Ordinance No. 0222 12-03-1962� • • NO. .�. Oli- `.1.Y iHE PEN• Y OF tne�r use, xeqwnng a i,mense, ana Providing a Yenal[y for :i Violation" be amended as follows: (1) That Section 4, Subdivisian u thereof be amended to read here- xfter: "(6) The basie annual license tee for each multiP�e dwellin6 is 526.00; and �n addition thereto for every dmelling unit in oxcess oP three (3) x Iur[her and aciditional fee of $5.00 is required b be p:�id. Such fee ia proxatod (for each month or miaJox part thereof) for any ]ioonae pzriod less than one year." (2) 'Lliat Sec[ion 8, SuLdivieians (a). (b), (o), (fl), and (e) thereof be amended to read hereattec "(a) The building strueture oonsists oi & matc�'ial and composition �vhieh is Lhe same or equal ta brick or s[one veneer in no[ less Chan b0� of i[s cons[ruction and ia 4jrc In nddi[imi to sDace e ar b�iLer oi� othec 01' vEnt�lu[Ing tactl�[tes, an¢ tlpace for laundry room 2,acilitizs, [he buildin@ contains and provides a place of etorage sPace for each dwelling uniL S`uch storage r:t�:ice is loCated in ihc basement ar i��W- est level af [Iie s[ruc[ure and i; a snace providing mt lesa thau k0 sguabe feet oY floor araa for nush dwelling unit in Eha sfrucfura. �He space Ior laundey wo.-n iarilitios to be ➢rovided s}m1l be not ]esa than 20� square 1ee[ ok flo�r area in etruoturea m�taining no! mora H�nn four (4) dwellivg miits, not lcay thxn 360 aquare feet oi xloor area in structures containing no[ mc��b than eight (8) dm'elLing uni��, not less Lhan 450 SqLLar¢ leeL D: fiuur area in structus'es oontniuin� �mt more than bvch�c (1S) dwaili.:g units, n��d not less Yhan 600� sqware feet of floor area ir� structures rnn- taining dwelling units ui uxceaa uf t�v¢IVe (12). 'L9ie aPace u�'ov,tlztl �„r a Pu[nacc or bollsr nr other ' s;.C- i�g om voutl7ath�� ]:urposes sh:ill he nut less thstn that re�uire�l :m4t�r ihe boilding code or fn'e aml �a[aCy regu7ations, m� other applir,ablc ��i- din¢n<e." ••0') One or iYOro �weLliub; u��iia may be lvcatecl in the nssenen[ or lowest level of the buildin� :Irv.c�� Eure bu[ onLy in Lhut s�racc ao� .�o- quired therein for storx�a nr 1'r.�v,t- 3ng ar venti]tztin� purposes or lawidry romn ]:zcili[Les. ➢lficioncy aD�rtr^ents. as denoteA hero�ri be- low, shal] not occupy in totnl more tf�an mie-ha1C oF �,��y seoh resal:i- ing fioor aren in the basc 'enf m� }oucest levei of the atruct3re; aii�i no apartme�t in svch basemnnt or ]owest level shall iLSOU° oontaln mnre than hro hedroome." "(d) Excent ae to such a uuik which is denoted herein as an e[- ficiency allartment, eacli 3welling unit contalns not less than 6�5 sguare Feet in tucal Iloor area if there is one (only) Uedroom in the unit, ami not leas [han G50 s�uare feeL in total 1:loor area iP thera arc� Iwo bad�rooms in the unic,; and whan su�h imlt contains rc�ore than two bedrooms Lhe to[al floor araa ie increased and the unit c�utaina rmt less than 195 s¢u�are Yaet �nore and additional floor area fm� eaclt avch additiona] bedroom. Furtheq no romn therein desig�ia[ed as a bedroom or actu�slly uaed for regu- 1ar sleening purposes cont2ins less tUan 80 sVUare feet oE floor area exclus-ive of walls and partitions, An eYTiciency apartmen[ ie a dwcll- iug mtit w'hich contains not less thau hp0 squane feet of lloor area, but imt moee than 525 square Lee[ of Roor area, in a mul[iple [lwell- ing in which such unit there may ox may not be a senara[e Uedroom. In any atructure containing 4 dwelling units, not �nore than one of such unita ts an effiolency apartmant, ant] in a�y structure cuntalning more than �k dwalting units, not moae than one such elflcienCY u�its is Ioc2ted on any qoar aUOVe the basemen[ or ]owast lavel of [he sttve[urc. "(e) The dwel7inK strncture aite and each Qr:o]ling Uni[ therei� is designed to nroviile adequate and healthf;ul residential livin� sPZce to its occu�iants. Ko unit therein is doaigned or is ac[uaiiy used Ev pro- vide ]iying spaoe �accomodations in less than the Pollowing ratio: 300 or more square fee[ oC flom' area for cach adult in [he unit, and 125 or mare square fee[ oF floor area for each n�imr in the unit. TUe building site land area whieh is �ir�wQe� (an� vpon �vhich such �[rucGUre is erecte�) contains aver and aLOee that min[mu.n area. (otherwise) required for such s[ruc- [m'e (mider the px'ovlsions of U�0 zoning law) Ym�ther anQ additim�a] sl.e area. This kurther and addi- tional la�id site area provided is in a ratio of n�t ]ess Lhan o0U square fee[ (rnor�e) for eaeh bedroom in escess ol' wie in any clwelline nni4 Fm• sUCh PurPOSes each dwelling uni[, includi�g any efiiciency aPart- meiit, regardless of sizo is denme$ to em�tam at leaet one bedr�om, and the totaL ac�.3ltioms7 area to bo pirovided is emn��u[ed aceardingly, (for tho enttre strueture.) 81➢CTIUN 3: Phat except as herein Provlded and amendad, the nrovisions of said ordinaneo rema�n in f�111'orc¢ and ePfeot The annu�a] licet�se ]'ee to he n��t] is and ahal] be ae heraln �ro- vided, and any owner or pees�n wh0 sh217 I�aVe heretoPore pald a tee m excess therPqf, i8 entitled to a rel:u�cl of th3 ¢xcass qiid. The Clei9c and Treosurev of the City ia directocl nml authorizCd t� mako pg9inent of cu^h re,und to the mvner ar ��erson a:- titled thareto upon receivin� a�.crilren request and recei��t theroFOr. .\.iv ��ar- son who shall have heretpfore'u9e4 to com➢15' �+��th said �opolva,n�•.o ;�nd who naverthelass skall ,;omply ��.ith Lhe ordihanee as a�nended witltiti 30 �ays of ���e effectiva daCe oC Ilvie a„ent3m¢n[ i'e deemefl to ��e i�i rrnn� nliance and ',s relieved o[ liabili[y fbr ta�1^�'^ to aamply theretaf�ro. 3,PCTSGN 3: This ordinax�re nn�i the amendmonts contoined tharaiq ehall ba in force attd effec[ Trom m�� a�cer Dublicatio�. Passed and 2doPted by [he C�tv Conncil of the City o'' I`rid]e, Il,is oCd day oP Decembet 14f.A ATTL`ST "n, l:lli3 r 3, 19f3