[ =aid highway or street. I�i evaty suoLi ecwiq a clear and unobs6ivcted widtli oY at least fiftcen 1'eet (16 Yt.) oi sueh highway or streut o»posite such stan[ling vehicle shall be 7eft for the Yree passage of other cehir,tes. SECTTON: 3. So person shall atoP, or parlc, or 12ace standing a vehi- Ge on a sLrcet m' high�va�y whcvi c7ivtcYed or ordereS to proceed h9 anY Do7ioe ol'licer lnvesLed by law with authority to direct, conri'ol, or regulate ti'afYic. Whenever a�ny street or hiehway s-h��l] be Posted (either tempurarily or peruiantmlly) bY os'3er of I,he ��olice Ym� 1he pur- Poses oP tratlio concrol, rem�val of enow, ice or wa5le, maintonanoe or improvement, m� oLherwise, evidence oF e�ch poeti�g sha]L conallitute prima Pacie evidence o� =_ueh order of the police a��3 iiotice of Che same by a police o[ficer. During the �cin�tec �nontha, eommencing on the fir�t (lst) day oY December ot a�iy year, Co and including U�e 'tirsC (lst) day of AP��7 rof the Yollowin� yeaq whether or not any streek or liighway shaLl Ye poalud, no yeraon ahall stop, p�sr1. or leave standin; a vehicle on sny etceat�or high�vay 1n suoh r anver rs to i�� = fi� ; removal of eno�v, ice or waste on such stree[ or high��ay, whe,i IFound necessarv anQ aPD�'�D�'�ate to [he remov:a] ol' sna�v, ice m' waste, or the pro➢ee conu'ol or� re6ulation oi craP,flq tlie police, by order duly ma.de, puhlivhed anR pusted, may P�'ovide Po�r tlie stop- pi��g, standing and parking oY a vehicle o�n one side af Lhe strqet or hiehway only; a�id tDese�a$er it sha,ll Le unlawPU1 for any person to stop. Ieave standiug oi' ➢arlc a vuh'vu7e con[rary to such xder. pECT10S 4: W�ienever it shall be lbimd neceesaryy tu �the Propop di- recti,�u, oonfrol or regulation of lrallic, m' lm' che x'emaca] oi suoa�, iue cr waete, maintenanoe or im- proccmen[ o[ any ]iighway or Streol, [o remove any vehicle standing on a Iiigl��say or sttaell in the CiLy, then any P��l1ce olJ'icer is au[horized to ps'ovi3e Por Cha re�noval of suoh vehicle aud ha.ve the same removed to the nearest conveniunc garage or other plaoe oY saYety. Any vehicle sWqpe4, ua�9ced or lekl, stamling �on �a��y higlnvay or street in violation of Ilereinabove, rnay ba YeaoveQ upon oost oP removal ar�d storxge oL �he same ch¢r�e3 ao the owner ot thc vehicle, a.s we�] as the Per3on caus- inK such violation. SDCTTON 5: Whc�never any street or l�ibh�vay shall ba so Posted feither [emporarily or permanenl- ly) by artlee ol the Yotice Dep.aoL- ment dnly made and pu�bliel�ed i�or' ���e Pue'pose u1 traiiic cont�'ol, re- �.�oval oY snow, iue or waste, main- lenaiwe m' i:npicve__en[, m' other- wtee, no person nhall stop, pask or ]oave a cehicLe sf:mtliiie unat[ended uP�» such el,reet or highway ir Che CftY ot Fx�idley during' che hou a of 7.:00 o'clock d.]�I. auQ 7:0�� o'oloulc 9 M. inc]usiv�, oC auy rLay .m' a period af c5me in escess a8 tcva (_) hour's. L-'vidence o� such FostinS sha1L cou�titute prima facie e��- cl?nce of sech m'd°r of the Police Del7artment and noiice o2 hhe sa e by a Police ¢Yiees'. It Ls epecillcdlly provided thaL eauh Lwo (�) }iour Veriod in ezoees oP thac allowed b,q law, hereiq Stiall mnscitute a seP�rate enfl disth�ct ofiense. S➢IC'PIDS 8: Whenecer any Oublir. scl�oo] lanc]s, or thc lands and areas or anl' DuUlic R�"e�niiig bod5 �r' authority, custor_rarily or usuall,- open to tr�aP:ic bY the pub'!�c, shall be posted by ordex� o�i' the ech�ol bosrd m' othex' govarnin� body or authorl[y in om�tr.�l m such lantls, Lhen Ic sha71 Ae unlawr;ul to tlr'ive ee o��er�ace or sco➢ leave stancling, ancl P���'k uny vehiole on sueh lande conti'axy to such Pos6ing. 6ECTIOV 7: I: any vehiclB 6ha11 bo ]e,L standing on any hibhway or eteee( in volaHon n; the law kor a period in oxcesa of iwelve (19) hra. [hen the same shall be tlee�ed a creific Ia2P�'1i ient, ancl a.ny uoLice otPiuer authoi�zcd to enYm�ce cli � la�v is autYmrizefl co ❑rovide for ihe re�noval o: 5uc1� vehi�le, and to xvnove cL2e sa�ne Co Che rieare�L convsnient garage or other �ilace of safety. Thia provislo�n shall not authorize Lhe removal ot, any vehi- c1e leo_.� a.�iy ��x�e_nises �ohich are not a part of a su�eec or higLncuy anfl �al�ich is not thereiora ia trabic unPedi ent, anci a1L such Lehicles - ay and shall be ee. oved only by the owner m the lands or as oLheo- v: i.se pravided by law. SLCTIOV 8: A violatian af il�ia or- i{inanae is Punishablc as �a r�.ie- demeanor by Yine uot Eo esoaed �'10�A0 ar by i P�7eun _�nt �.ot m �tu�ed ninety (90) d�YS. 917CT10N 9: This ordinxnce ehail be ia Pull Poroe and ePPect from and afcer publication. Yassed aud '�adopled by [he Ctty otder oF a polioe olficer. and [he i�ouncil a" the City of Gridley ihfa ].917i day of November, 7962. 1'. � � .]i:iG� x aTTli9T nlarv�in (`. ni� Ci[Y Clerl. Fi:±t I'.eading: No . 9G2 - ReconilReading: Nov��19,1962 1'ublish Nevember 33, 19G2 A-r�vs: lvov. 2s -