Ordinance No. 0241 07-15-1963; � � o�zrraxc�, xo. zi�i AN ORDII4ANCE DPGi.dRI'RC3 AN r3�fN�G�NCY UPIDIIi CAARrffit ShCTION 3.06 �rID SrLTION 6.06, TH� CI17 TO CONTRACT F�R TH�: YIIRCHAS� f1ND INSTAL�TION OF A BOOSTr�% STATION AND PR�iSURr: Rr,'DUCTION 3TATION wITfIOUT tiDVri?TISI�'i TH�' SI�ME FOR BIDS. YIHI�%r;AS� that in the Marian Hills area of the City of Fridley and in tha surrovrniing eubdivisions the water pressure has gotten so Iow that the residents therein are unable to properly provide for ordinary domestic aervices, and wH�tEAS, the residente thereof are in need oF iimnediate and e�nergeney aet3on on the part of the Citq of Rridley to remedy the sit- uation in the shortest possible time, ard wHIItr:AS, after investigation by the Conavlting Dngineers for the City of Fridlep, Comstock & Davis� Inc., the�.recoimnend the immediate construction of a booster station and pressure reduction station in the arsa� and WH�EAS, the normal bidding procedure as provlded in the Charter and Ordinances wovld be too lengthy to remedy the emergency that exiata� NOw, TFiEftr�'ORE, the City of Fridley does ordains S�TION 1. An emergency does exist as contemplated by Section 3.06 and Sect�?on 6.06 0£ the Charter of the City oP Fridle,y. S�7CTION 2. That the bidding requirement� of Section 6,06 are hereby waivec3 because of the emergexicy; that it is deemed necessary� therefore, that the City contract and purchase such, necessary' labor and materials i�mrtediatel,y without advertising for . bids for the con�truction of a booster station on 53x'd Avenue ; N.�,� just west of the interseetion with Johnson Street at a cost not to e�cceed �7,200.00, arxl a pressure reduction station on 52nd Avenue N.E,, jnst West of the intersec�ion with Taylor Street at a cosi not to exceed �1,600.00� in aceordance with the plans and speciiications for such improvement as prepared by the Consulting �gineers of the City, Comstock & Davis, Inc., axtd obtain the same by nego- tiations at the best available price to the City. PA53ID AND ADOPPrD AS �I�liGF3�ICY Oi�INANC�; THSS 15th DAY OF JULY, 1963 BY TH& CITY COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF FRIDL�,Y. (�%�� A - w iam . Nee ATT�ST s � �_��� �iP4`��fax�v%n C.- Brtuisell N�W3: July 31, 1963 2. � � �